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Posts posted by anonymousgirl

  1. It's not just  Hiromi it's the culture. While some things have improved in recent years maybe due to social pressure? , theres's still a major stigma attached to having disabilities, especially in other countries. You're considered a curse if you are disabled that a person must have done something wrong to deserve the disability or any type of mental illness.   There are separate schools and communities for the disabled, Beautiful life is good Japanese drama. it fictional but it shows a dis woman struggle in Japan of course it's not perfect but it does show her struggles. it only has 11 episodes

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  2. Quote


    Next episode

    Elena introduces John Tucker to her homeland; Hiromi hopes to convince Elena to stay; Cristina moves into her own apartment; Megan must choose between Sean and being without a boyfriend.


    I'm looking forward to seeing Elena in her homeland her and John make cute friends I hope she does a live video. I'm tired of how they are portraying Megan next season they should focus on her friendships and buissness 

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  3. 9 hours ago, princelina said:

    You are right, but there do have to be some parameters for it to work.  Neither a wheelchair nor a learning disability impedes social interaction the way other disabilities can.  And I'm not just talking about DS or mental retardation- we had a deaf girl in my middle school for three years. She was a pretty girl who didn't appear to be different in any way, but she was accompanied at all times by an adult interpreter, which affected how she was treated - 8th grade girls who want to gather together and giggle about things like the boy they kissed or the other questionable things they did don't want to do it with a girl who has an adult anchored to her side!


    I remember having in aid at schools we were together since 2nd grade.  I don't remember if that turned off others or not but most thought she was my mom. I remember we would eat lunch during HS in a classroom with a bunch of other aids and some children. It was interesting to hear them gab about their charge. I would also have PE  with the others with very severe disabilities and mentally handicapped children. Some of the kids were really sweet, This one girl I was very weary of though because she very baby like and would throw her tantrums and things randomly. They had their own classroom , but my school also had best buddies wheres some of the 'normal children' would sign up and kind of be friendly towards the other children with sever disabilities read to them etc. Some genuinely wanted to help.

    I also remember  going to events with the other disabled children at different schools. I remember I didn't like it because I thought we were on display  because some of the "normal kids" would sign up and just watch us.

    Speaking of social interaction my father has a tendency to want me to pair up with other disabled people thinking we could just get along just because of our disability. It's slightly annoying and when I started to  have an interest in other guys he thought they'd be disabled too. I love him, but he is so backwards sometimes 

    • Love 6
  4. 13 minutes ago, Bastet said:

    Sean likes every woman who crosses his path.  How many has he declared to be his future wife?  The two Megans - "our" Megan and Meghan Trainor - at least.  I wouldn't wish Sean on anyone.

    Megan is the same way with Tyler Perry, how she had a crush on him and he married or had a baby with his gf she cried  and ate ice cream she also in her older twitter accounts she use to refer to herself as Tyler Perry's wife.

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  5. Yay, more Elena. I'm so glad she has her job and I'm proud of her for not having breakdown when things get overwhelming during the job . I also liked how she tried giving Megan advice about letting go. I can't wait to see her trip to Japan and see her interact with family and maybe see her wear a kimono. Maybe she can finally pick up her computer she inherited from her uncle.

    • Love 6
  6. when megan and Sean first said hi to each other it came off as a bit scripted and awkward you would expect awkwardness from megan and Steven not her and Sean. I don't what to think of certain situations, it seems so scripted at times. Heck even megan says she likes being on the show because she gets to be a diva. 

    I noticed the triangle of Steven, megan, and sean=mess. kris has it right to tell megan not string Sean along and she needs to keep at it. Hmm I don't think she's crying over Steven because her heart broke I think she's upset because in her mind he took away the dreams of having a marriage and baby until she finds the next guy ya know? 

    I can't help but think  If Steven were a girl people wouldn't have crucified him so much . she was acting aggressive with kisses and kept trying trying to touch him those things made him feel  uncomfortable especially on a third date, and it turned him off.  I think both Steven and megan.  both confuse love with an intense like 

    I'm glad that got to be  educated about intimacy but the whole thing felt like a setup. Although I will say it opens peoples eyes that people with DS do have physical  intimate relationships. 

    I wish the show would focus on other things. Wish we  saw more of Elena  

    Has anyone ever watched the documentary Monica &david their a coupe with DS who get married etc

    • Love 4
  7. 1 hour ago, Former Nun said:

    My thoughts exactly.  Because he lived in another state, she didn't see him upset (if he was upset).   I hope producers aren't driving some of Megan's comments and behaviors.

    Here's a good example from Poster KBrownie:   And every time Megan makes sure to look directly at the camera and recite one of her lines makes me question just how sincere she really is.  She did it tonight when she was facetiming Steven.  She's supposed to be all broken up, but she makes sure to talk directly to the camera with her line: "This is complicated."

