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Posts posted by noveltylibrary65

  1. On 3/26/2015 at 0:00 PM, Miss Chevious said:

    I've watched a number of these shows but this one takes the cake. Or should I say hamburger with fries. Don't these people get a list of foods to eat and what to avoid when they leave the hospital post-surgery? I was appalled to see Charity wolfing down that burger. And then being depressed because her weight loss wasn't as much as she'd hoped. Sometimes I think they are not grasping the concept.

    It's like telling a drug addict to go home and not use drugs.  You can give them all the lists of bad foods you want, it won't matter.  I'm always surprised Dr Now waits to insist on therapy, it should be the very first requirement when they walk in the door imo.  I had years of eating disorders so I know how strong the addiction is.

    • Love 2
  2. 23 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

    This was worse than Charlie's. Charlie was injured and kind of over it, but Charlie knew the words. Valentina thought she was slick enough to bullshit her way through by wearing the mask. More than anything it's insulting because she thought no one on the panel was smart enough to catch on. Fuq that.

    I don't believe Valentina thought she had a chance in hell, since she asked to keep her mask on.  She was saving face (literally) for her swan song.   I found RuPaul a bit overdramatic demanding she take it off.   What was the point other than to see how badly this was going to go?

  3. On 4/27/2017 at 6:45 PM, ForReal said:

    While I was with Max all the way, I did wonder what made him particularly mad at this catfish. Because of his age? Because he was a man? Almost all of the other factors -- he was creepy, he showed no remorse, he is in denial, he is unlikely to stop, he had other victims -- were present in other past catfish, but somehow this guy really set Max off. It was the best part of the episode, frankly.

    It was definitely the age .  So gross.

    • Love 1
  4. On 4/27/2017 at 0:48 PM, NanGee said:

     Frankly, just between you and me, I didn't think Ari was any great catch either,.

    Not sure where you get that.  If she were prettier would she be a better catch?  She's an average young woman just a bit more desperate for love than others imo.

    On 4/27/2017 at 1:32 PM, taeyeon said:

    honestly every episode I just wonder why can't these people just reverse image search/phone search themselves? it's not rocket science..

    I'll bet a fair amount are afraid to do that, in case it busts the fantasy.

    On 4/29/2017 at 8:00 AM, cmfran said:

    I was confused as to why she was still texting him the night after the initial meetup. I would have blocked his number as soon as I got in the car to leave his house.

    "No one is named Lanum" - ha. Me and my wife said that several times while watching. And wow, that guy had quite the cowboy hat collection. I'm surprised he went with the newsboy cap for the show.

    I had to wonder if the producers asked her to keep the lines of communication open with him for just one more day.  You could tell she was ready to have nothing to do with him as soon as she met him.

    Haa no one is named Lanum.   At the beginning I said to myself as Jeff,  I'm writing to you guys because my brother has a stupid name.

    • Love 2
  5. On 4/27/2017 at 10:21 AM, bean9879 said:

    The most offensive part of this guy's deal was that his "guilt text" was a line from a Smiths song! ("I Know It's Over") I was wondering why it sounded familiar, and then it clicked.
    I did enjoy Max's smackdown a great deal, but this guy is not going to stop being a creeper.

    I happen to love the Smiths from back in the day when I got their first album, please don't lump him in with them! 

    On 4/27/2017 at 10:58 AM, GoGamecox said:

    I remember her saying something, too, about wanting to make babies with this guy before she even met him. GIRL. Needy isn't sexy! 

    It's really depressing how women send nude pics to people they've never met IRL.  Unless they're exhibitionists in general, they are likely in for a world of hurt that they could have prevented.

    • Love 2
  6. On 4/27/2017 at 1:16 AM, DiabLOL said:

    Uh, Nev? Women don't owe pushy, lying, delusional dickweeds anything. No closure, no explanations, no helping them understand.

    Totally.  I thought that was pretty low of him to get her to go back to talk to him, just for ratings sake.  

    On 4/27/2017 at 2:15 AM, GaT said:

    I still don’t get it, how do these people consider themselves to be dating when they’ve never actually met?

    I ask myself that every episode!!  The only explanation is there is a lot of desperation/naivete out there.   And I assume no good fathers for these young women.  "Dating" implies going on actual "dates" (at least that's what I thought, silly me).  Dating online means dating your life away...

