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Posts posted by noveltylibrary65

  1. 4 minutes ago, nexxie said:

    Good point. imo Eileen is a little naive about some of the agendas - except she's totally onto LVP, and kudos to her for that.

    she's not onto her, she's fast becoming friends with her through the dog thing.  and there's nothing to be onto imo anyway. but ok i get it some people think so.

    • Love 6
  2. 1 hour ago, wings707 said:

    Erika admitted she overreacted on WWHL and that is good enough for me.  I have warmed to her this season and chalked up her emotion to jet lag coupled with Dorit chewing on her face like a sewer rat.  Sometimes it is difficult to stay in control.  Rinna never does!  

    how could she not admit it?? it makes no sense otherwise.

    • Love 10
  3. 2 minutes ago, Jamie Satyr said:

    Most people are too young to remember Vince has been "suckin' up" to old ladies since he was a kid fooling around with Farrah Fawcett-Majors! I was such a fan of his back then on "Apple's Way" and he was playing tennis! ;-)

    omg Apple's Way Sunday nights!! 

    • Love 6
  4. 8 hours ago, princelina said:

    I felt kind of bad for her, but then she's all "Let's take a moment to honor Erika's son."  Really, you moron? - maybe one day she will learn?

    hahaa i loved when Erika blew that off fast.  No wonder she's besties with Lips, they both don't know when to just stfu.

    • Love 7
  5. 8 hours ago, Jamie Satyr said:

    I guess I must be a runner! As soon as these b!tches started flippin' out over nothing, I would have taken my arse back to the hotel and prepared to go home! I don't look my age due to avoiding unnecessary drama! Rinna po'd me the most after all she's done this season to fuel this BS with her balloon lips! ;-(

    I actually thought Rinna was going home for a split second...but of course she had to go huuuustle some more. (hate how she says her tagline)

    • Love 4
  6. 8 hours ago, WireWrap said:

    I know! Seriously! She didn't tell Tom when it happened and still didn't tell him before the show aired but it was so egregious that Dorit/PK owe him an apology?!? IMO, that says there is trouble in that house/marriage.

    haha if they had apologized to him like she wanted he would've been like, what are you talking about?

    • Love 8
  7. 1 hour ago, MyAimIsTrue said:

    I'm 52 years old and have never once had a glam squad and my life turned out fine.  

    My love for Eileen increased when she was standing at the Buddha in the rain with the poncho hood down.  She didn't bitch about her hair (or shoes) getting ruined as she seemed to be enjoying and appreciating the moment.

    Dorit is wasted space.  I find nothing interesting about her or her weird made up accent and I loved how Erika was able to talk her down at each turn.

    I'm your age and I find it interesting how viewers see differently--I can't stand Eileen and like Dorit:)  

    10 hours ago, chewycandy said:

    So flip the script...if PK had worn shorts and flashed Erika would she have snickered about it with every cast mate? Brought Dorit some undies in a box and said it's because everyone had seen her husband's balls? I don't see her acting in such a juvenile way.

    That's not really flipping the script because they aren't the same sex.  If PK had worn shorts flashing, you can bet the other guys would razz him.

    • Love 11
  8. 8 hours ago, Jamie Satyr said:

    Rinna was fueling that drama; actually invoking Dorit's husband in the conversation! Kyle pointed out how she flipped out when Kim brought up Rinna's! They're all just hypocritical COWS! ;-(

    I couldn't stand Rinna's giddiness on the boat when she realized her bag of drugs wasn't the topic any more.

    9 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

    Regardless of your position on pantygate, Dorit held her own very well when a gang-up was in the works.  

    Absolutely.  Regardless of fake accents, she seems to have more class than all of them combined.

    • Love 21
  9. 10 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

    Dorit and Eden these women don't like you or want to get to know you, move along and remove yourselves from this show.

    No I like Dorit, but could def do without zombie Eden!

    9 hours ago, scenicbyway said:

    On WWHL Erika does say she overreacted to Eileen's completely innocent comment.  So there's that...

    But god forbid she explains where the near seizure came from.  The mask was up and running.

    • Love 11
  10. 9 hours ago, kdl88 said:

    Right. She deserved it because of what she was wearing. And I've also been told the man couldn't help himself. 

    I think I'm more than comfortable with being on the other side of that. And more comfortable anywhere but this forum. 

    lol "deserved" to be looked at?? Deserved to get a normal human reaction?  

    • Love 2
  11. 21 minutes ago, AttackTurtle said:

    Lisa Rinna is a piece of shit.  And Eileen can take s seat next to her.  Eileen's blog is already up & guess what she doesn't mention?  Zero reference to Rinna's coke allegation against Dorit.  She spends a fair amount of time bashing Dorit, but zero reference to her BFF's nasty allegation against Dorit.  

    Gosh what a shocker.  Eileen is so annoying.  And boring.

    • Love 10
  12. 18 minutes ago, kdl88 said:

    I have higher standards for men. My boyfriend absolutely would not have looked. Nor would most of the men I know. It was accidental on Erika's part and no one had the right to look. 

    I don't mean stare and drool and I mean look if she's sitting right in front of the person.  which she was.

    20 minutes ago, kdl88 said:

    I have higher standards for men. My boyfriend absolutely would not have looked. Nor would most of the men I know. It was accidental on Erika's part and no one had the right to look. 

    btw it wasn't accidental it was inevitable!

    • Love 16
  13. 20 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

    FYI everyone, Erika is going to be on WWHL tonight. Can't wait to hear what she says about her melt downs tonight. 

    unfortunately i'm thinking she'll have her mask back on and be cool as a cucumber shrugging it off.  I laughed during her fit and someone asked if she wanted to take a walk and she snaps I'm fine!

    • Love 10
  14. 29 minutes ago, KikiBda said:

     Lisa R is awful...good lord.  The coke question ? Dorit should have been like 'No, I certainly would have invited you if I was, I know you are into drugs' ?

    i know i so wished she had said why don't you stick your nose in your glad bag of drugs? but she's too classy oh well.

    • Love 4
  15. 4 minutes ago, Easyspreestep said:

    Erica had no intention of flashing anyone, and said that she was ashamed that it happened.  Erica also said she would have forgotten about it if Dorit had not gone around to the women and then gave her underwear in front of everyone.  Dorit did all those things to humiliate Erica, so she can miss me with her "that was not my intention" crap.  If she had no intention of hurting Erica she would have apologized when Ellyn and Kyle both told her she hurt Erica's feelings.  Dorit could have gone to Erica and said, I'm hearing that I was incentive and that was not my intention.  I know you may not think so but others have told me that it was hurtful. I mean Dorit walked around telling the story to everyone, while absolving PK of everything.  Really so this grown man could not control himself?  Is that so (in my fake accent) well her accent is fake to so oh well

    Ok, you don't think about sitting down in a mini dress with no underwear and not worry at all about flashing?

    2 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

    Tonight's episode truly solidified for me how vile Rinna truly is.  


    • Love 11
  16. 1 minute ago, rustyspigot said:

    Well I have to get back to QVC, but I have to ask, were you doing coke after that dinner months ago? So amazing and ridiculous and out of left field. I'm still laughing. I guess Buddha cleared Rinna's mind. HA!

    And Eileen questioned someone's acceptance of an apology? WHAT?

    I have been daydreaming that Rinna and Eileen would leave for almost 2 years now.  I'm still holding on to it!

    • Love 8
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