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Posts posted by LongtimeYRfan

  1. 3 hours ago, JasonCC said:

    So Jack would be related to Chance...........but not Devon or Mackenzie.

    Yep, Jack would be related to Phillip Chancellor III (half-brother) AND Phillip4/Chance (nephew).

    Jill & Phillip Chancellor II produced Phillip 3 

    Phillip 3 & Nina produced Phillip4/Chance

    So far they are the only actual blood Chancellors we know of.


    Brock Reynolds is the son of Katherine Chancellor & Gary Reynolds, Kay's 1st husband

    MacKenzie is Brock's daughter and Katherine's granddaughter


    Tucker was a result of Katherine having an affair while she married to Gary Reynolds with Judge Arthur Hendricks.

    Tucker had a one night stand with a crack addict groupie nicknamed Candy Cane, later known to be Yolanda, which produced Devon.

    Both births were illegitimate (double bastard), and the father's didn't know they existed until years later, so Devon didn't carry either name.

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  2. 6 hours ago, Toomuchsoap said:

    Yes. Bizarre indeed. And there is the little business of Devon having given Jill the money to buy Chancellor back from Victor or Jack or whomever held it after Katherine willed it to Victor after she died. Did MY not do a little research after he arrived on the scene a couple of years ago? Apparently not. I don't believe for one second that Devon would be okay with handing the company off to someone else without putting in at a very minimum his two cents worth if not more about this, and it doesn't even begin to deal with the fact that his biological father - and you, know, Katherine's son FFS - might have a little something to say about this as well, along with the other blood-related members of Katherine's family like her granddaughter and her grandson. I call bullshit on this stupid development. It doesn't deal with the reality of Katherine's legacy company and family members. And the stupidest - not to mention the most totally out of character shit I've seen in years is Jill of all people just blithely waving buh-bye to a company she fought and schemed to run for decades.


    I've never seen Y&R go back and note that a small detail, such as a loan has been paid off, years after the main story line but.....it wouldn't matter if Jill hasn't paid back all of Devon's loan. After a sale any money owed Devon would be paid out to him. Just like when you sell a house with a mortgage. The mortgage company does not have any say on who you sell it to, and neither would Devon.

    Since Jill bought the company from Victor, and did not inherit it from Kay, she really doesn't have to answer to anyone. But the point is Jill would never sell it. She has always thought of the legacy of everything Chancellor, especially when it came to Phillip's offspring Phillip III & Chance. They were the ones who would've had part of Chancellor Industries if Katherine wouldn't have killed their father/grandfather.

    I don't understand what Tucker/Devon interest would be.  Kay screwed the Philip heirs by killing their dad/grandfather, and the Reynolds heirs by cheating them out of a fair share in the will. Devon got 5X the cash, more than an equitable share of Kay's fortune. He should be more than set, he had enough to buy and start the his own namesake company. He hardly even knew Kay, much less have feelings about her company.  Tucker wouldn't care, he's the one who tried to destroy Kay's company in the first place, he never had in feeling for it.

    • Love 9
  3. 2 hours ago, miamama said:

    Jill would never sell Chancellor. But show doesn't want Jess Walton around in any real capacity so it makes no sense for a non-character to own one of the major businesses on canvas. They need to bring Chance back. Devon should buy it. He should live in Kay's house. And then Chance should come back and say fuck this. Devon is Kay's grandson, no relation to Philip Chancellor. Chancellor should be MINE. So should the house. 

    And Devon can say "My grandmother built the company up for years after Philip died...

    Then Chance can snap back with: "Seriously Devon? Phillip wasn't given a chance to build his company up. My grandfather didn't just die, your grandmother murdered him! Now get out, you have already been given more than your fair share for your blood connection, Kay left you 5X the money Brock & Mac received, be happy."


    Chancellor Industries was never really an onscreen business, Kay did her business on the mansion set. Whenever they used Chancellor in story they would pair it up with Jabot or Newman. It was always worked in because another huge onscreen corporation was never needed.  If they didn't want to use JW, they should have had Jill working out of a Chancellor headquarters in Chicago, and coming back to visit periodically. It be much more believable than Jill on some never ending vacation, or having her turn into Florence Nightingale.

