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Everything posted by FnkyChkn34

  1. Who was the second member of the Magnificent Seven Suicide Squad who died? Thoros and they burned him, but then the one who fell off of the rock and was overcome by the wights - who was that? I watched twice and missed it both times.
  2. Sorry, but no. Wights are reanimated by the Others, aka White Walkers. From "A Wiki of Ice and Fire": Wights are dead men or creatures raised up by the Others, seemingly when touched by the cold that accompanies them. We learn that in the first book. Qyburn is a White Walker? Wow, he looks great for a dead frozen guy. Also, I don't think he has blue eyes... The Mountain is like Frankenstein's monster. He was put back together and brought back to life, but most definitely not by an Other/White Walker.
  3. Cersei has a wight? Who or what?? Please don't tell me you're talking about the Mountain...
  4. Exactly. Too many issues to list, quite frankly.
  5. They were absolutely massive and took hundreds of wights to carry them. None were ever seen hauling them around before the battle. And how did they get them attached to the dragon to pull him out? Hundreds swam down there? It appears that they can't swim. Plot hole! Obviously I'm dwelling on this as sarcasm, but seriously, it made no sense.
  6. So, my only thought when watching was... Where did they get those massive chains? I mean, really. This show was completely believable until that...
  7. My guess is Mouch. Jesse Spencer is their money train. He can't leave without serious consequences.
  8. Bo wasn't so young... They married in 1985, I think? Wikipedia tells me he was born in 1962, and IMO, 23 is an average age to get married. But, Peter Reckell is 7 years older than "Bo" so was he supposed to be SORASed at any time? I always got the impression Bo was in his mid- to late-20s when Hope was 18.
  9. A rogue, delusional, vigilante justice kind of cop, maybe.
  10. Thanks for clarifying. I think Needle represents a lot of different things, actually. It's her connection to Westeros in general, Winterfell, her family, and Jon - but it's also her weapon, and she can use it to kill. It's not like it's a harmless flower or scarf or something...
  11. I'm sorry, you lost me. Needle is Winterfell? And Needle is Jon's smile? I don't honestly think she wants Jon's armies either (also, he barely has any) but we don't honestly know the reason she detoured North instead of going to kill Cersei. Has she FINALLY maybe, just maybe, grown sick of killing??? Doesn't seem like it because she still talks about it incessantly, so she must think a detour North will still help her with her murderous "mission."
  12. And yet, look how she's treating Sansa. I really feel the familial love... Even sociopathic serial killers can have positive feelings for some things though (for example, a love of their pets or a protection of their family), so I'm sorry, but I still disagree. She can't assume Jon's face because Jon is using Jon's face, right? I thought a person had to be dead for her to take their face. (I may be wrong, because Arya is the worst, so I don't entirely pay attention to her storyline. The whole thing with the faceless men and her "training" was ridiculously stupid, IMO.)
  13. Just because she detoured to see her family doesn't mean she automatically has a conscience, IMO, which was the original argument. I don't think she feels remorse for anything that she does or says, and that to me is not having a conscience. Hot Pie only mentioned Jon - we don't actually know Arya's reasons for wanting to go see Jon again. Was it out of love, or because she wanted his armies? Who knows. Nope, sorry. Arya is awful and always has been, IMO. I've never liked her, so I think this is typical Arya behaviour.
  14. She was outnumbered and knew if she attacked, she'd die. That's why the camera panned over to their stash of weapons. I didn't see that as her having a conscience or a heart, but calculating her odds. She said she was going to kill the queen with a straight face. Inability? She just hasn't... yet. I don't think she's incapable. The Frey woman, maybe.
  15. I'm sorry, but what? How so? I haven't seen it! She murders just for revenge and doesn't give two sh*ts about anything else.
  16. But is it? Because the books haven't addressed Jon yet, and GRRM never actually said anything about Jon. GRRM's comments are about Beric only, and I believe there's one major difference - Thoros can revive Beric immediately. Please correct me if my memory is failing me, but Melissandre thought it didn't work and Jon still laid there "dead" for an unknown amount of time until he woke up later when alone. So did the "Lord of Light" really resurrect him? I don't know.
  17. Lady Stoneheart too, right? Just my two cents - I disagree with everyone that says that Jon is a zombie. He's not a reanimated corpse, as that suggests he's not living and breathing with a soul. I think he was brought back to true life somehow; he's human. I don't know how, and don't really care how, I guess.
  18. That is definitely his weakness. But IMO, that's not honestly a bad thing. So many soap characters do so much worse, and get away with it and are still beloved.
  19. IMO, Gabi ruined Rafe, so she started it all. Hope has historically been one of my favorite characters but I can understand people's complaints. I just don't blame Rafe though either. Gabi started the spiral...
  20. Also, do we need spoiler tags? The topic of this thread is "Chicago Fire Spoilers." I think it's a given that we're going to be talking about... spoilers. :-)
  21. 1. Good question. But weren't their ranks already dwindling as it was? I can't recall how many we saw earlier this season at the farmhouse where the Hound buried the skeletons, but I don't recall that there were many left. 2. I think Jon mentions this in the beginning, probably the first episode. I think he says that it's still manned, but needs reinforcements? It's very undermanned. So that's why he sends Tormund and the wildlings.
  22. He also attended the premiere in LA (I think it was LA), so that was a tip off that he'd be in this season. Considering we only have 2 more episodes, it was about time. :-)
  23. Interesting. Funny, I was going a different route, like a Brady recast or maybe Mike Horton... Thanks!
  24. I just learned that Tyler Christopher is coming to Salem? I never watch GH, but I hear that he's a good actor (won some Emmys) and he's super easy on the eyes. I like this casting announcement. Any idea who he'll play?
  25. He made some comment about being drunk for most of his time after killing Tywin, but said it like it was the past tense. I was also only talking about this season - I'm sure we've seen all of them eat in past seasons. This is interesting. Eating and sleeping may not have much to do with anything - we need to see if they bleed.
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