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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Thanks anyway. I have scoured Amazon and Ebay - went ahead and ordered a cheap suction/friction dash-mount that probably won't work, but it was under $8 bucks so not a big deal. Hubs will just have to hold on to the damn thing while he's navigating, and I'll hold it if I can stand the thought of him driving. (eeks) Only a few times we may need it anyway. Thanks so much for your help.
  2. So here's what I went to off of the home screen initially: http://www.proclipusa.com/device/tablet-holders/lg-g-pad-x-8-3 I do see that they have the products broken up by mount and holder also. Truthfully, I find this website a bit confusing to navigate.
  3. Maybe I read it wrong. I'll take another look. Btw, don't be sorry! Beautiful!
  4. That is my favorite. I'm sure that I peed when I read it the first time! lol
  5. Thanks for this, but I wasn't looking to spend upwards of $200 bucks. Probably a good one though.
  6. Flashback to a few months ago. I don't know if I laughed harder this year. http://video.dailymail.co.uk/video/mol/2017/03/10/927253971336709144/640x360_MP4_927253971336709144.mp4 Been rummaging through my meme file -
  7. Wondering if any of you have a method of transporting a tablet computer in your car. I want to use my 8" tablet as my GPS for upcoming road trip, and I can't decide on the less-than-stellar choices. I really don't want to use suction cups on windshield due to reduced visibility, the cupholders in my car wouldn't hold that style...kind of in a quandry here. The GPS unit in the dash hasn't been updated since Jesus was a foot soldier, and I think it would cost an arm + leg to do it.
  8. I can understand that. For my hubs, I actually think he quasi enjoys it, as he does cleaning up after a meal/loading dishwasher. If I cook, he cleans and vice versa.
  9. My husband was 40 yrs old, and had been divorced for nearly 10 yrs. when we met. As such, he had been doing his own laundry for that long (except for the occasional load he would take to his mother's - ugh). I saw no reason to take on that duty, simply because we began cohabitating and because I had girl parts. Fast forward 31 years...he does his, I do mine. It works.
  10. I watched this for the first time over a year ago - maybe two, and I'm pretty sure that I peed my pants laughing. (ymmv) You all may have seen it already, forgive me if you have. If you have had a manicure in the last 20 years, your experience may be similar. *Disclaimer: No offense intended to any race, religion, nationality, vocation, etc., etc.
  11. Here's his final recording. It's...too much. https://www.vevo.com/watch/glen-campbell/im-not-gonna-miss-you/USCJY1425007 The lyrics: I'm still here, but yet I'm gone I don't play guitar or sing my songs They never defined who I am The man that loves you 'til the end You're the last person I will love You're the last face I will recall And best of all, I'm not gonna miss you Not gonna miss you I'm never gonna hold you like I did Or say I love you to the kids You're never gonna see it in my eyes It's not gonna hurt me when you cry I'm never gonna know what you go through All the things I say or do All the hurt and all the pain One thing selfishly remains I'm not gonna miss you I'm not gonna miss you
  12. Very frustrating. At least for my grandkids, they won't know any different, so they won't be as frustrated by the madness.
  13. Navy is the new black, and patient is the new doctor.
  14. Yes, one of the articles I ran across was extolling the virtues and healing properties of this weed. I moved along quickly. Not my jam.
  15. My special gift...plants with projectile seeds. smh
  16. As far as I know they're not a problem, but my sense is that where there are carpenter ants, there's trouble potentially brewing. I'm all ears.
  17. This looks like the weed that I have the most trouble with. Purslane. Used to see it mostly in late summer/autumn, but this year, it's pervasive early and everywhere. These damn landscape rocks make it difficult to pull, but after reading your link, I'm not enthusiastic about using vinegar on it. I have an 'organic' spray that I've used, and I smell a strong odor of vinegar when I use it, which is why I asked the vinegar question. Guess I'll be manually pulling weeds until I no longer can. Then I'll write checks. Dammit.
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