    • Love 3
  7. On 5/18/2017 at 1:37 PM, uoflfan said:

    I find it hard to summon one bit of empathy for Paris. She and her fake boobs (seriously who has those at 17 and what kind of parents does she have?) were obviously looking to hook up with a celebrity. I do feel for Chris although he was stupid to exchange nude selfies with someone he'd never met.

    omg exactly I was like wth kind of parents let a 17 yo fly somewhere to spend the night with her bf?  I don't feel bad for her at all or the creepy 33 yo bball player that "thought she was 18".  ok.

    • Love 9
  8. On 2/20/2017 at 4:45 PM, RogerDodger said:


      Reveal hidden contents

    Celeste's husband (forgive me as I haven't learned all of the names yet) is the victim.  He's clearly abusive towards Celeste. I also believe he is probably Ziggy's father.   Jane is clearly running from someone, and is clearly scared enough to keep a gun under her pillow.  I believe the woman Jane kept imagining running in the blue dress is herself.  I believe she either had an affair, one night stand or possible prostitute type relationship with Celeste's husband and Ziggy was the result.  Celeste's husband was probably abusive towards her the same as he is towards Celeste. She either came to Monterey for revenge, or perhaps as escape and coincidentally wound up in the same town.  Celeste's husband warned Celeste to keep the twins away from Ziggy only after hearing his name (which is not that common). I'm sure he doesn't want Jane and Celeste putting two and two together.  If one assumes Ziggy did hurt Renata's daughter, it could be presumed that he gets the tendancies from his father.  (I did love that little Ziggy was wearing a Junior wife beater when he startled Jane in bed.)  My guess is that Celeste, Jane, and Madeline (because she just seems like she would have to be involved) all team up to exact revenge on him once all of the relationships come to light, probably with each providing alibis for the other two so that the murder cannot be pinned on any one of them.    

     I know people can have kids at wildly varying ages, but Dern definitely seems much more, ahem, mature than Witherspoon, Kidman, etc.  I have no idea any of these actresses age IRL and am too lazy to look it up, but it seems odd.     

    Interesting because I think of NK as being the odd man out agewise.  I can see LD as a RW's contemporary much more easily.

  9. On 2/16/2017 at 3:00 PM, Armchair Critic said:

    My mother today is still a beautiful, popular social butterfly and I know it embarrasses her that I am overweight and don't run in her social circles.

    Maybe attractive is a better word for her, she's not beautiful if her own daughter's appearance embarrasses her!

    • Love 4
  10. 12 hours ago, dosodog said:


    Dallas was on Friday nights.  I was a teenager with a driver's license.....

    Me too!!  Always stayed in to watch.  It may have influenced my early love of drinking come to think of it.  They went to the serving cart for booze for every discussion.  Little did I know LH was really drinking.  I was in love with him since IDOJ. 

    Never had interest in Dynasty, to me they were old biddies haa.

    12 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

    One thing that strikes me as bullshit Rinna claiming her youngest being offered jobs in Paris but for her age she could not accept.  No Rinna, it is Rinna-esque bullshit of course they would tell you that because there was no danger of having to follow through.

    I thought that was weird, on what planet are models too young??  If I see another teen in an anti-aging ad I'll scream.

    • Love 8
  11. 10 hours ago, Giselle said:

    Well we kniw is she's probably the most well educated this season.

    Absolutely, and I happen to think she is the prettiest/classiest unlike the post you responded to implied (which didn't attach here ugh)

    13 hours ago, Martinigirl said:


    OMG!  That's it!  Dorit reminds me of Alexis from RH of the OC. (

    omg nooo i don't see that at all!   Btw all that clip reminds me of is how EJ smartass responded  What are you talking about you're from CT!  wtf she really hated Dorit from the start.  

    • Love 6
  12. 8 hours ago, film noire said:

    Kim Richards had her first child in '86 and one of her last acting gigs was three years later - so she was out looking for work or working during her kid's babyhood/toddler years - which is great (if that's what a mother wants) just don't lie and pretend it was your kids, and their needs, that kept you from acting. That's such a shitty, victim/ addict thing to do to them.   She also did Black Snake Moan when Kimberly was only ten, so I find it hard to believe she was sacrificing a fantastic career for her kids, instead of not having the chops to build a thriving career (not even in those lowly soaps she's so far above ; ) 

    Must kill Richards that Kyle managed six seasons as a recurring on ER (and hats off to her for doing so -- network TV is no easy get).

