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Everything posted by Kim0820

  1. So much word. Exactly. Soaps keep doing this; use the amnesia to create a plot point but then have characters act as if it isn't really there. Yes, keeping him prisoner - the amnesia did most of that, not Nina. And the reveal about Mike falling in love with Nina needs to happen before no one cares.
  2. I recently went to visit a client in prison. I had not been to one for a while, so I had an ordinary bra on. They would not let me in, because it had metal hooks! I suggested going braless, but that was not allowed. I had to go into the town and buy a sports bra, the only acceptable thing for a woman to wear into the visitor area of that prison. I kept wondering why Jake was not at his mother's party.
  3. I was thinking that! Jaysus won't shoot him dead, but if he only would! I'd have to be a fan for at least a month!
  4. Suspension of disbelief: show wants us to think that what Michael did (illegal in the real world( is legal and what Nina did (not a crime in the real world) is criminal. They are really trolling us. Nina merely kept a secret. I wish they would not call that "lying." Lying is an active and affirmative action. I suppose the Corinthii could claim emotional distress, but the financial damages would be unrecoverable. Profits from an illegal business.
  5. IMO the actors are directed to talk up whatever they are assigned to do. There's that!
  6. True. Sonny gave her an opening to bring that up to him in the scene, and she didn't. It was absurd that Olivia acted like ending Crimson's lease would be reasonable to do in return for Nina's secret-keeping. Crimson could just get other premises, and Carly would have to look for a new tenant. Another absurdity: Scott claiming he had to catch the divorce papers before they were filed. Soaps make so much out of "signing the divorce papers." That only opens a case in the court - a lot more goes on before the decree, so it was hilarious to think that in soapland Port Charles, the mere filing causes an immediate divorce decree to issue.
  7. In some US states, you can still marry a first cousin. New York is one. They could make a soapy story of it. There's an organization of people who married cousins to stand up for their actions, claiming birth defects are not so much more common and so on. Interestingly, no one has brought any case up to the Supreme Court, as for gay marriage - it is not controversial enough to cause them problems, I suppose. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cousin_marriage_law_in_the_United_States An immigration case could do it based on a case that would be between a naturalized US citizen and a cousin in their country of origin. Immigration authorities base their decision on whether the state they would live in won't recognize other states' cousin marriages. So it could be soapy, with others objecting or commenting. They did one on Guiding Light years ago, but the show didn't deal with it and the comments were all online.
  8. I don't think she could be. There's no law that you must report things, at least, other than suspected child abuse. Nina didn't owe anyone anything. Carly is so entitled to think a woman she has made an enemy of has some duty to do anything for her. They should have been looking for the body. The police would have been in normal world, as any suspicious death is investigated. Carly should have been harassing the cops.
  9. I was thinking that Mooby spent no time with Wylie - show failed to establish that Mooby had a grandfather relationship with Wylie. Agree, props to Curtis for pointing out that they would be punishing Wylie - they are the shebeast are shitty people for using a child to punish Nina rather than thinking of the child. Sonny claiming he missed the Shebeast was absurd. He had amnesia and did not remember her.
  10. I wonder if that is a joke about the contract. What actor would be so ridiculous? What is it to him if the character ever "loses?"
  11. I always wonder what happens - but they always gloss over - when someone comes back from the dead. If it has been long enough for the estate to be probated. Soap opera jurisdictions needs a procedure for that. :) Nikolas appeared to have not had to do anything when Stavros or Stefan came back from the dead. And lately, while Nikolas was "dead" it would presumably have gone into trust for Spencer. That sounds easier to undo. I despise their going on about Nina not seeing Wylie. That has to do with Wylie's best interests, not fights between adults. Shut up, Ned. Dumb viewers get ideas like that (or maybe already have ideas like that) and think they can cut a parent or grandparent out for a kid.
