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Posts posted by LongtimeYRfan

  1. It looks like Jess is retuning so I'll be watching again. I miss Jill on this show.

    This was taken off Amelia Heinle's Instagram but she's deleted it. I think it's because it reveals Chance is alive. If you look at the part of the banner behind them it looks like they are celebrating a return of Chance.796491782_JillChancereturnfromdead2.thumb.jpg.566795c11098fd86bb70c03a265579e9.jpg


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  2. On 8/27/2021 at 8:07 PM, TobinAlbers said:

    Chance being MIA has ruined his character. The show will have to do more work salvaging him than if they’d just recasted him with Melissa’s husband. And Chance was a great, believable good guy. Now he’s gone the way of Frisco Jones on General Hospital as a world saving deadbeat dad and lousy husband.

    Awww, I hope they don't ruin Chance's character with this awful storyline, it's already done enough damage. It takes away shared first baby experiences for three couples in love... Mariah/Tessa...Abby/Chance...Devon/Amanda (or Elena).

    If Chance is undercover he's probably playing one of the bad guys. Whatever group he infiltrated is going to blow up a building, kidnap a governor, or something like that. He can't just pick up and leave because Abby somehow produced a full term baby in 5 months.

    But I suppose Chance being a deadbeat dad is a way for Devon to get custody of his son. I have no problem with that, I'm more interested in Chance having his own son than watch him raising Devon's . I'm waiting for Chance to have Phillip Chancellor the V, or for some young women from his past to appear in GC with him. It would continue the history of classic Y&R for me.

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  3. 7 hours ago, basiltherat said:

    Wouldn't it be Phillip the Fourth or Fifth by now???

    Phillip Chancellor the IV is Chance. So if Chance had a son he'd be Phillip Chancellor V.

    But I can't see them naming Devon's baby that given he's not a Chancellor, much less a Phillip Chancellor. The Number system for offspring usually denotes bloodline. It'd be strange for a kid to be carrying a name like that if wasn't even related to the bloodline he named after.

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  4. 8 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    "Try" being the operative word. TPTB never let Devon win--at least not over people like Chance, Billy, Victor, Nick, Jack--and odds are all his tough talk will go nowhere if Chance returns. Ugh, I hate this surrogacy storyline so much.

     Devon doesn't need to win anything because he never has to fight for anything. It all just lands in his lap. Devon doesn't have to lift a finger to have the ultimate "win" over Chance. Not only can Chance not have his own children with his own wife, he can't return. So Devon "wins" by default . He also "wins" the high maintenance blond chick and their child all to himself. The only thing Devon had to do to get what he has is simply to exist.

    We the viewers suffer because we lose "The Chancellors" again. I had high hopes when they recast Chance, that we would be seeing Nina, Jill, Esther, and all their connections, more often along with the new parts of the Chancellor family built up on my favorite set. 

    I'm sick of only 3 families, (Newman, Abbots and Winters), there isn't enough variety for me to keep watching, and they miss 1/4 of the history cutting out the Chancellors. I always keep an eye on the message boards for a reemergence. Usually that takes a writer change.

    I'm sure their are little Phillip Chancellor heirs out their in the wind since Chance has been offscreen most of the years a man would sow his wild oats. We just need a writer whose interested.

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  5. 4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:


    Wow, Devon went in on Chance. Wonder if this will lead to him trying to retain paternity of the baby instead of handing him over to Chance to adopt and raise? Assuming Chance ever comes back.

    He sure did, Devon doth protest too much, methinks. I suspect he has more than "just friend" feelings for Abby.

    It's been bizarre from the moment Devon offered up his sperm when supposedly he's in love with Amanda. If you're in love with someone wouldn't you want them to bear your first child? It's not like he's doing Abby that big a favor, surrogates are hard to get, not sperm donors. And Abby didn't ask him for it, he came over and offered.

    I predict Devon will want Abby & his baby if Chance doesn't return, (or even if he does).

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  6. On 8/14/2021 at 2:36 PM, bannana said:


    Devon is pissed at Chance for being a useless husband and father-to-be. 😮


    Devon should shut-up. If it wasn't for him, Nina and Abby would still be perusing the profiles of sperm donors. But Devon raced over to offer up his sperm which impregnated Mariah a couple days after Chance left. No one would expect it would happen so fast.

