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Everything posted by njbchlover

  1. Probably because she paid for them and the store shipped them to Kyle by mistake.
  2. Kyle also called her "AnnAmarie" when relaying the fight situation to Dorit, so maybe she spells her name with an "e" in the middle, but it's pronounced like an "a" - sort of French style? Either way, she's a bitch/beyotch and as far as I am concerned should just be called "One and done".
  3. I was wondering the same thing, but, also thought that maybe she wanted to try to get into soap operas. Thirty years ago, a lot of soaps were filmed in New York. I also think that either there is much more to the story that Linda and/or Monica isn't telling, OR that the entire story is another fabrication. I really don't believe much of anything that comes out of Monica's mouth, and probably believe less than that if it is being said by Monica's Mom.
  4. I have a feeling that intentionally sending in an inappropriate photo for visa purposes is something that these kids have figured out will delay the process, thus, delaying the eventual departure to less comfortable surroundings. Jack is not smart enough to figure that out all by himself. Kids talk, and kids figure out ways to get around things they may not want to do. I'm curious as to how many other Mormon kids have done this in the past. The fact that Lisa laughed about it makes me think that as much as she denied it, she really doesn't want him to go on mission, and she probably thought that was a pretty good way for Jack to delay his departure to Columbia. I also think that she would be the one who thinks an underage kid getting a fake i.d. is a good thing, too.
  5. So true....but, I think that bad pennies turn into good ratings, which in turn, create advertising dollars that become "good pennies" for Bravo. Or, at least something like that, I think! 🤣 We all know that's all Bravo really cares about at the end of the day.
  6. And more lemons....as in, three - squeezed, carcasses removed. 🤣
  7. I'm so confused with all of this. I'm assuming that her current ex-husband is the father of her three younger girls and the oldest has a different father? So, I guess it was the younger girls' father's brother-in-law that Monica had the affair with. I'm trying to google stuff, and all I get is that she and her current ex-husband were married, filed for divorced, dissolved that divorce filing, reconciled and just recently finalized the divorce. Apparently, she also is getting over $6500.00 a month in child support and alimony, and has full physical custody of the girls. $6500.00 a month isn't too much when it comes to housing, clothing and raising three young children and a teenager, but it's better than what a lot of women get. https://pagesix.com/2023/11/10/parents/rhoslc-star-monica-garcia-wins-custody-support-in-divorce/ I seriously think after seeing Monica (and her Mom), along with all of the craziness in that dysfunctional house, the girls' father needs to be the primary custodial parent, unless he is in worse shape than she is.
  8. Excellent post, and spot on!! Except, I thought for a minute, I was reading old posts about Teresa Guidice on the RHONJ thread, LOL!! Monica seems to have patterned her show "personality" on many of Teresa's bad traits. Maybe Jack's in California, going door to door with Fresh Wolf products, instead of going door to door trying to recruit more people to the church?
  9. WOW!!! This is unbelievable. So, it seems that Monica and her mother schemed to get on the show, and then, were trying to scheme and gaslight their way to a lasting gig. I don't think it's going to work out, though. Also, according to this, it says this video is "Part 1" - I'd love to see Part 2!! What a messed up family. I think I saw one of Monica's daughters, and maybe the grandmother (?) in the background. How sad that those girls have to live with this. Makes you wonder if their Dad will go for custody now? Looks like he may have a good argument as to why his kids should not be living with their Mom.
  10. Yes, unfortunately, it is true. Monica also gives the impression that she's very confident of getting signed for a sophomore season - I certainly hope NOT! I don't like Monica, but I'll give her credit for being very quick with snarky responses - especially when she called Angie a "bench warming bitch". That one really cracked me up!
  11. Of course - every bad language habit is because of the Kardashian's. They have created a generation of followers who have no language or pronunciation skills. Speaking of the Kardashian's - loved that Heather had that recording of Monica talking about Kim Kardashian. If Monica thinks she will ever get anywhere near the popularity and financial status of the Kardashian's, she's fucking delusional! Monica's trash Mom is nowhere near as driven or as intelligent as Kris Jenner (as much as I am loathe to admit it, Kris is a very smart lady when it comes to self-promotion and PR).
  12. In Monica's case, you may be right. She may be stroking and holding onto it, in case the hair extension salon people come to repossess them!
  13. I believe that Big Kathy was pregnant with "young" Kathy (Kathy Hilton, currently) when she eloped with KH's father. If I remember correctly from reading "House of Hilton", Big Kathy had aspirations of being an actress at the time. She later divorced KH's father and married Ken Richards, who was Kyle and Kim's biological father. After that, she divorced him, and married two more times before she died. So, I guess, that because Big Kathy was pregnant and got married young, in her eyes, she "gave up everything" for her daughters. That's all I can think of.