    Either that or she was looking for someone to validate her emotions or to have her back via the production crew. Which reminds me of another moment she was complaining how Steven broke up with her via FaceTime, yet  she did the same thing with her ex. I understand it was long distance, but when he was visiting she should have the decency to have the convo then I think ... Maybe she doesn't realize it because of her DS or may not be able to comprehend certain things, but she uses double standards, or comes of as hypocritical during situations. Heck, most grown adults don't like rejection or admitting when their being hypocritical  She wasn't the only one hurt ya know? I think she may be crying over Steven, but also maybe realizing she doesn't have her ex either if any of it is true.

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  8. I'm kind of confused when Kris said Megan was going through this for the first time as far as I know this wasn't her first breakup, but maybe a first rejection? Megan  didn't even act this way with her longterm boyfriend.  So Its ok for Megan to braakup with somebody but when  someone does it to her its not ok?   Megan is trying to paint him as a bad guy  with the group he is not, he was honest with her least he did  didn't string her along and cheat on her.I'm not sure why she is acting like this after three dates? Unless the went out longer and it wasn't presented that way In the show?  kris is right  she should learn to be happy with herself first and mature a bit, but I see her and Sean chasing after each other in the previews apparently, she doesn't like to be alone it seems.  Most of the  people  in the group I think need some specialized guidance in relationships because they Both sounded confused about what it means to be in a relationship, dating, vs seeing each other 

    With all that said I'm still not sure how real  their relationship was and like I said  I don't think any of the cast members should 'date'  wether they realize it or not they are co workers on a show and I don't think they should mix work with pleasure so to speak. Any real breakup would make their' work environment'  awkward  with everyone and strained and I'm not so  sure  they can maturely handle that, most adults can't. 

    I'm glad we got to see Elena some Hopefully now we can focus on other things on the show .

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  9. I don't think any of the cast members should 'date'  (I'm not sure how real their relationship was.)wether they realize it or not they are co workers on a show and I don't think they should mix work with pleasure so to speak. Any real breakup would make their' work environment'  awkward and strained and I'm not so  sure  they can maturely handle that, most adults can't. 

    • Love 6
  10. I think its better for Steven to be truthful than to have Megan strung along. its obvious they want different things she wants marriage and he said he just wants sex in the  past, its obvious they wouldn't have lasted.  With all that said I don't know real their relationship was or was it just for the show?  Either way she doesn't seem to take the rejection too well as she  was throwing a tantrum after their talk about the end of their relationship   and she starts  throwing things  around in the previews.

    I like the insight in John's and his Dad's relationship. I can understand theres seems to be a disconnection in that relationship, perhaps more due to his dad age than anything, but his dad does seem proud and supportive. I missed Elena she wasn't in this episode. 

    • Love 1
  11. I don't know with the TM cast members canceling book signings at the last minute . I seem to remember Kail did this as well without notice. Unless they are very ill or have a family emergency, It seems very unprofessional of them. They should at least notify people a day before via social media, so people don't waste their time

    • Love 3
  12. I like how Elena has realistic goals trying out to be a barista and maybe end up being a baker for the store, you can see it was frustrating for her, but she held it together.  If she continues she will gain some confidence in her job. 

    About how Elena acted at the Fish store,  yes she came out too forward, but she was mostly making those comments because of kris. At least she stopped herself once one of them said they had a family, etc. Perhaps, she will fix that behavior when she sees this episode. She says she watches and thinks of ways to improver her behavior because she embarrassed by some of her actions on the show sometimes. She seems fairly independent so I don't know how much she is shadowed by her mom or a companion.

    Christina, she reminds me myself  wanting to get independent and learning things, she seems slightly high and mighty when picking apartments though, or was it frustration and nerves. I don't know 

    I have no comments on the Megan&Steven thing. 

    • Love 2
  13. A bit of a personal  post I made on  another forum

    I’m all for Ali being happy, but its like Dr. Tsao's pointed out. It's not that Ali is incapable of walking, it's that she shouldn't because it will deteriorate her muscles faster.

     I just worry about Ali’s emotional heath with type of comments her parents make to her and to the public. Now, I don’t exactly hold this against them as a parent they do not want their children to suffer and I guess they find a type of solace in their faith, understandable given their circumstances

    The way Leah and Cory act with the healing prayer reminds me of my childhood. I was born disabled and when was younger, My mom and I myself envisioned us climbing mountains together, etc. So we would pray and ask God to heal me. Until one day as a kid I told Mom and my family to not pray for that anymore and to put that dream away. I told them that I was ok with myself and I think God was Ok with me too.