    I'm speculating that Chance isn't returning and this whole Devon sperm donation is just to pair up Abby & Devon over their child. I remember a few years ago when Hillary begged Devon for his sperm so she could do the same thing Abby wanted to do, and Devon flatly refused. He had all sorts of high and mighty reasons why he would never do that. But Abby needs sperm? He couldn't run over fast enough.

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  7. On 10/20/2020 at 4:30 PM, Waldo13 said:

     Gloria’s back and it couldn’t be too soon. GC needed a breath of fresh air.  What did she put in that jar?  

      Jill's jewelry?

    I can't believe Kevin & company are now lounging around the Chancellor living room sponging off Esther. Meanwhile Jill, Billy, and Chance Chancellor are living in hotels. OK writers 🙄

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  8. 1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Simon Black? Seems to me that guy would've made an okay Tucker recast. Guess the show decided to go in a different direction and now he'll be stuck with Phyllis. Good luck with that, buddy!


    He's in his 40s, way too young to play Tucker. Kay had him from cheating on her first husband Gary Reynolds, long before she married Phillip Chancellor.

    Given that Tucker's origin story is that he was born on the exact same date as Jill, they would have to cast Jill 25 years younger too. 😆

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  9. On 8/29/2019 at 9:36 PM, Petunia13 said:

    I’m also tired of the “isnt the Rosales Family great?” “I love Lola” “being in love is so amazing” “Our relationship is so great!” “Lola you’re amazing!” “The Rosales are everything I’ve ever wanted!”  Kyle and Lola build appliances or repeat dialogue or talk about how remarkable their ship is like an hour a week.  Corny. I realized a long time ago I like that shit, so not above the fray, but with slow burn opposite attract couples I was invested in that I found attractive that showed not told. This isn’t one of them. I’m thinking like Palex on Degrassi or Nate and Haley on OTH or Summer and Seth or Ryan and Taylor on The OC.  

     I don't understand this new family. There's nothing to them, and certainly nothing soapy about them.  Lola seems to be immediately loved by everyone who meets her, and is cherished beyond belief by Kyle. I'm not sure why that is.  Rey... I don't know... he's just around. Celeste is a mother who loves her children. They are given lengthy scenes, and have a crazy amount of screen time. But still nothing soapy comes out if it, so it gets tiresome to watch them. Most viewers ordinary lives are more intriguing, I know mine is.

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  10. 1 hour ago, deirdra said:

    She said it was the Chancellor boathouse.  I never knew that Foothill Drive was on the water.

    It never was before. They had a pool house, wings to the house, Phillip Chancellor's grave on the grounds, and an attic. Katherine used to keep people up there.  I remember she imprisoned Nina in the attic when she was pregnant with Chance.

    I guess none of the longtime writers are around anymore.

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  11. 1 hour ago, gingerella said:

    So did Mac get any of the estate?

    Mac got some of it. But for some reason Devon was given more than all the others. And for some strange reason she left Victor Chancellor Industries, but then Jill bought it from him, so that worked out. 


    Sherman begins the will reading and the following items are dished out:

    -Murphy inherits her classic car collection, a quarter of the estate, her country house, and the fishing pole she couldn’t figure out.

    -Esther receives a monthly stipend of $20,000 as long as she stays on at the mansion.

    -Cane is to continue as sole CEO of Chancellor Industries.

    -Victor gets her collection of first edition books.

    -Tucker is given the record collection.

    -Brock, Mac, Phillip III, Phillip IV, and Nina share one quarter of the estate equally

    -Nikki inherits her writings.

    -Chloe receives her couture gowns.

    -Delia gets an education fund of $500,000.

    -Kevin a wooden box containing a skeleton key so he can “unlock the secret to his happiness.”

    -The remainder of Katherine’s fortune, $2,475,000,000, is given to her grandson, Devon.

    -Jill receives Kay’s half of the mansion. Jill had half, so she now owns the estate in full.

