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Everything posted by Kim0820

  1. What does it mean to "block" the scenes?
  2. I thought it would be out of character for Anna to specifically deprive someone of their trial - that was simply murder, showing no care for the law at all. I didn't detect much difference and wonder why they bothered too. Another thing is how did they do it? They went from set to set which you'd think would be hard to do live. They must have more than one set of cameras and whatever else they need, and able to move them into place in time. Sonny had a line about Julian never taking responsibility for anything. His head should have exploded.
  3. And she kept referring to him as Jason in her conversation with Nik. Which can lead her one day to accidentally call him Jason in bed or something.
  4. Yes and he's headed out in a boat by himself. The John, Marilyn and Jett plot - I want to tell them he's 16 and he might change his mind, so they shouldn't be so intense and getting him to dig his heels in. If he really wants to go into the service he will. But I assume he can't do it until he's 18, so why the intense panic? Oscar was good with Andy. Andy's acting a little immature. He, Ash and Billie pushed too far to alter everyone's living arrangements. LOL nice they tell us the baby comes on Monday. I hope Brax is not so stupid about why she's not there. He must know she's nine months pregnant. Soap babies rarely get to be born in a hospital so I imagine John might have to deliver in the car. LOL.
  5. Though I like her, Paige seems over involved here. She's a sibling to all of them. Amber is so dumb. She tells Imogene and that's how it got around. I think it would have been best to wait for the DNA test and tell Josh only if he was indeed the father. Like she said, now there are two potential fathers at every event. I did like Paige calling them out. Saying I am not the one who - slept with their ex because the wedding didn't happen and not the one who ended up in a sewer or whatever Daniel did. Wow Ezra and his son are really bad. Paul is looking angelic. I guess that's why they brought in Ezra - a villain as they redeemed Paul at least a bit. Suddenly Sheila doesn't know how to handle that place. I guess that's to drive some plot and for Ezra to be villainous.
  6. Clem sure is a piece of work. And Ezra for using his teen son to fight his battles. Seriously bad. I like how they do humor, like Toadie and his mother's day presents.
  7. Billie is starting to seem like a stalker. Matt and Maddie didn't hold hands, so that's the end of it, lol. Young people these days. Maybe it's not hopeless? LOL at Evie. Leave well enough alone. Alf is not himself, but typical of that generation that they'd see mental health issues as character flaws.
  8. The way they fail to bring in Liz's parents leaves them out there for her to visit, so it's easier to explain with Liz, too. She can visit Sarah, too.
  9. I agree. Writing in Olivia's pregnancy was so unnecessary. The show at this point does not need another baby and no way does it need one for Olivia and Julian. It would have been easy to write something else. The cast is so big they could have done nothing at all.
  10. I meant he would be urged to go back to Sam because they have a son. I remember it was to cover a pregnancy leave of BH. Liz went to see her parents in Europe, so she could be away while her death was faked. I can't recall the exact scenario, but Helena was involved. Could have been to fool Helena into thinking she was dead to avoid threats from her. Nik was in on it, I think.
  11. I recall these situations on others soaps and probably some others from GH and the amnesiac tends to protest "but I don't know you" sort of like with Hayden. They keep insisting they have no memory. And in those plots sometimes the love interest and other characters know who it is that the amnesiac loved before they lost their memory. The love interest tries to get the amnesiac to remember, other characters try to get them to remember or lecture them to try to remember. But I will concede here they are giving him flashback already, but I don't think he has read into them that much or thought about whether Sam was available and is backing off because he thinks he has feelings for her. He has no idea he is married to Sam and Sam has no idea he's Jason and is making no effort to get him to remember. He wants Liz. When it comes out to him who he is and who he is married to, as with most soap hackery, there's likely to be a period where he wants to stay with Liz because he doesn't remember Sam. Danny will be used to guilt him and he'll try to connect there. Then when he finally remembers, he'll end up with Sam. It would be nice if Ron has him remember his entire life, as the Jason Q. memories aren't going to "ruin" the Jason Morgan character, since Morgan has existed for so long. Another anvil is his attraction for things all things mob. And he's working in the garage like Jason did.
  12. The amnesiac is never understood. Jake has no feelings for Sam. If you told him he was Jason, he'd still have no feelings for Sam. He thought Hayden was his wife and knew he had feelings for Liz, not her. So unless he remembers, it's not anything he wants, because he doesn't remember it. The amnesiac on soaps is always criticized for not loving his or her real love, but since they don't remember, they can't.
  13. Ash sure was aggressive about getting that room for Billie. Like there are no other possibilities to look into? Irene probably has one now. Not sure why Kyle/Billie had to go into the plot. It's not like it would make much difference as the sex was pretty meaningless. So why does he care if she lives there? She was so good he's afraid he'll do it again? Thanks for the wishes Nozycat. Now that we have little Princess Charlotte, it leaves only my niece and Rikki!
