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Posts posted by MJS

  1. Just now, Galloway Cave said:

    Back several seasons ago, TLC split a couple seasons up even though the seasons were back to back. The numbering went haywire at that point. I just kept going with the regular numbering, but since several people aren't happy with it, I can go back and change all the season numbers for this season.

    Thanks for the explanation. I’m fine however, just confused me! 

    • Love 1
  2. 11 hours ago, scrb said:

    Well you can say she isn’t going to college because I don’t think there’s a Columbia University in Chicago.

    Columbia College Chicago is a liberal arts college specializing in music and arts. It’s not affilfialied in anyway with Columbia University in NY. 

    That did initially throw me for a loop (no pun intended), too, though. 

    I love this show so much... I think it grabs the push/pull, love/hate dynamic of mothers and daughters to a tee. 

    • Love 9
  3. 1 hour ago, hoosier80 said:

    OMG - I love Jackie.   Teresa sure as hell did NOT write any book.   She can barely speak coherently.  

    Then the comment about throwing something, and wasn't Teresa still on probation?   SCORE.  Teresa is a FELON.  How does she get to sit so imperiously and in judgment of anyone else?

    Teresa is intimidated.  Jackie was an attorney, clearly not stupid, knows how to argue rationally, and guessing Teresa barely got through school.  Teresa is all 'you are mean to me, how dare you!' Then she starts screaming, ranting, etc.  You're either adoring her or that puts you as an enemy.  

    As for controlling your husband, why doesn't anyone ask Teresa why she didn't control Joe Guidice before he committed crimes?  If she controlled him, why did he have her sign those documents which landed HER in jail?  

    Waiting for the day Teresa is booted from this show.

    Exactly. Bolded part is exactly what Jackie was saying that got Tre so mad at her. That’s exactly the point she was trying to make. 

    • Love 12
  4. On 1/30/2019 at 9:43 PM, LittleIggy said:

    It’s amazing how well Ivar can get around now with just a crutch! They must have had great physical therapists back then.🙄

    That was almost word for word what I said to my husband when we watched this episode. 

    • Love 4
  5. On 12/2/2018 at 12:40 AM, queenjen said:

    There are also claims that Kate said Caroline was leaving due to her 'herpes outbreak ' and that she was a 'a dirty slut'. All the footage seems disjointed, like Kate in the wheelhouse with Cpt Lee but mostly Caroline in the wheelhouse during her 'exit interview '. Possibly it's her exceptionally hard 3rd Stew edit that's sent her into this rampage on twitter. Early in the episode, Kate makes a veiled sarcastic comment to Caroline that 'next charter it'll be shingles! '. Which is in the herpes family. I don't know what's gone on here, Caroline has absolutely flipped her wig and done nothing to help her cause. But she should be at the reunion, if only for a short time or via video link. It'd be juicy to see what hit the edit room floor, if it doesn't necessarily vindicate Caroline, I'm sure it'd take some of the blush off the Kate and Josiah victory tour that continues. 

    Haven’t read the whole thread, but just in case this didn’t get mentioned, shingles is not a variant of virus that causes herpes.

    Shingles is caused by the herpes zoster virus, which causes chicken pox.  While herpes is in the name, it is not related to herpes simplex 1 or 2, which causes cold sores and genital herpes. /microbiologist hat off :)


    Dont want anyone who gets shingles to mistakenly think they were exposed to herpes. 

    • Love 14
  6. 2 hours ago, sasha206 said:

    It seems silly to me that because one child is contacting her birth mother and wants to see her and another confesses she may be crushing on girls would be the thing to end a campaign that would be ended in just a few weeks anyway.

    And to me, the mere suggestion that Tess struggling with her attraction = full on parental attention seems ridiculous and implies that this is a real problem, not something they are supportive of.   If she's in need of counseling to help her understand her sexuality, that certainly doesn't require full on parental attention in which one parent can't run for public office.  I assume in his previous job, he was likely not home very much.  

    I just don't buy it.  It would make more sense to me if one of the problems involved drug use.  Both of those issues don't seem to be enough of a problem to end a campaign.  Low polling numbers can change and he's a Pearson!  One speech should be enough to win the election!  

    The financial implications of funding a campaign, yes I believe could be an issue..  But Beth could've put her foot down with that right away.  

    This to me is just another unrealistic plot twist to create dissension between the couple that seemed to be perfection together.


    Tess is struggling. She said how upset she has been and both her parents noticed her change in mood. Whether it should or should not be upsetting is irrelevant. It’s not unreasonable to be concerned that your daughter is grappling with something tough for her, and to want parental back up. 

    Deja wants to be driven to see her mom. These are logistical issues that need a second parent around and availble, if possible. Her mom coming back in her life is also a huge and potentially upsetting deal, and it’d be great if there was parental attention available to keep an eye out for her.

