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Posts posted by Schnickelfritz

  1. Speaking of Dark Side of the Moon, has anyone here tried playing the album (on loop) while watching The Wizard of Oz? When you sync the album with the movie, there is a pretty fun synchronicity. Start the album at the 3rd lion's roar, mute the movie (subtitles if you want to follow the dialogue) and let 'er rip!

    The Schnicklet and I have done this a few times. The album is his favorite so it's a fun way to waste a couple of hours.

    *Being slightly sozzled doesn't hurt the experience

    • Wink 1
    • LOL 1
  2. 9 hours ago, Netfoot said:

    But this is sort of what I was asking. Does anybody know of a commercially available product like this? I'm pretty sure I've never heard about any such. But why not? If you like milk (which I do, and I'm probably not alone) and given that you can already buy strawberry, vanilla, chocolate and other flavours of milk, carbonated milk drinks seem to be pretty obvious.

    There is a brand called Lotte Milkis that is exactly carbonated soda. It's available in Asian markets (I think it's a Korean brand). There are several flavors fun flavors, such as melon, strawberry, mango. It's really popular in Hawaii (lived there for quite awhile).

    10 hours ago, Netfoot said:

    1) can you think of any dishes that that you might find on the menu if you went out for Chinese food, that contained cheese?

    Crab rangoon (not really a Chinese dish, but...)

    • Like 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, ChiCricket said:

    Not looking forward to the coming invasion of the crunchy critters. 

    My cat is! Nothing she finds more tasty than a cicada. She loves to bring home the headless bodies. Really wish she wouldn't share.


    • Mind Blown 1
    • LOL 17
  4. I feel like I am asking myself to the party without benefit of invitation, but could someone please DM me with alternative sites for meeting? I rarely post but I do read this forum with great regularity. The sense of togetherness and support has been very important especially during the past summer. To be able to leave the "real world" for a few minutes everyday, enjoy the snark, worry about others and enjoy this community means the world.



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  5. 6 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    You know, I've had my issues with what the censors bleep out in my Law & Order shows, but for goodness sakes! Why in the world would Amazon Prime, bleep out Vonnegut when Angela mentions "Kurt Vonnegut" in season one?! For the life of me, I can't suss out any swear words or something that is bleep worthy!

    I think the subtitling couldn't figure out the word Vonnegut. The character of David clearly says the name, but it shows up as XXXX on captions.

  6. 41 minutes ago, Syringa Vulgaris said:

    Where the hell did all the shopping channel forums go??? Cannot find, arrrrrgh! Sorry to threadjack, but I can't find where else to go!

    It was permanently shut down.


  7. Last night's episode was Hoarders Canada episodes #1 and 2. Surprise....

    Nope, I'm wrong. Wrong David... Don't know where it falls in the scheme of things.

    • Useful 1
  8. 3 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Next Monday 4 March, is new "Lori", who is hoarding her house with her son living there. ) Every source I can find says this season has 8 episodes including the Where are they Nows.  So, I guess this episode will be the last one. 

    My DVR says that this is an episode of Hoarders Canada. Doing a little digging, Lori is episode 3 and 4 of Hoarders Canada that originally aired (in Canada) last March.

    • Useful 1
  9. On 1/29/2024 at 6:37 AM, Netfoot said:

    G'morning, everyone!

    And... we're back!

    Hope everyone is still doing well. That was entirely too long. Also hope I'm not the only one giving the website another shot after that very rude interruption.

    Netfoot - hope you have been taking notes about all of your and Mo's adventures last week and will share them soon.

    • Like 5
  10. 29 minutes ago, dttruman said:

    For what it's worth, I think the Justice Channel is no longer carrying the Perry Mason TV episodes anymore, nor are they carrying the Matlock TV episodes also.

    In our area, starting the 5th, the line-up changes to various judge shows during the day and Perry at 2-6pm (central), Matlock 6-10pm, Perry 10-2, Matlock 2-5(am). Perry is scheduled for all day Saturday the 10th. Can't see the schedule past that. Until then, Perry and Matlock are on continuous loop.

  11. On 6/4/2022 at 11:12 AM, dubbel zout said:

    I remember visiting the Met after reading that and asking about the Angel statue, and I was crushed to hear it didn't exist; Konigberg made it up. I was one of thousands of kids who asked about it, I'm sure. And the Met likely got a nice admissions bump from the book. It was made into a movie with Ingrid Bergman as the title character (not the files!), but I can't find it anywhere these days.