  14. IMO, Dorit uses people's names in a conversation for two things - one, to try to make her point in a very condescending way (as in "Gar-CELLE" or "Ky-LE", with a condescending, exasperated tone accenting the second syllable), or, two, as a way to pause/delay the conversation to gather her thoughts and come up with a reply - that's when she uses a more calming voice, and will sometimes add a "darling" or "baybay" or some other endearment. She does this with P.K. quite often.
  15. I am so tired of the Richards' sisters' histrionics about their relationship, their Mom, their family, blah, blah, blah, on and on and on, ad nauseum! The only things I got from that meeting with Kim and Kyle were: 1. Kim is looking really rough. Maybe she's not wearing the six pounds of makeup that she used to when she was a fulltime housewife, or maybe just her life is catching up to her. 2. We finally heard the Richards sisters both admit that their mother was NOT the saint they wanted us all to believe she was. They both admitted their mother had a bad temper and was mean to them. I wonder what Kathy Hilton will have to say about hearing her sisters talk about their mother that way. I just wish they both would come out and say their mother was a cold-hearted, mercenary, abusive woman, who basically forced her daughters into show business and into marriages not for love, but for money.
  16. I was wondering about this, too, but, my brain went in another direction, which is a total conspiracy theory. Heather also alluded to the fact that NONE of the women would ever go up against Jen Shah for anything, ever, from day one. So, my thought was that Jen Shah knew a lot about each on them that they did not want getting out in the public, so they never went against Jen in fear that she would spill the tea about them. Even to the degree of basically defending Jen during her arrest and trial, and Heather completely defending her over the black eye bullshit. Then, I started linking that idea with Monica/Reality Von Tease, thinking that maybe, when Monica was Jen's assistant, she was privy to some, or all, of this, and that Monica, or whoever, from Reality Von Tease was dropping these tidbits of information on that account. So, Heather (and the others) breathed a small sigh of relief when Jen Shah went to prison, because she wasn't a privacy threat anymore, and now that they've outed Monica, they can breathe easier, again. I don't know....just throwing these crazy thoughts out there. I cannot wait for the reunions!!
  17. Or, it was sold at the nearest pawn shop in the Palm Springs area!
  18. I don't think she'll be back - none of the women will film with her, and I don't think they could build a whole new cast around one scheming, low-rent, lying bitch. As much as we all complain about the other women as a group or individually, they are reality gold, and Bravo/the producers know it.
  19. Monica's a smooth liar - too smooth. She definitely is some kind of scam artist, and probably has been for a long time. And, I definitely think that her Mother was in on all of this with her, from the start.
  20. Yes - that I heard, but, then there was something else that Heather said - that she called so-and-so from the (blank) to verify all that Tenesha said. That was the part that was edited out, and I was curious as to who she called to get proof that Monica was behind the secret account.
  21. So.....did production know about this from the start, or did they find out at a later date? I can't imagine that they knew from the start, because even for these shitty people who are producers and show runners, that is a really low-down sneaky thing to do to the other ladies. Either way, I think it looks bad for the production company, Bravo and Andy. If they knew, they are really low to do this to their original core group of women - throwing a wolf in sheep's clothing into the mix is really bad. Especially one who seems to have provided a lot of social media bullshit. If they didn't know, it could look bad because they didn't do enough vetting or investigating a new addition to the cast. Although, I guess it must be pretty difficult to find out who creates a fake social media account. I would assume that Andy may have either been really pissed about this revelation, or pissing his pants in glee over it. I also wonder who it was that Heather called from ____ (they edited it out) to verify this information.
  22. Heather had that honor tonight - but added "You can pack your bags AND GO."
  23. I didn't recognize Mary at first - I thought that woman was the Tanesha person they were saying is the brains behind the fake online account. Looks like Mary's been having Ubereats deliver McDonald's Filet-o-Fish sandwiches to her closet - she looks like she gained a few pounds. She could just deduct it from the outstanding bills Monica owes BeautyLab - under an assumed name. IKR - $800.00 is A LOT for perfume, isn't it? I don't wear any because I'm allergic to so many. @SweetieDarling - GMTA!! I just said the same thing! 🤣
  24. Garcelle can "say" more with that one raised eyebrow than Dorit could say in all the five, six, seven or whatever languages she claims to speak. I've seen Garcelle do that many times on the show, and it's brilliant!
  25. I think this is something that Kyle has heard her whole life. I think that Kyle and her sisters were horribly mentally and emotionally abused by their mother, but they just can't or won't understand that. I noticed that Kathy also talks that way - especially to Kyle, so it is a learned behavior.
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