    Then there is the issue of Beth looking for work, which can be a full time job in itself. And the using of family savings to run a failing campaign, when neither parent has a job.  All together it’s a reasonable ask for the other parent to step away from a lost cause and be there to help with all these different issues going on.  

    Especially after that parent said he would if he was ever asked. 

    • Love 11
  7. 18 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

    Okay.    You win.

    The whole thing is ridiculous that those two things could derail a political campaign.   But the entire storyline is absolutely ridiculous.

    It’s not those things derailing a campaign, but reasons to stop a campaign that’s no longer viable. If he was close to winning or even had shot I bet she’d be still supporting it. The issue is the campaign is done and only he can’t see it. Continuing the campaign, when it’s hurting the family, under these circumstances is the issue. 

    • Love 13
  8. On 10/16/2018 at 10:13 PM, Soup333 said:

    I had to explain to my daughter how the draft worked. Then she heard her birthdate announced on the tv during the bar scene and both our mouths dropped open. Of all the days in the year.

    I cant imagine how terrifying that would have been. 

    That ending scene with all the babies that shared Nick's birthday broke me. All those baby boys whose number was just called. I sobbed. 

    • Love 10
  9. On 9/20/2018 at 4:01 PM, Pat Hoolihan said:

    Quite frankly, the Captain has been mentioned repeatedly since ep 1. It has been a major item of interest throughout. I guess the poster maybe has not been paying enough attention to the show as it airs, which can happen, but I am not finding the show overly complicated. There may be some unexplainable things so far, but I believe they will be addressed soon.

    And the unexplainable bits are the fun of the show. The mysteries will reveal themselves. I’m enjoying it immensely. 

    • Love 3
  10. 5 hours ago, Ohwell said:

    Thanks very much for the explanation.  But I'm still somewhat confused.  LOL

    Seriously though, if I need a tutorial after every episode then I'm not sure this is the show for me.  There are only three more episodes until the end of this season but I don't know if I'll continue watching after that.  

    Maybe, since honestly I find it pretty straightforward to follow and engaging. It’s also strangely uplifting to me. Not eveyth8jg works for everybody,and that’s cool. 

    • Love 5
  11. 2 hours ago, Ohwell said:

    I recognized Connie and the two guys from the restaurant but what would they be doing in the basement?  All of this is just too confusing and for the life of me I don't know what the hell is going on.  I still like this show but I don't know if I can handle another season of mysterious goings on. 

    At the lodge Dud was playing pinball with Connie when “parabola project” walked by. He alluded to a “parabola project” at midnight and said “death from above”. That was referencing the late night trebuchet shenanigans they showed before, at Orbis. Connie asked about it and Dud said he didn’t have the authority to allow her to come, but “parabola project” guy did. Cut to the midnight scene back at Orbis and I guess Connie made it through vetting and was allowed to come play. 

    On 9/13/2018 at 9:08 AM, Ohwell said:

    Who is Captain? 

    I'm sorry, but I guess sometimes I'm not paying as much attention as I thought I was.   

    Captain is the mysterious contractor Ernie has been obsessed about finding, so he can score the huge development plumping deal. It who was on the phone when he crashed the big meeting and his associates scooped him up in the suv and gave him the gift basket. 

    • Love 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    I never made a statement that Carole didn't lie.  My exact response was "Fine" which is another word for agreeing with you.  Perhaps you're thinking of somebody else.


    Yup, your right, it was someone else. I guess I was confused because you kept quoting me and responding to a different topic than I was talking about. 


    No matter. My point was about Carole's lies, not about Andy's behavior. 

    • Love 3
  13. 18 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    I think that Carole was fed up with Andy for calling her out when he doesn't call out Bethenny for anything.  So she finally blew up and said he was full of shit.

    Yes, I understand that part. I was commenting on your statement that Carole didn’t lie. Her statement that she never bashed Bethenny on camera was a lie. 

    • Love 12
  14. 15 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    Fine, but has Andy defended ANY of the Housewives besides Bethenny?  He's full of shit because all he does is eat Bethenny's all day.

    Housewives:  It's tacky to bring a camera to a funeral.

    Holy shit, Andy.  

    I'm really surprised now, that some people viewed it as a gang up!  I viewed it as "Andy Cohen Presents: The Real Bethenny of Bethenny."  Only Bethenny gets to speak without being interrupted, and Andy screams AND SWEARS at all of the (other) Housewives to let Bethenny speak.  Honestly, my breath was taken away.  It is insane, the bias on this show!

    What does any of that have to do with Carole not lying? Because that was what I was replying to. 

    • Love 2
  15. 10 hours ago, howiveaddict said:

    Yes, with his pithy inspirational sayings and his dyed hair.  Sounded like some of the crap people post on Facebook.  I hate that kind of self help crap!

    If you believe , it shall be.  See I made my own stupid quote!

    Even worse. It’s the stuff people post on LinkedIn. 

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