    The biggest surprise (or perhaps upset) occurs when Jill is given Katherine’s most prized and valuable possession: a music box. Jill can’t understand why she gave her that item, but once alone, she sees the date of Katherine’s 12th birthday is on the bottom. (and this turns out to be the ring from Phillip Chancellor under Sally’s writing)

    Chancellor Industries

    A couple of weeks after Katherine’s funeral, on September 27, 2013, Victor Newman received a letter from Katherine leaving him Chancellor Industries. Her letter to him read: My Dear friend Victor, by the time you read this, you will have learned of my passing. I lived a long and colorful life and have no regrets about entering the next phase of my journey, save one. I wanted to ensure the longevity of my beloved Chancellor Industries. That is why I’ve decided to name you the sole owner of the company. I hope you will accept this gift in the loving spirit in which it was given. Love, Katherine. As the new majority shareholder and Chairman of Chancellor Industries, Victor immediately plans a merger between Chancellor and [Newman Enterprises]. The new company is titled Newman-Chancellor Industries.

    Victor was having cash management issues due to some bad acquisitions, so it became necessary for him to sell Chancellor Industries. He gave Jill an exclusive opportunity before putting it on the market, acknowledging "If Katherine would want the company to go to anyone but me, I think it would be Jill." On February 2, 2015 Jill Foster Abbott bought Chancellor Industries from Victor Newman. Currently Jill Foster Abbott is the sole owner of Chancellor Industries.

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  12. On 8/20/2019 at 8:46 AM, Joimiaroxeu said:

    So according to Worn on TV, Lola's wedding gown was made by the Y&R wardrobe department. Which explains a lot and that's all I'm going say. 🙁 However, it's basically a knockoff of this Jenny Yoo dress:


    Abby's maid of honor dress was also a Jenny Yoo. Funny to me how Abby got to wear the original dress but Lola had to make do with a cheap(er) imitation. The difference in quality was glaring, IMO.

     It's a gorgeous dress, but if Y&R wanted to copy it why did they leave out the design's most distinguishing feature? The low v neck.  It's obvious the styling of that particular dress was designed around that feature. If they wanted Lola in something more modest they should have copied something more modest. How silly.

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  13. 1 hour ago, valleycliffe said:

    thank you to mandy at soc for today's cdn recap


    LOLOLOL  kyles secret is such a letdown....🤣

    So Kyle can't tell his fiancee, that he & Theo brought a passed out girl to the hospital? I get she was 17 and came to their drinking party, but they didn't know that. And her father, threatens them the next day, that he's going to the law, so Kyle pays him 100,000 for silence. 

    If anything, it makes the Dad look bad. Kyle and Theo did the right thing by "dumping" her at the ER. The only thing that sounds bad, is using the word dumping, to describe dropping someone off.

    In many states you don't even get in trouble for doing that, even if the person is underage, because they'd rather have people dump them at the ER , than the side of the road.

    How many weeks did they leave us to wonder about this big bad secret? It was quite the build-up to nothing. But everything about this Kyle and Lola story has been that way from the start. It's one long non-story,  completely devoid of drama, that never seems to end. I'd be angry if I was watching daily. I don't remember Y&R being this bad before.

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  14. 22 hours ago, spinxella said:

    WOW! How dare Jordi complain about airtime.

    He's 4th in episode counts so far this year! 

    He should be thankful as hell. IMO his character, and his portrayal of him, are very blah. I don't understand the need for a Rey at all, Y&R doesn't use it's police department that often. Paul can handle the little that does come up.