  12. That Mike didn't want to know who he was; that Carly was a witch on the phone and that it wasn't Nina's problem. Mike was happy, not a mobster, Mike was in love with her. If the show is going to have someone do something bad, they try to avoid throwing the character under the bus with remorse - sometimes I think they need to just let characters do wrong and just be wrong. As to cause and effect - amnesia (caused by Sonny's own actions) stole his life and it wasn't Nina's duty to inform the world. If they are going to extend blame to Nina, why stop there is stretching proximate cause? It is Carly's fault too then for being such a beast to Nina on the phone. Mooby's sperm is so potent, sex may not be necessary. :)
  13. Yes, he does not seem to blame the amnesia at all. Every character overlooks that. No one "stole his life," as even had it been revealed, he would not remember the family. They are trying to have it both ways - Sonny gone all that time because of amnesia, but reactions now as if he did not. I wish Nina would defend herself more. The writers are afraid for anyone to do that - but there would be more excitement. I join the idea that Maxie did not have to tell and the mystification why she would - where are they going with this?
  14. Lightning should have struck Mooby when he yelled at Nina for wanting Carly to pay. How many times has Mooby announced that somebody had to pay for something. Hypocrite. If he remembers the Mike parts, then why does he not remember saying he didn't want to know who he was and liked being where he was? Not to mention that had he been told, he would not remember it, so his life was "stolen" anyway by the amnesia.
  15. I'm thinking the whole thing might have been more interesting had Nina told Mike who he was, and Mike was not interested in returning to that life. Then when he remembered, he would be torn. Somehow the writers find the way to make it as dull as they can, when you can see how they could have made it interesting. It would seem the She-beast should confess that she was in love with the Borg a few hours ago. Isn't it lying for her to keep that from Mooby? As the show defines Lying, that is. The Ava story is just a thing that doesn't happen - she'd want to take her child with her rather than leave her with Mob Central. Keeping her safe means leaving her there? The stalker just wants Ava away from Nikolas, so why would stalker care about Avery at all if she was gone with Ava? If Ava leaves, the stalker has what they want, so they would not bother continuing to go after Ava.
  16. It can take quiet a while - my nephew was like that - it is ordinary kid stuff for a while, until he gets to an age where you can tell something is different. Why did they bother with making it more than an MOC? Yesterday it seemed like they may as well not have bothered with that. Maybe there is more coming up.
  17. He didn't remember them, though. Maybe the amnesia story would have been better without NF, since the whole family could experience this person who looks like their father but does not remember them.
  18. This does happen. I have family members who are against medicating a child, even if the child is clearly on the spectrum, or depressed. They insist it's just going to pass or is ordinary kid stuff. The kid is going to be fine - while they pass on all the help the kid could get.
  19. The amnesia stories don't seem to account for the fact that the person does not remember. All the kids who miss Sonny - wouldn't it be more traumatic for them to spend time with Smike? Your dad comes back and he does not remember you? Seems that would be really scary and require a lot of counseling - keeping him away actually makes sense until the kids can be prepared. Even then, younger ones could really be damaged by interacting with such a phenomenon.
  20. Sonny is usually the reason everyone is in danger - but now, he is needed in PC! But then, he does not remember who he is, so how can he carry out Sonny's beneficial effect in PC? LOL. The usual amnesiac story usually has the characters forgetting the amnesiac doesn't remember them, and so does not miss them, love them, and so on. But then, he can still make his super duper special awesome sauce. He remembers that.
  21. September 17 is the anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution - it ought to be unconstitutional for the Borg and the She-Beast to get married on that day!
  22. Seeing Valentine had fed Bailey and she'd spit up on his shirt - gave me an idea. Peter is Bailey/Louise's father, and he'd dead plus evil. Maxie might allow Valentine to continue to act as father. Especially since dialogue emphasizes that he makes a good father.
  23. Yes, we need another Aussie, too. Jax has lost his accent. Jerry's wasn't real. Love hearing that accent. Yes, I thought it strange that if they are Co-chiefs, then it is odd to have one invite everyone out and not ask the other or not have the whole thing start with both of them. And when they ran into her, being bitchy was dumb - nobody would do that, even if they felt that way - it could still have repercussions.
  24. There was at least on prior occasion where Jax wanted her to go and she refused to go and had to have bodyguards. I thought too that who is going to pay him? Working for "himself," one thinks of self-employment, but that is doing something that pays. Where does he have the money for his own place that he said he was going to get?
  25. I was thinking that being self employed, he should have Obamacare. Or married to a nurse, he should be on her employer policy. I forgot he was a veteran, but you are right; he’d be covered there too. Result : dumb plot point.
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