    Her relationship with Kimberly is so strange, like co-dependent.   Anyone watch The Mother/Daughter Experiment?  Hopefully becoming a grandmother has changed her for the better.

    8 hours ago, film noire said:

    Must kill Richards that Kyle managed six seasons as a recurring on ER (and hats off to her for doing so -- network TV is no easy get).

    had no idea Kyle was on ER...!

    3 hours ago, AndySmith said:

    Here is the only clip I can find on Youtube of Kyle on ER...well, the only one that mentions her. I'm sure she is in some other scenes in the background and/or helping the docs out.

    Pre nosejob!

    • Love 2
  13. 9 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

    We did find out that at the reunion Erika stated she was wearing underwear. Guess she was aware of the seating chart and knew that PK would be across from her. I wonder why neither Ken or Mauricio made a guest appearance. They usually do, don't they? 

    The other husbands weren't invited, from what Andy said.

    • Love 2
  14. 4 hours ago, chewycandy said:

    Saying you don't have any is not the same as "announcing" you're not wearing any,

    I hate to beat a dead bunny and we'll obviously never all agree, but context is everything.  She said it while looking down at her lap.  Does anyone really think she meant she doesn't have an extra pair available to give Kyle?  ps i need a life at this point lol


    • Love 13
  15. 1 minute ago, Normades said:

    All this back and forth on the actual wording kind of baffles me.  Words are important, but there is more to communication than just words.  There is tone and inflection, hand gestures, and body language.  When the comment was made, it was clear to me that she was saying she was going commando.  It seems many other people got that same message and by Ericka's own account, that was the message.  It's not like she said that and we all got this idea that she was without undergarments, but she actually was wearing them. 

    Absolutely.  I just had to correct myself because someone pointed out I had changed what I posted earlier.  There really was no question what was being communicated.

    • Love 8
  16. 18 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

    It's crazy reading the debate on what was actually said and glad you went back to check cause I specifically remember her saying "I'm not wearing any" just from memory so it's great someone actually checked the footage and got back to us.

    I'm sorry I stand corrected I was only checking through google, but went back and watched the footage, it is "I don't have any!" as she reaches down to protect herself from LVP.  Which to be fair implies the same thing.  I'd like to leave the witness stand now lol.

    • Love 8
  17. 1 hour ago, AndySmith said:

    I see you went back and changed your original quote...

    yes i said i went back to see what was actually said then corrected it.

    edit: checked the footage instead of googling dialogue, she actually said "I don't have any" so I was wrong.

    • Love 3
  18. 7 hours ago, AndySmith said:

    Her legs weren't open, from what we saw in the videos. Her knees were closed and she had a napkin on as well as much as she could.

    But obviously there was more to that evening than one shot of the knees closed.  Someone wearing a mini dress with no uw and mad she was 'seen'.  It's beyond ridiculous.  She has no problem with nudity.  This was all about not liking Dorit imo.

    • Love 15
  19. 8 hours ago, notnowimbusy said:

    When Andy pointed out that Erika & Rinna were wearing the same shoes, they both laughed, then Erika gave a sideways "that's ok", like Andy bringing it up was some sort of insult to Erika.  When Rinna was showing her bag of pills, Erika said "mine is way more interesting".  Andy didn't bite, and didn't ask what was in hers.  Erika just seems to think the entire group is sooooooooooo beneath her, and she and her glam squad knows she's the best.   I'm sure after the reunion wrapped, her glam squad went on and on about how fierce she is, she's the best, etc.  And then Mikey talked her into her latest nude shot.   There is nothing personable about Erika.  She's an act, always in costume, always some character.  There is no real Erika.

    Which is why everyone naturally assumes she is her stage persona yet she gets pissed that people can't separate the two.  Well gee, give us a personality that doesn't match it and we will!

    • Love 11
  20. 8 hours ago, princelina said:

    I agree - but until Miss "I Have a Great Family and a Beautiful Life" can just decide that since she has a great family and a beautiful life, and Kim is a pathetic creature who can't take responsibility for her actions, she will let it go (and then do so!), I will continue to dislike her.  Constantly trying to raise the asshole stakes does not win her any points in my book!

    omg when she said 'I have a beautiful life and a beautiful family' I was like who are you trying to convince, yourself?

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