    January-July 2019 Episode Ranking
    A total of 149 episodes aired this year

    1. Joshua Morrow (Nick Newman) : 101

    2. Michael Mealor (Kyle Abbott) : 87

    3. Amelia Heinle (Victoria Newman) : 84

    4. Jordi Vilasuso (Rey Rosales) : 81

    5. Sharon Case (Sharon Newman) : 80

    6. Jason Thompson (Billy Abbott) : 79

    7. Sasha Calle (Lola Rosales) : 74

    8. Peter Bergman (Jack Abbott) : 72

    9. Melody Thomas-Scott (Nikki Newman) : 69

    10. Hunter King (Summer Newman) : 68

    11. Melissa Ordway (Abby Newman) : 65

    12. Eric Braeden (Victor Newman) : 63

    13. Gina Tognoni (Phyllis Summers) : 59

    14. Camryn Grimes (Mariah Copeland) : 56

    15. Bryton James (Devon Hamilton) : 48

    16. Mark Grossman (Adam Newman) : 46

    17. Noemi Gonzalez (Mia Rosales) : 45

    18. Loren Lott (Ana Hamilton) : 44

    19. Jason Canela (Arturo Rosales) : 42

    20. Cait Fairbanks (Tessa Porter) : 41

    *. Christian LeBlanc (Michael Baldwin) : 41

    22. Daniel Goddard (Cane Ashby) : 40

    23. Beth Maitland (Traci Abbott) : 32

    24. Brytni Sarpy (Elena Dawson) : 29

    25. Sean Dominic (Nate Hastings) : 27

    26. Alice Hunter (Kerry Johnson) : 24

    27. Lauralee Bell (Christine Williams) : 23

    *. Tracey E. Bregman (Lauren Fenmore Baldwin) : 23

    29. Michelle Stafford (Phyllis Summers) : 21

    30. Doug Davidson (Paul Williams) : 20

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  15. On 6/24/2019 at 9:11 AM, Toomuchsoap said:

    Whut! I guess I missed that. Whelp, I guess Chance conquered the Himalayas and trekked himself all the way back to Vegas. Strange. I wouldn't have thought Chance would be a Vegas kinda guy.

    Chance is in the military. Enlisted men enjoy going to Vegas and having a good time.

    And Chance has money too. He split a good chuck of change, over a billion ,(from Katherine's will) with his Dad-Phillip III, his Mo-Nina, Brock, and Mac.

    Plus Nina was managing a hefty trust fund for the Phillip's back in the nineties. Victor was managing it for them for awhile. I imagine she's passed it on to them by now.

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  16. 11 minutes ago, spinxella said:

    I'd be interested if she was playing anyone other than Lola's Mom. I've had, more than my fill, of Kyle & Lola. I've been watching this soap for over 40 years, and do not remember having a couple pushed on me so hard. The only drama they get is Summer, and there's not much to that, since she isn't doing anything to them. And this article says the Mama's thrilled about the marriage, so that says more boredom to come to me. Why are they getting so much airtime? It's excessive for just one couple.

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  17. On 7/4/2018 at 8:13 PM, spinxella said:
    TV Source reports in their Podcast that Y&R wanted to drop Eileen Davidson from contract and downgrade her to Recurring status. Eileen said to hell with that and walked.

    They also mention how Eileen was blocked from appearing on Days even though Y&R was not utilizing her.

    OMG, Eileen just brought home a best actor Emmy for Y&R, and this is how they reward her? 

    "Recurring" means hardly ever with Mal, take a look at what he's done to Jill on "recurring".

    Pratt used her for 35 episodes in 2016.

    Sally used her for 24 episodes in the first 3 months of 2017. Once Mal took over in March he used Jill only 8 times in the remaining 9 months.

    So far this 2018 Mal has used Jill only 4 times. I hate Mal Young!

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  18. 8 minutes ago, Aymery said:

    Katherine's will was one of the WORST writing decisions ever made on the show.

    Agree 100%

    9 minutes ago, Aymery said:

    Katherine was left looking like a despicable witch

    Agree 100%

    9 minutes ago, Aymery said:

    Her fortune originated from her first husband, Gary Reynolds - she inherited it when he died while their son Brock was a minor. The original backstory was that Brock was dissatisfied by her remarriage to Philip II and subsequent renaming of the Reynolds Plant after Philip. So the "Chancellor fortune" is actually the Reynolds fortune and should go to Brock and his heirs - his daughter Mac and her two children.

    Disagree/highly debatable. A couple of lines, said once, in dialog does not make it fact, or permanent backstory. If one was to pour through every Y&R transcript you would find thousands of mistakes, filler dialog that wasn't meant to mean anything significant, and dialog meant to turn stories, but later they decided against that turn. My theory it was the last option, but my guess is based on alleged behind the scenes gossip back in the 80s so I'll skip that here. 


    I'll base my counter arguments on the facts I know.

    1) There is on screen dialog that directly contradicts any dialog of Gary started Chancellor. 

