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Posts posted by DoItToIt

  1. 13 hours ago, Angeleyes said:

    The writers seem to be throwing things at the wall to see what sticks instead of having an overall plot that they plan to resolve anytime soon. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if season 1 ended on a cliffhanger with 50 more groups that pose a danger to the 828 passengers.


    At this point, I get the feeling that the writers are throwing shit against the wall.  This series doesn't feel like it has been planned out at all.  Almost as if they expected it to be cancelled before they would have to answer any questions.

    Absolutely, all of this. Meanwhile, several of you tried to warn us not to get our hopes up smh. You were right.

    • Love 1
  2. 19 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

    On a side note, that post-explosion ringing-in-the-ears noise that shows love to do? I can't stand that!

    IIRC, that's actually pretty accurate with what it sounds like after being in close proximity to an explosion. For some people, unfortunately, that ringing is the last thing they hear ever again. 

    • Love 11
  3. 3 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    I was really proud of Kevin this week.  He has shown the most character growth of all the Big 3.  I liked that he did what Jack should have done.  I am looking forward to what the writers have in store for Nicky and Kevin.

    Absolutely! I literally just wrote the same lol.

    • Love 8
  4. I'm willing to bet Capt Daly and Fiona will be back within the next 2 episodes, based on the dark lightning they showed for the next episode. As least things have started to become more interesting. Glad there was no Danny or Lourdes storyline this week. 

    • Love 7
  5. On 12/7/2018 at 5:56 AM, KWalkerInc said:

    Finally, the most pointless thing of the season to this point is Hunter's Aunt What's Her Name popping up again.  I know they never followed up on her murdering Brody and Star and Simone don't know how he died, but I'd rather have that loose end than have Auntie show up again.  Hunter and his mom were both garbage and don't need to be revisited.

    Yes! To all of this!

  6. When the Bulgarian was finally stable and replaying the day from Cal's perspective -the whole "I was calling for my mother"- was that the first time he had ever spoken English?

  7. 18 hours ago, izabella said:

    I got the impression that the secret lab experimenting on the passengers closed up shop because they were tipped off.  If so, that means someone on the NSA director's staff did that,right? 

    Absolutely! And it's the guy that's working close with Vance. he's been way too cynical of all the evidence that Ben showed up with. Too bad for him, they found the bandage with blood.

    • Love 2
  8. 12 hours ago, Evagirl said:

    One season he's a self-centered all-about-me jerk who treats women like loose change in his pocket.  The next season he's a full-blown drunk and druggie.  The next season he's clean and sober, kind and compassionate, I-Love-My-Daddy stuff.

    Idk, this is actually what is holding my attention towards Kevin, his character is ever-evolving and changing, as we all are. 

    • Love 3
  9. 23 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    Kate's voice is pretty average. No way would someone follow her in real life to tell her she should audition for The Voice.

    This made me laugh a lot more than it probably should.

    • Love 7
  10. This episode annoyed me terribly I'm afraid. 1.) They are making Alex appear way too stupid and naive. With just the way Olivia was dressed when they were backstage, you knew she was about to find some way to put the spotlight on herself, the girl came to slay! It looks like she'll be gone but the next episode, good riddance. 2.) Cassie and soft-looking gangster dude, HATED IT! Their scenes were completely unnecessary and didn't advance the plot in any way, shape, or form. Neither did scenes with Andy. Speaking of, 3.) I'm having a hard time connecting with the Andy scenes. Were we supposed to feel sympathy for him? Why did he even come back after the end of last season? 4.)Lastly, as much as I LOVE looking at Jackson, I can't believe he folded like that in front of Maurice! If he felt so strongly convicted, why didn't he say something at the club lol smh. 

    I did enjoy Noah pulling a fast one on Maurice, it felt like my show again lol. Idk, it feels like the plots have been really disjointed. My guess is maybe the writers is figuring out a way to be able to distance Star in time for her [real] upcoming maternity leave.

