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Everything posted by FnkyChkn34

  1. Well, I guess the situation resolved itself, unfortunately. One of the Burk brothers is now recovering at a hospital in Germany, while the other is still on the ship. And the Greens did address it; they requested to serve and said they knew the risks and rules. Slattery approved Kara's return. I guess we just have to suspend belief for a show like this anyway.
  2. I think that was the point of his speech to Theon. "You're a Greyjoy, and you're a Stark." Well, no matter what, Jon is going to consider himself Ned Stark's son too. IMO, Jon can be cunning, but you hit the nail on the head in the first part of the sentence - he has honour.
  3. No, because she still ran away with Rhaegar and slighted Robert. Plus, everyone wanted all Targaryans dead, and that would have put Jon/Aegon VI in danger.
  4. Great minds think alike? ;-) We can stick together!
  5. So I finally have time that I can make a longer post with more of my thoughts. Sansa was very, very good. I bought what she was selling - I actually thought she was going after Arya and not Littlefinger. But that twist? That was spectacular. To see Littlefinger begging was the best. Cersei... well, of course Cersei lied. Why wouldn't she? She needs to die. Also, I read a spoiler about her that definitely did not happen last night, so that was interesting as well. I guess she really is pregnant? Great, another demon spawn. I was very happy to see Jamie FINALLY wake up. Now, let's just hope he stays woke and does NOT go back to her. Yes, he's done his own awful things, but for some reason I still root for him. Guess he's the villain you hate to love. And now for the remainder of the story - I really liked that juxtaposition of the slow start with the walk to the dragon pit and the conversations with the quick rapid fire of events at the end of the episode. It was a satisfying buildup that way, IMO. But Tormund better not be dead. He (and Beric) better have run fast and escaped!! Also, was that ice fire? Blue fire? Zombie dragons with frickin' laser beams??? And, well, the pièce de résistance... I wasn't looking forward to the incest, but that was hot. I'll give them credit for that. I also kind of liked that it was interspersed with the telling of his parents. We all knew it was creepy, so it's not like it made it any more creepy for me. At least we know who "Jon Snow" is now. As Twitter has put it... "8 inches of Snow." Yeah, I do too...
  6. I was thinking Tyrion was jealous too. That was my initial thought. My second thought is that he's worried that these two will get caught up in a "romance" and not be focused on the real problem at hand anymore.
  7. Unfortunately not, and I think this is truer to real life than we'd all like to realize. The Navy team weren't the only ones with guns - I noticed that there were plenty of others wandering the streets with them too. I think it's actually common life for many people.
  8. I don't get the sense that liking Gabi is an "unpopular" opinion though - it seems that the majority likes her for reasons definitely unbeknownst to me. ;-)
  9. I totally agree, and I was very disappointed to see the "fall off the wagon" storylines. They aren't entertaining, and they are very real for many people. Let's keep both Brady and Lucas as success stories and move on to something way more soap opera worthy.
  10. Thanks! (When you say Melania, you mean Lucia?) And I ended up seeing that, so I guess I caught everything. Abrupt ending.
  11. My DVR cut out. Can anyone please tell me what happened after Chandler caught up with the team on the road back to the beach?
  12. It was uneven, but I liked it. Good build up, IMO.
  13. Um... wow. Wow. Wow... But question- what was up with Tyrion at the end on the boat? Did Sam send a raven that quickly, so he knows? Or he's jealous? Or afraid of what their alliance will do?
  14. But we're all wrong! No one is allowed to have an opinion! Didn't you know?? :) ;)
  15. I guess now we're in the same club. ;)
  16. I'm only on season 3, but I gotta ask - is this show written by a high school drama club? The Flint and Vane stories are tolerable so far, but the Jack/Anne/Max scenes have some of the worst dialogue ever spoken on scripted television. I don't blame the actors; they are good. The writers are pretty awful.
  17. And what have I ever done to you? You might be joking, but I can't tell, and if you're not - that's awfully rude.
  18. I was going to say the same thing, but I've just started to watch Black Sails, and women on that show wear something similar. It's set in 1715. So... sharing both sets and costumes, perhaps?
  19. Looking at them out of character in this interview, they look enough alike that they could be father and son. In character - what's with the hair? Both of their wigs took pretty awful!
  20. Yes, I know, right?! Yet, the kids on Friday Night Lights were all seniors for like 3 years in a row...
  21. I do definitely see a difference. But it doesn't mean that they both can't fall under the same or similar definition at different levels. (Satisfaction is a form of pleasure.)
  22. Well, it's also just a saying or phrase, like a cliche or term of art. I guess it's sometimes hard to tell on an internet forum.
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