    From the show itself on 8/11/11: Ashley talking to Kay telling her she took over Phillip's family business
    Y&R Transcript Thursday 8/11/11
    Ashley: You know what really gets me? You both know what it feels like to have a company you love ripped away from you, only it's much worse for Tucker, because our father started Jabot, and Phillip started Chancellor, so basically, you both took over family businesses. But Tucker built McCall from the ground up, and you do not have the right to take it away from him. 

    Kay: Ashley, now you listen to me. Whoever founded the company is immaterial to me

    2) How could Phillip Chancellor set up seven figure trust for Victor Newman & Mitchell Sherman to manage for HIS heir (Jill's son) without Kay's permission? Kay had no control over it, if it's her fortune, not his why not?  This trust was fought over for years, it wasn't a couple of line of dialog.

    From Soap Opera Digest Synopsis Cover date: April 18, 1989 
    “Victor summons Phillip to his office where he and Mitchell Sherman tell the lad about a hefty trust fund his father set up for him. They withheld the 7 figure sum from him until they were satisfied he was mature enough to handle it. Phillip is delighted but he asks Mitchell to continue to manage the money for him. “It’s important that he makes it on his own”, Phillip explains.”

    3) Bill Bell & Y&R put on a couple books detailing the show. They are huge books with beautiful photos and have all Y&R's history in them (until 1998).  One is, The Young and the Restless Most Memorable Moments (1996), the second is Special Silver Anniversary Collector's Edition. The Young and the Restless (1998). The Anniversary issue has all the family trees and the storylines by year- 1973 through 1998. Everyone should read them, they're based off the Y&R soap bible. I haven't run across a mistake yet. They are packed full of facts, they're literally an encyclopedia for Y&R up until 1998, and easily searchable. Available secondhand on Amazon, eBay, and many more places. You can get them for a few bucks, but I'd pay up for an excellent/good condition copy to get all the pages, plus the photos are amazing.

    - There are a least 3 places where they should've mentioned Gary was the founder of Chancellor if this was so, but they never did so, and the books includes plenty of back story. Gary isn't even named, he's referred to as Brock's father, or Kay first husband in the very few places he's mentioned. In the company section he's not mentioned.

    -On page 196, in the Family Tree section, Anniversary issue, a snippet about Chancellor history.
    “The history of the Chancellor family is deeply rooted in the history of Genoa City, which was founded by Civil War hero Garfield Dandridge Chancellor. In 1973 Garfield’s great-great-grandson, Phillip Chancellor II, was running Chancellor Industries. He resided in the Chancellor mansion with his alcoholic and promiscuous wife Katherine (Kay). The two barely communicated with each other as husband and wife, and the lonely Phillip, driven to distraction by Katherine’s obsessive behavior, sought refuge in the company of Katherine’s young and beautiful paid companion, Jill Foster. Phillip and Jill fell in love, Jill got pregnant, and Phillip demanded a divorce--setting off a long and bitter feud between the two women. But Katherine got her revenge by driving Phillip over a cliff, killing him.”

    -In the same section talking about Brock: "Katherine had an adult son, Brock Reynolds from a previous marriage. Wouldn't the founder of Chancellor Industries be named? He's only a "previous marriage."

    4) Past & present storylines make no sense from day one to today.

    Kay & Jill's 40 years of rivalry make no sense whatsoever if Gary was the founder. None of the stories reflect that premise. None of them! Gary isn't brought up in any of their fights. Never. I don't remember Brock & Mac ever talking about the company their father founded, or even mentioning Gary. 

    -Philip married Jill on his deathbed. For a short time, Jill and her family moved into the mansion because, as his Phillip's wife, she inherited Phillip's estate. It was not until Kay had her priced lawyer invalidate the divorce, (based on being drunk when she signed them, which automatically invalidated Jill's marriage to Phillip), that Jill had to move out. If all this was Gary's how could Jill get these assets? Why didn't Kay bring up Gary? He was never mentioned in this battle.

    -Why did Kay offer a million dollars for baby Phillip, if Gary was the founder? She had her own son from Gary. Kay was obsessed with Phillip's heirs over her own. She tried to buy them, adopt them, mother them, pick their spouses, control their trusts, and ending up loving them like her own. 

