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Posts posted by noveltylibrary65

  1. 17 hours ago, ezzy4 said:

    I think I understand Erika.  We got a glimpse into her background and things have been tough for her.  She really seems like someone doing their best to deal with real self-esteem issues.  And that stuff is hard.  I mean the real self-esteem issues that come from having to learn to comfort yourself as your forming your personality because your caregivers aren't.  It changes who you are deep inside.  It can make you feel unworthy at your very base.

    It can cause you to do things like create an alternate personality who is strong and confident and can't be hurt

    It can also cause you to be a real ahole.  I've experienced this with a handful of people and it instantly ushered any sympathy I had right out the door.  I'm not that good.

    • Love 12
  2. 1 hour ago, Lizzing said:

    This "pantygate" topic has gone on for so long, I'm looking for a new target to blame.  I'm going with Kyle.  Had that chick just gone commando like a sane person under those thin white pants, no one would have asked for spare undies at drinks!  /JK

    It's funny how she used panties to dab her eyes after the wine spritz...underwear should be a new housewife!

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  3. 10 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

    No, I saw them all, and agree that Eileen let it drag on too long. I was speaking of when Eileen first came to LVP right after it happened, and told her that her words had hurt her. LVP laughed at her with her mini-apology, almost mocking the idea that she had said anything wrong. Eileen is already hurt, then hurt more by LVP minimizing her feelings. Juxtapose that with Eileen saying something innocent to Erika, that was taken in the wrong way, and she immediatly apologized, even though she had done nothing wrong. Just the character of a person who doesn't always need to be right, and takes responsibility for something said, even if the intent was misconstrued. 

    The thing is LVP would have apologized the same way to Kyle!  With a laugh, etc.  It's who she is  Eileen chose to be a hurt little victim over being asked when she started her affair with Vinny.  She didn't like to be reminded that her marriage didn't have a fairytale beginning.

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  4. I put aside my general dislike for her thinking her talent will make up for it but I only see her trying to be BD.  Her voice is still hers, the accent is wavering and the cosmetic procedures that erased any normal wrinkles/sagging hurts the role imo.  Besides that, I am actually getting bored at this point which is very disappointing, anyone else?

  5. 11 hours ago, lunastartron said:

    Everyone will see this differently.

    But Erika's voice dropped an octave into it's low/menacing register as soon as Eileen attempted to put forth even a tepid defense of Dorit and pointing out that Erika was essentially saying no apology Dorit offered would be adequate. Erika was furious at this little inconsistency (why should Dorit apologize if Erika's going to just belabor a grudge that she claimed for months didn't exist?) being highlighted imo.

    Ergo why she went all Linda Blair on acid about commentary that Eileen didn't make ("don't you ever criticize that"), started cursing out her one genuine friend in the cast, and jabbering nonsensically about how she doesn't bring up or make a big deal out of the danger to her son while making the biggest deal out of it imaginable.

    This is a really great point.  They had just cemented their lovey dovey for each other and suddenly Eileen was voicing an opinion that god forbid wasn't for Erika's honor.  This had to instantly infuriate Miss All Fall At My Feet.  Like when she lashed at Kathryn after thinking they were besties.

    • Love 13
  6. 13 hours ago, Trooper York said:

    Dorit may be younger but there is no way that she is prettier than Erika. Erika is a substantial sexy woman. Many of us prefer a woman with meat on her bones so we have some cushion for the pushin! 

    Erika is way more sexy than Dorit. By a mile.

    Of course your mileage may vary.

    Sexy and pretty are different imo.  Erika is sex-fueled only in her vids/shows.  She is a dichotomy, looks like she could easily be at Hef's mansion but not actually engaging in a sexy way, very monotone and guarded.

    10 minutes ago, Normades said:

    I was responding to @Addison de Pitt, I assumed their name was chosen as an homage to Addison De Witt from All About Eve aka George Sanders.  Sorry to get off topic.  I should know that the classy, elegant, intelligent Mr. Sanders has no place here! :)  Glad to see there is still love out there for him.  Obviously you have taste!

    Now, back to the trash...

    Also I was very sorry when I learned of GS's sad ending.  I hate when I hear of actors I adore have tragic lives:(  Ok back to our regularly scheduled program!

    3 minutes ago, bosawks said:

    I really want someone at the end of the next dinner "party" to conclude by standing up and asking Vanderpump if it's true that she once shot a man in Reno just to watch him die......

    haaa I think we all know who that someone is!

    • Love 4
  7. 2 minutes ago, Normades said:

    I was responding to @Addison de Pitt, I assumed their name was chosen as an homage to Addison De Witt from All About Eve aka George Sanders.  Sorry to get off topic.  I should know that the classy, elegant, intelligent Mr. Sanders has no place here! :)  Glad to see there is still love out there for him.  Obviously you have taste!

