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Everything posted by Gizkok

  1. For at least the past few seasons I have thought that Frank was deliberately trying to look like T. Roosevelt.
  2. I had a dog who loved to hold the leash in his mouth, while I was also holding it. Then one day I noticed we were no longer attached because he had bit the end off! I've since learned from dog trainers that we should not allow our dogs to do this. As we have seen, when you most need to control the dog, you will be unable to.
  3. Other shows have done the same thing. I especially remember 5-0 doing it. I thought it was annoying after the first time. Insufferable after that.
  4. Years ago. as a teacher in a southern state, there were many high school kids, juniors and seniors, who were married, divorced and close to remarrying. As one sweet little Junior told me, after she and her boyfriend got married, "there was nothing else to do." She also told me that her Daddy had driven them to a neighboring state for the wedding. Maybe one that didn't require a waiting time.
  5. Didn't we already meet Mandy's parents a few months ago when Mary and George invited them over? That was when George, trying to be charming maybe said that Mandy looked like her mother. Or something to that effect. And now it's like the mothers had never met before.
  6. I have just discovered you can see the episodes with PBS passport! The best part is they are UNCUT so we see scenes we never saw before!
  7. I sort of suspected that drugs might have had something to do with the baby's condition.
  8. The way they have presented Mrs. Hall is the way I would expect Sigfried and Tristan's sister to behave. An "ahem" older, widowed woman might very well live with her brothers and take over the duties of housekeeper. She would of course be joining her brothers for meals and she wouldn't have a problem with butting into their business as she saw fit. That's the only way Mrs. Hall works for me. They wouldn't keep calling her Mrs. either but would use her first name.
  9. I remember my great aunt had that same hideous hairdo, probably most of her life. She certainly did the last time I saw her which was in the seventies.
  10. O often think about that couple too. Sometimes closeness is better than sex, as far as showing love and care is concerned.
  11. So happy to find this! I have read all of the books and am fairly satisfied with how things have turned out. So far, that is. I'm hoping for more but that may not happen. I was pleased that Spencer and Claire were finally mentioned in the last book; I had been wondering about them. I was surprised that "the vamp" (sorry, I cannot remember her name) grew up and became such a good person. Will she attend WI meetings do you think?
  12. I have always wondered why Danny and Linda named their first child Jack, especially since there is such antipathy to Jack Boyle. Perhaps he was born before Jack B came on the scene. Has there ever been another explanation or who he was named for?
  13. Not just a baby! Twins have been done before but what about triplets? Wouldn't put it past them.
  14. No one has mentioned, at least not that I have seen, the wonderful sweaters, jerseys, cardigans, vest and other knitted things. They look handmade and are gorgeous! I don't see things like that in shows from the US but I have frequently noticed if it is from the British Isles, chances are very good for seeing such things. Even if they aren't handmade they have the look of it. Yet you seldom see anyone knitting.
  15. I started searching when he had Glenn Close on and I noticed a name that appeared in my family tree too. When Gates talked about that couple, the Strongs, he mentioned how many children they had had and that there were now hundreds of thousand of descendants. I am her ninth cousin, Kevin Bacon's 17th cousin and Kyra Sedgwick's 14th cousin. My sister has figured out a connection to Charlemagne but I can't put my hands on it just now. It seems to be harder to find someone I'm not related to.
  16. As far as being related to Kevin Bacon, I found out I am too! And to a whole lot of other people, many even more famous. I've done my family tree on Geni and if I do a general (such as google) search of someone's family tree and find all sorts of things, scroll down to the geni.com entry and it shows a connection, if there is one. Shows both blood and in-law relationships.
  17. My thoughts about Moses - I was thinking that the entire scene with William threatening him away was just for show. Could be that actually Moses is working for him, too, keeping an eye on Eliza for him.
  18. I have just started some serious delving into my own ancestry and was surprised to hear a familiar name. Glenn Close and I share a pair of ancestors, John and Abigail Strong. Since they had 17 children I am sure there are even more relatives out there! Clint Eastwood!
  19. I never thought of it until much later but how could that "woman" wrapped up in plastic breathe?
  20. After all the talk last week about Missy's white pants I thought for sure there would be something about Sheldon needing a certain kind of help in the bathroom,, the kind he probably had not needed for years. Not talking about the zipper help here.
  21. I find it very hard to believe that Ruth was unaware of Caroline's "preferences." She's been at that school for some time now and in every school I've ever been in talking and speculating about others in almost an indoor sport. Ruth must have heard things especially since Caroline never denied her past. So for Ruth to come across as shocked is extremely disingenuous.
  22. Hope someone can help me out. I recently watched all seasons from the beginning and as I recall in one of the very first scenes Celia was ranting to Carolina on and on about how terrible her husband had treated her. One comment she made was something like he wouldn't even put her on his pension, meaning he got it all when he was alive and when he died she got none. Yet, the way she spends she seems quite well off. So did her husband leave her that well off? I can't imagine she saved on her own. Maybe she made good investments? Also in that first episode after she meets Alan and there is a car chase which results in a rear-ender. She explains to Alan that her insurance rates will go up, if she can ever even get insurance again and he tells her not to worry, he won't turn it in to his insurance. She assures him she will pay for his damage and he says "you will not." She didn't argue. A little manipulation there? And getting him to go halves on the car she wanted? She does know a good thing when she sees it, doesn't she?
  23. PBS is now running series 1 again and I am seeing there is either so much more or I have forgotten a lot! Why was Alan so horrified that Celia reads the Daily Mail?
  24. How do you name your child after his father but then never tell him about the father until he's 24 years old? The dad was a decent guy from a decent family, not in prison for murder. If I were the son I'd be pissed. Joe didn't die before baby Joe was born but many years later. Think of all those years that kid missed knowing his father and the father's family.
  25. people keep saying new DI. I thought he is the same that was on last season, but it was temporary for him and he missed his daughter so he was going back. The Commissioner secretly brought his daughter out so the DI decided to stay. Did I dream all that?
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