  14. I agree about the Paige and Tyler storyline - that's the Dimato one right? Just don't care and want it resolved. The new Imogene and Nate friendship is fun though. Now Paul does not own Lassiters, though he must have a lot of money from the sale. Too bad he can't undo it. The fraud that led to it wasn't by the buyer though. Nice way to bring Ezra back in. I guess he's going to be the new bad guy.
  15. If Jake wants it, that shouldn't be a problem. Or else everyone who had sex with Jason Morgan was doing the same thing, since he didn't remember who he was either. This may be a soap first. Amnesia on top of amnesia. I guess it's too much to ask that they make his recall interesting and include Jason Quartermaine's memories too.
  16. I was thinking she might get some praise here - not for her goals. But the part about the liars and cheaters made me think of Sonny and Carly always winning. So taking that out of its context, it kind of rocked! It was strange how Nicholas didn't want her to tell but then switched over to the other side talking to Liz. Why doesn't he just tell then? I can't even recall what advantage it gives him. The whole thing is illogical. I wonder how long they will drag this out and who will get to be the one to reveal it. Probably Carly.
  17. Oh, thanks nozycat, I tend to forget details over time. The plot where they are doing Gunno's bidding to protect Brax is ridiculous. Boring really. Phoebe running around venting about Kyle is dull too. Nice she is friends with Kat - Kyle is stupid to think that has anything to do with trying to turn them all in. Though in the long run, Phoebe would do all of us a favor if she turned them all in. They can go to jail with Brax and protect him there. LOL, I am waiting for my niece, Princess Kate and Rikki to drop their kids!
  18. I thought that too! So glad they did not drag the Nick thing out longer. And Georgia is back in her job - though the hospital should admit they were wrong publicly. Paul did.
  19. The Ashfords are an improvement on the Braxtons. If I remember right, Ash was framed and so he's not really a criminal.
  20. It amazes me they pick the child as a baby and then they can recite lines when they get to that age! Being around the filming must be a learning experience. I thought the same about the casting of Georgia's mother. I wondered if that actress' mother was an actress to and they picked her. Very good job. Yeah, what is Nick going to do to her? She does actually have cancer. I wonder if he will cure her for real - obviously he really can do that - and it will be redemptive in some way - though what he did to Paul should result in cancellation of his license.
  21. It would be an assault. Any touching of another person's body that is unpermitted is at the least offensive touching and the touching does not have to be direct and would include this drugging. I agree - it has little to do with malice towards actor, it's just about the writing. And actors likely don't expect to stay forever, as it is in the nature of their business to go from project to project for the most part. I like her in the late 90s and early 2000s when she was much more of a lawyer. They had her referring to court appearances and depositions. They may have even consulted a real lawyer for a scene where she prepared Zander to testify in court. Of course I always laughed at how thin her files were and how much she could do with mere phone calls, but they at least made some effort. Now, not so much. The scene with Julian and Jakeson was a real effort to drop Jason anvils - but we already know he is Jason. Might have been more effective to with Sonny, as Julian doesn't have the long term association with Jason. He maybe did not even know him? I think Jason was gone by the time Julian came to town, or defiantly was gone before Sam learned Julian was her father.
  22. I googled that! There was no trench warfare in Vietnam. It was a jungle there. In world War I there were, so that would have been meant to approximate Gallipoli, I suppose. Yes, having Alf leave the hospital was dumb and what's the point? They could have simply written that he was released. Or brought the service to the hospital - not visually interesting though. Yes, they had Spencer go and I think without casting his parents, unless I missed something. Funny they did cast Maddie's mother for her non-leaving. That actress looked so familiar. Maybe she had a role in Neighbours. Phoebe and Kat are friends now, lol. Phoebe has had a lot of female friends to support. I recall that scene of Kat looking at a diamond ring, so I'm thinking dead fiancé. Though what would that have to do with not wanting to be seen with a man in public or gossiped about - I guess that will all come out. It is good too that she got past that and let herself be seen with Nate in public.
  23. Bailey is really going off the rails. Though he did just lose his father. Great scene between Lauren and Lou. Kind of out of character for Mark not to be able to take care of himself. Or maybe he merely wants more of Naomi's attention than her employer gets. But then wouldn't he know (think) Paul has cancer now, so his cold is not such a biggie? They are sticking him with the stereotype of men being big babies when they get sick with a cold! LOL the chanters of Robinsons Mayor!
  24. Most soap children are recast though, as adults. It seemed to be a sort of rule with them; once past teen into adult, they went with an adult actor. They went out of their way to find a new Maxie. Nik example was one I used to show no recast is forever; both he and Lucky have come back after a recast. Lucky had the part as a kid and later came back. After 2 other recasts. So a new Robin is not going to mean KMc can't ever have the part back if she wants. She could even replace the recast a la "New Greenlee."
  25. Yes, I think you are right - Alf could barely bring himself into the Vietnam exhibition. It will be a story line for him.
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