    Now, back to the trash...

    Oh awesome:) I was honoring the weekend with TCM's tribute to Robert Osbourne.  Yes I live in the past with movies--when they were really great!

    • Love 4
  8. 1 hour ago, motorcitymom65 said:

     There are lots of reasons to dislike Erika for some (not me), but the fact that she - a married woman - didn't like the notion that she was accused of flashing a married man on purpose - doesn't seem to be one of those reasons. 

    I was trying to figure out why you're so shocked/disappointed, then read your last line.   I never got that she was being accused of deliberately flashing!  Only that she was dumb enough to not wear underwear with a miniskirt and she should be a bit more careful in the future.

    • Love 14
  9. 2 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

    But they are very different things, no? Eileen felt like LVP was trying to hurt her by her words. In this case, Eileen felt like she was the one to hurt Erika and felt badly about it. And Eileen was very sorry about it and immediatly apologized, even though she had actually said nothing wrong. That is how you do it. 

    Did you miss how LVP apologized quite a few times but apparently it wasn't the way Eileen wanted.

    • Love 14
  10. On 3/20/2017 at 11:18 AM, wings707 said:

    I like this enough to stay with it but not dazzled.  Maybe it will get more interesting, for me, now that we are past Baby Jane.  I don't like Jessica Lange in this or anything else so that is at play, too.

    I'm with you but it's Sarandon for me.

    • Love 2
  11. 36 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

    It doesn't matter if it was a game changer or not. Or if someone promised violence or not. Using "I don't remember saying that" is something both women should be held accountable for.

    They never let Dorit repeat what she said...and it was NOT what those idiots were claiming.

    49 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

    No, there have been examples of Crazy Eyes conveniently "forgetting" things she herself has said. Hell Crazy Eyes was also on occasion wrongly remembering what other people, like Kyle were saying, like at Kyle's game night party. Of course, they flashed back to the conversation between Crazy Eyes and Kyle, and guess whose memory was "wrong"? Hint, it wasn't Kyle.

    is Dorit Crazy Eyes?  I think her eyes are pretty.

    13 minutes ago, Trooper York said:

    Dorit may be younger but there is no way that she is prettier than Erika. Erika is a substantial sexy woman. Many of us prefer a woman with meat on her bones so we have some cushion for the pushin! 

    Erika is way more sexy than Dorit. By a mile.

    Of course your mileage may vary.

    I think Dorit is prettier.  Both are great looking but Erika has always had slight frog eyes to me.

    • Love 20
  12. 1 hour ago, notnowimbusy said:

    Tom sure is a complicated man.  He loves that his wife strips down to revealing outfits to strut her stuff and pat her puss, but he would be horrified at the idea of somebody catching a glimpse at a non-stage event.  

    Hmm maybe that's the point, it being non-staged--she didn't make money off it! ?

    1 hour ago, Giselle said:

    All except maybe Erica. After pointing out that Kyle was in the biz she latched on to her real quick and also Eileen.

    I wonder if Erica feels a tiny bit one upped by Dorit. Last year Erica was on a show where she was "The Performer"  an out there alter ego with pussy power. This year in comes Dorit who's husband was/is in the music business and who is also very close and tight with Boy George, a bonafide "era iconic" singer who had/has what Erica really desires. Dorit is not impressed by Ericas wealth nor her self ascribed fabulousness. Dorit , by being close to people in the business, may know what is and isn't bullshit and smacks of wanna be. "Sold out bar" versus sold out stadiums. Acting like Lady Gaga when she is really Lady Na-uh. Though she has never said one thing bad about Erica's career, Erica may feel threatened by Dorit and has chosen to lash out by being cutting.

    Erica came out swinging criticizing  Dorit's accent and her support of British humor. "You're from Connecticut". Dorit starts to make a general observation about people in their 40's and was quickly and rudely cut off as Erica dismisses her by saying "You just turned 40 last week." I think had Erica taken a different approach with her Dorit would have put Erica together with Boy George to offer help, tips and connections. She sure as shit ain't going to do it now.

    For all her married wealth Erica wants in to the celebrity club so bad people see her desperation.

    These are all great points! Add in that Dorit actually has a real marriage where neither one "runs" the other.

    • Love 8
  13. 14 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

    This is all well and good, but the worst offense of the evening has yet to be mentioned: Erika's dress. Clearly, her glam squad has turned on her. Anyone got a pic of that thing? It was something an insane blind toddler would put together.

    LOL  I can't screenshot a full look yet (no ff) 


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