    I know it's been ages since this was posted but I wanted to let you know that the movie is available on Amazon free with ads under the title, From The Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. I think it was originally called The Hideaways. (or vice versa). Search title with Ingrid Bergman and you'll have it.

  12. 12 hours ago, Netfoot said:

    But tonight I am listening to Paradise By The Dashboard Light, an almost operatic duet performed by Meatloaf himself and the stunning and gorgeous Ellen Foley.

    I can't help but insert myself into the discussion. I had the great pleasure of seeing Meatloaf in concert in 1994. During Paradise by the Dashboard Light, his daughter Pearl sang the Ellen Foley part. Yes, it was kind of creepy. (I think she was only 19 or 20) She has a stunning voice though, and they were having such great fun, that you kind of ignored the underlining story while singing at the top of your lungs. Fantastic concert!

    Here's hoping that you all have a happy and healthy New Year!

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  13. 1 minute ago, Netfoot said:

    Right up to the next change in the terms of service...

    But let's have faith in the corporate world to have our best interests at heart rather than those of their political paymasters.

    I'm absolutely sure they have nothing but our best interests at heart.... (sorry, laughing so hard, I'm having a coughing fit...) 😏


    • Like 1
  14. 10 hours ago, Netfoot said:

    Which brings me to another matter I have heard about but find very hard to believe. I've heard that one of the US cellular providers (T-Mobile?) Will now fine you if you say anything in your text messages that they don't like. Fineable "speech" to include any unacceptable texts about political, 2A, pro life/choice, etc, stuff they disagree with. Fines anything up to U$3,500 per offending text. You'll want to adopt one of the messaging apps that is end-to-end encrypted. I'd suggest Telegram over WhatsApp because the state has their hand so far up SuckerBorg's ass they literally use him like a sock-puppet. But you do you...

    The cellular carrier will reportedly fine third-party messaging accounts up to $2,000 if they send spam, “social engineering messages or illegal content,” according to Vonage, which uses the T-Mobile network.

    “These changes only impact third-party messaging vendors that send unlawful or unallowed commercial mass messaging campaigns for other businesses. The vendors will be fined if the content they are sending does not meet the standards in our code of conduct, which is in place to protect consumers from illegal or illicit content and aligns to federal and state laws.”

    T-Mobile said in a statement sent to Cord Cutters News.

  15. 52 minutes ago, Netfoot said:

    I thought of that. But last year I gave her a nice, tamarind bowl. I don't have anything like that I could give her this Christmas. If I had - or could make - something a little different, maybe I would. But I don't think I can come up with anything. I've been scratching my head for ideas and so far, nothing has occurred to me. The Quality Street as a family gift was easy, because I give the same gift every year.

    I asked Mr Schnickelfritz for ideas for lathe turned gifts (his second job is woodworking on a lathe) and he suggested

    1) a bracelet

    2) a rolling pin

    3) a candle holder

    4) a yarn bowl

    5) wooden ornaments (such as snowman (or a sandman in your case), Christmas tree, gnome or just a drop shape)

    6) ring box

    7) honey dipper

    He actually started rattling off multiple ideas but I was trying to do simplest that didn't involve buying other parts (like a pen). We also live in snow country, so not everything he was thinking of was appropriate for island life...

    Would have answered sooner but I was down a deep rabbit hole listening to Tammi Terrell.

    • Like 2
  16. 12 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Last night was stunning.   A woman drove into a ditch, didn't know how she drove there, couldn't say where she was coming from, and was obviously impaired.   When they took her to the station for testing, she was over four times the legal limit.  They had her taken to the hospital for treatment.   Husband came to the scene, and didn't seem too surprised she was being taken by the police.  Sad situation, at least no one was injured. 

    It was telling that he at first refused to come to the scene and they lived right down the road. Dealing with functioning alcoholics is not fun at all. Hopefully she gets the help she needs AND loses her license for a good long time (and stops driving)

    • Like 4
  17. 12 hours ago, kathyk2 said:

    American Monster made me furious, If the courts had paid attention to Michelle and kept her ex husband in jail Kay would still be alive.

    How about the irony of Kay testifying for Matt at his first trial for the attempted murder of Michelle? Did she listen to any of the other testimony? A whole lot of sadness...

    • Sad 3
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