    • Love 3
  11. On 10/11/2018 at 1:26 AM, KWalkerInc said:

    There's definitely a lot of good eye candy, but I was getting frustrated over scene after scene of Cassie getting her way and smirking about it.  And of course Grandma Ruby's rapist turns out to be someone who works for Cassie.  I kind of guessed that because of that scene last season where she was talking to Derek about wanting to employ ex-convicts and then they shook hands and the creepy "Cassie is evil" music played.  So they must have planned this storyline pretty far in advance.  I suppose we're supposed to feel sorry for her that she can't be legit (like that would happen) because of Chad Michael Murray, who I can't take really seriously so far.  It's bad enough that Carlotta wasn't telling Cotton about the reason for the feud without Cotton coming to see her and asking her directly, only for nothing to happen.  I hope it doesn't take as long for her to find out as it did for Star and Simone to learn about Brody's death.  I hope Jackson really is a nice guy, but it doesn't happen too often on this show.

    Alex has a creepy stalker?  This is really going to end well.  I liked Miss Bruce's various comments and interactions even more than usual, but it would be sad if his friendship with Noah gets wrecked if it turns out that Bruce was once involved with his dad.  I guess I was way off on Bruce's age, I thought he was a little younger than to already be an adult in 1994.  Great advice by the way, Noah's dad.  You had no idea what the alternative was to Gravity and just had your son throw his career away to sing gigs at a club for a murderer backed by someone apparently even shadier.  I wonder if they'll get some other guy for the movie, otherwise what's the point of Simone getting the role if nothing will happen?  She did have a great "WTF?" face after Mateo's wife kissed him seconds after Simone told her about the reporter.

    Love your recaps!! I wish this thread got more traffic. :-/

    • Love 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Emily Thrace said:

    I was thinking it might tie in to Randall's mother's story. As Franco's sister (I'm assuming) is running out the door their mother yell's "Don't get pregnant". Which is exactly the kind of subtle foreshadowing this show likes. Or it could be Harris or his family is connected to Randall's mother in some way. 

    So I don't know if anyone else has thought this, but what if, Franco Harris is related to Beth or Zoe in a way? It's implied Zoe had some sort of complicated background. 

    The Zoe/Kevin arc is what's holding my interest most atm. They are actually so cute together!

    19 minutes ago, DFWGina said:

    Interesting with the JLH reference given she is on 911 this season and the folks on that board seem to hate her...  


    I think I'm one of those people lol

    • Love 2
  13. 21 minutes ago, Demian said:

    I'll just leave this here.

    I always thought that story would've made some sort of great movie.  Happy to see it somehow made its way onto this batshit show.

    I knew it must've come from somewhere!

  14. Oooh loved this episode and I literally missed the first 20 minutes lol. Athena's handcuff situation, hee-larious!! 

    Yes to the upgrade in Abby's wardrobe dept! But why couldn't she FaceTime her moms and save that date?? Her and Buck are becoming very believable to me.

    Also loved Bobby's mature advice to Buck, if this becomes a love triangle it will be messssy!

    I wonder if the hoarders story is based on a true one?

    Aww Abby, so sorry :-(

    • Love 3
  15. 12 hours ago, TimeyWimey52 said:

    I feel like the acting on this show is sooooooo bad. And yet, I keep showing up for Connie and Angela. 

    Not so much the acting, but the writing is atrcious!

  16. 10 minutes ago, voiceover said:

    Speaking of Jack: I feel like we haven't seen the parts where he's been dickish to his children.  Where's the anger coming from?  Were there drunk episodes at home, we haven't seen?  Or is it meant to be "adolescence"?

    I  think just adolescence. Kevin (and commonly other teens) has shown several instances of testiness.

    7 minutes ago, memememe76 said:

    I also love that Jack and Rebecca expect their kids to be good people. A lot of parents would have allowed Kevin to behave the way he did. 

    Not my parents or any other parents I knew as a teen lol. But I grew up in the South, maybe that makes a difference?

    • Love 3
  17. ARGHHH!! No Randall, you don't know everything! So close, Kevin was so close, to his 1st of 12 steps: admittance. Now, without a shadow of doubt, Kevin will go back fading to big brother role, tending to other siblings' needs above his own. As an oldest of many kids and grandkids, this really hits home. 

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