    IMO it's a mistake not to use Jill. At the very least she should be used at Doug Davidson type levels. Besides Phillip III, no other character is mature enough for that mansion, or has been storied in to belong there yet. Jill should be in GC facilitating the transition, and setting up the next generation. We saw how awkward it was when Billy was all the sudden the owner. 

    My idea would be bring back Chance. Jill mentors him into running Chancellor. (Billy & Cane can work there too if they want.) Hillary and Devon are the road to getting back together, until she meets and instantly falls for Chance. Hillary becomes pregnant & marries Chance. Hilary has the $, the Chancellor heir, and that prestigious Chancellor last name, but she's still drawn to Devon. Chance and Devon go into a never ending rivalry with Hillary continually stirring the pot.

    • Love 14
  4. 39 minutes ago, NeverLate said:

    So Jill is home( no mention of the park) she wants to sell Chancellor,  and take off again, oh, and give to the needy..very Jill( not)..

    It was simply BIZARRE!

    Jill's been written out of character many times, but never this badly. The only thing recognizable about Jill on that episode was Jess Walton. Selling Chancellor is all the sudden "just business"? That's was Tucker's line Mal, and complete opposite of Jill.  With Jill owning Chancellor was never about business. Everything has been intensely personal for Jill since day one.

    Jill has no interest in business anymore, she has zero drive, or ambition, and doesn't have any concern about Kay (or Phillip's) Chancellor legacy, or the legacy of the Philip Chancellor's offspring, or even of Billy or Cane really. Her side of the conversation with Billy, Cane, and Jack felt like something like Tracy, Brock, or Mac would say. 

    Maybe she's scheming??? That would be a fun twist, but it didn't sound like it. If she ends up selling Chancellor, she'll be Jill in name only, because like Kay, the Jill I watched for the last 40 years would do everything in her power to keep control until death.

    • Love 12
  5. I'm not surprised that they are done with Kevin since they never seem to know what to do with him. He seemed more like Chloe's brother, so I was never into them as a couple. I thought Kevin & Jana were cute. But honestly that's the last time I cared about him.

    What's odd is that they are letting us know so early. If someone is let go, don't they usually tell you after they're done taping?

    Does this mean Victor tampered with the DNA test and Billy is the father after all? Victor hates Billy with a passion, and messing w/him & DNA tests is right up his alley.

    • Love 5
  6. Does the age really matter anymore? Phyllis was just cast 15 years younger. Phyllis used to spar with Jill when Billy was an infant. Now she and Billy look the same age. Between all the SOARASing and re-casting many of them are way off the mark.  I try not to think about it anymore, it was driving me crazy for awhile.

    Zach looks about the same age as the guy who used to play Chance they don't need to age him up. Phillip III has been away so long he could be re-cast a good 10 to 15 years younger too.

    • Love 4
  7. 3 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

    People are guessing Kyle. Not a bad choice if it is.

    It say's his name is Zach. You think it will really be Kyle instead?

    I'd rather it be Chance. Genoa City could use a living Chancellor.  There are too many new characters right now. One of these newcomers should be a re-cast for a legacy character. We would already be invested in them.

    • Love 2
  8. 2 hours ago, jewel21 said:

    I'm so beyond happy Kevin is Bella's father! I was really hoping he would be. He adores Bella, was great with Delia, and would make a great father because he knows exactly what not to do. Basically, do the exact opposite of Terrible Tom. Billy on the other hand is useless, both as a human being and a father.

    Show just better not recon the paternity reveal at a later date.

    DNA tests can change with the writers and since the same writers had Kevin ruled out, then a few months later Kevin revealed as the Dad, this one should be ripe for the picking.

    There is no reason it had to be Billy or Kevin. Supposedly Pratt had Chance as the father. As much as I didn't like his stories, his outcome would have been the best. Bella should have been a Chancellor. Esther should have been the grandmother to a Chancellor. Jill & Esther should be sharing a grandchild.

    Where's the drama with the chipmunk raising Bella? There are no complications, family issues, or shared history. He can't even pull off a successful pairing. He wasn't the love of Chloe's life.  Did they name him the father because they have nothing else for Kevin to do?

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