    - How could Jill get ownership of 1/2 of the Chancellor mansion in the 90s? Remember the famous attic fight? It was over a letter from Philip leaving her the mansion. The court awarded ownership based on a letter from Phillip Chancellor leaving her the WHOLE mansion. Kay got to keep half because of a technicality.
    The name Gary Reynolds never brought up at that trial.

    -It was very important to Kay to teach Phillip III how to run Chancellor, she was personally having him groomed to take the helm. He was working there as a young man. Mac and Brock weren't even asked. They were her own children. Why not?

    -Even today, why does no one in Genoa city know that Gary founded Chancellor? Jack wants a stake in it. Doesn't he know Gary founded it? Is it a secret from everyone in town? Jill has never seemed to know this fact either.

    Since it's a soap, I suppose they could spring a huge twist Kay kept secret from everyone all these years based on a few lines of dialog 20 years ago. Heck they don't need a few lines of dialog, they could make anything they want up. But wouldn't that make the past 45 years of story one big lie? 

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  19. 3 hours ago, boes said:

    Wouldn't it be a bit of poetic justice if the man who worked his way into Chancellor by pretending to be Philip Chancellor's son got ousted by a guy who really is Philip Chancellor's son.......

    But I still want Jack to be John's son - BUT, any pain he can inflict on Cane during the journey will be enjoyed, nonetheless.

    But Cane's just an employee, he doesn't own Chancellor Industries, Jill does. What is Jack fighting for?  If all Jack wants is to be CEO Jill could simply appoint him CEO. He has more experience than Cane, and Jill would have a soft spot for Phillip Chancellor heirs given she's has one herself.

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  20. On 6/13/2018 at 1:02 PM, valleycliffe said:

    could be....at least no incest would occur....

    LOLOL  remember when jill found out she was the progeny of neil fenmore then sued lauren for half?

    i would LOVE for jack to sue jill for half of chancellor....

    Jill got half of Fenmores because Neal Fenmore left it to his blood heirs. So when another heir (Jill) appeared she got her cut.

    Katherine didn't do that. She left Chancellor Industries to Victor. Jill bought it from Victor. Jack couldn't sue Jill for Chancellor Industries because it wasn't left to her.

    I suppose Jack could challenge Katherine's will, since he is a new heir that was unknown at the time, but that would affect everybodies distribution.


    Katherine's will

    9/11/13 Will Reading (ENSTARS provided by CBS)-
    Sherman begins the will reading and the following items are dished out:

    - Murphy inherits her classic car collection, a quarter of the estate, her country house, and the fishing pole she couldn't figure out.

    - Esther receives a monthly stipend of $20,000 as long as she stays on at the mansion.

    - Cane is to continue as sole CEO of Chancellor Industries.

    - Victor gets her collection of first edition books. ( but a couple weeks after Katherine's funeral, on September 27th, 2013, Victor Newman received a letter from Katherine leaving him Chancellor Industries . Her letter to him read: My Dear friend Victor, by the time you read this, you will have learned of my passing. I lived a long and colorful life and have no regrets about entering the next phase of my journey, save one. I wanted to ensure the longevity of my beloved Chancellor Industries. That is why I've decided to name you the sole owner of the company. I hope you will accept this gift in the loving spirit in which it was given. Love, Katherine.)

    - Tucker is given the record collection.

    - Brock, Mac, Phillip III, Phillip IV, and Nina share one quarter of the estate equally

    - Nikki inherits her writings.

    - Chloe receives her couture gowns.

    - Delia gets an education fund of $500,000.

    - Kevin a wooden box containing a skeleton key so he can "unlock the secret to his happiness."

    - The remainder of Katherine's cash, $2,475,000,000, is given to her grandson, Devon.

    -Jill receives Kay’s half of the mansion. Jill already owned half so she now owns the estate in full.
    The biggest surprise (or perhaps upset) occurs when Jill is given Katherine's most prized and valuable possession: a music box which ends up leading to an expensive necklace worth tens of millions, and a few years later and a key which leads to a ring from Phillip Chancellor himself which Kay was hiding from Jill since his death. Jill later buys Chancellor Industries from  Victor

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