    Which reminds me of another personal instance now and then I will run into people who will pray for me and think they can heal me. One day I was eating at a buffet and this lady asked to pray for me and said sure but she comes and touches me on the head and starts praying oddly she kind of scared me. She thought the Holy Spirit worked with or something , Anyways after she though of the days I should try walking and she gave us pamphlets and left. Needless to say I lost my appetite 

    I’m not sure if Ali will ever come to the same conclusion/acceptance as I did or if she might end up feeling a type of blame for herself once she realizes things will only get worse, like I can picture her in the future questioning what she has done wrong in God's eyes to deserve this? I can also see her being angry in the future or holding a type of resentment by not accepting her MD, I hope that is not the case though. I wish Ali the Best. I hope one day Ali understands that it is Ok to be different/disabled, because right now I think the message her parents unknowingly sends Ali is to not accept MD or her circumstances and that can easily be fixed with faith…

    • Love 14
  14. Babs Version of Court/Custody



    She only wants the best for her family. Barbara Evans spoke with Us Weekly about her recently settled custody agreement with daughter Jenelle Evans over the Teen Mom 2 star’s 7-year-old son, Jace.

    “I just want people to know that I'm not trying to keep Jace away from my daughter. I have to protect him from certain situations. I don't hate my daughter,” Barbara tells Us. “All of this was because I love Jace. Jace has a great life at my house: He's going to school — he finishes in a couple weeks — he has friends now, he's in Boy Scouts and he's going to summer camp! He's so excited for that.”

    As documented on MTV’s hit docuseries, Jenelle, 25, signed over custody of Jace to her mom in 2010. Prior to their new custody agreement, Jenelle and Barbara frequently argued over the young mother spending time with Jace, as the 16 and Pregnant alum did not have court-mandated visitation rights.

    On Wednesday, May 24, the Brunswick County Clerk of Court in North Carolina told RadarOnline.com that Jenelle and Barbara came to a mutual agreement. While Jenelle didn’t regain full custody as she had hoped, the MTV personality — who is also mom of son Kaiser, 2, with ex-fiance Nathan Griffith, and daughter Ensley, 4 months, with current fiance David Eason — was given more visitation time with her eldest son.

    “I think that in the end, our whole family will be very happy,” Barbara tells Us of the agreement. “My main concern was that my daughter and I would have a very drawn out court battle, and luckily that was not the case. I love her and don't want to fight with her in a courtroom! It actually went much more smoothly than I could have hoped.”

    According to Jenelle, she will have Jace on the weekends, holidays and during the summer. “I’m not restricted to when my mom says I can have my son,” she told E! News on Wednesday. “And at the moment that’s all I care about. just want to spend time with my son. He will be home one day, but today wasn’t the day, sadly."

    Despite their optimism about the future, Barbara tells Us that her relationship with Jenelle is still tense. “It’s very, very strained right now, as it usually is. She hates me. I think as time goes on, it will get better between us,” the North Carolina resident says. “I have to believe that because she's my daughter. I'm not sure why Jenelle doesn't see that I have the best home to raise Jace in. … I do not think Jenelle is putting Jace's well-being before her happiness. Of course she wants Jace to live with her, but she isn't thinking that my house may be a better place, especially while she's with David.”

    Barbara adds, “Everyone on my side of the family [is] on my side. David's side of the family is pretty much not on my side.”

    Still, Jenelle's lawyer Dustin Sullivan tells Us that his client is content with the custody agreement. "We were pleased with the result of everything as well," the attorney says. "It was a long process from filing to having a our chief judge sign off on the order took over a year and a half. These types of cases aren’t handled very quickly typically. I think as a result of a year and a half of working on the case, I think it was a good result for everyone involved."

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  15. I don't doubt that Barb drinks, but Jenelle thinks this is evidence, for Barbs alcoholism? I don't see any evidence of her being drunk? Just evidence of Barb and the kids being harassed/stalked. Barb possibly needs a restraining order against her daughter, but that won't work due to custody Jenelle does not look good in this. 

    Jenelle is not being mature doing this in public and in front of her kids. she didn't do this out of worry, but to make make Barb look bad because she lost and this is her 'revenge.'  The timing of the release of this video is suspicious. She doesn't even acknowledge Jace. it's Jenelle who looks unstable

    • Love 8
  16. I would say Elena is quite independent given her condition, she cooks , dresses herself, and lives in a group home She did try living independently and it didn't work out for her, I think her mother said it was dangerous because she would go out at night and felt lonely, that and she eats too much on her own ad her group home helps monitor that. One of herdifficulties is her ability to reason and concept of time.  Anyways, that's more than I can say for Megan or even myself :P


    Heres an interesting article about Elena makes you think a bit:


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