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Posts posted by Rushmoras

  1. And with Chris Rea One Fine Day (2019) album, I completed yet another discography.

    As always, subjective assessments:

    1. Whatever Happened to Benny Santini? (1978) - 8/10

    2. Deltics (1979) - 10/10

    3. Tennis (1980) - 7.5/10

    4. Chris Rea (1982) - 9.1/10

    5. Water Sign (1983) - 7/10

    6. Wired to the Moon (1984) - 7.8/10

    7. Shamrock Diaries (1985) - 7/10

    8. On the Beach (1986) - 6.2/10

    9. Dancing with Strangers (1987) - 6.4/10

    10. The Road to Hell (1989) - 8/10

    11. Auberge (1991) - 6.7/10

    12. God's Great Banana Skin (1992) - 7.3/10

    13. Espresso Logic (1993) - 4/10

    14. The Blue Cafe (1998) - 7.5/10

    15. The Road to Hell Part II (1999) - 6.7/10

    16. King of the Beach (2000) - 6.7/10

    17. Stony Road (2002) - 5.4/10

    18. The Blue Jukebox (2004) - 4.6/10

    19. Blue Guitars (2005) 11 CD set:

    19.1. I - Beginnings: 6.4/10

    19.2. II - Country Blues: 7.1/10

    19.3. III - Louisiana & New Orleans: 6.7/10

    19.4. IV - Electric Memphis Blues: 7.5/10

    19.5. V - Texas Blues: 10/10

    19.6. VI - Chicago Blues: 5.4/10

    19.7. VII - Blues Ballads: 5/10

    19.8. VIII - Gospel Soul Blues & Motown: 7.5/10

    19.9. IX - Celtic & Irish Blues: 7.5/10

    19.10. X - Latin Blues: 6.4/10

    19.11. XI - 60s & 70s: 8.7/10

    20. The Return of the Fabulous Bluenotes (2008) - 7.1/10

    21. Santo Spirito Blues (2011) - 6.2/10

    22. Road Songs for Lovers (2017) - 6.7/10

    23. One Fine Day (2019) - 7.8/10

    Average score: 6.8/10

  2. Penultimate album from Chris Rea "Road Songs for Lovers" (2017).  While neither song is subjectively bad per se, but it really lacks in comparison to his previous albums (still, the dude has been at it since 1978!)


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  3. Well, with Chris Rea's Blue Guitars XI - 60s & 70s (2005), only a couple of main albums left to finish of his discography. Wow, in 2005, he really did release a 11 CD catalogue of various blues genre music. So far, the best one was Blue Guitars V - Texas Blues followed closely by the current one that I'm listening.


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  4. Finally had the time to watch a movie, so on Saturday saw Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022), which continued on with the multiverse concept introduced in the previous MCU Spider-Man movie. In it, Doctor Strange had to help a teenager capable of walking between multiverses survive Wanda, because she was hunting her down in order to extract the teenager's powers and be able to find that one reality, wherein her children are alive.

    Not gonna lie, it was very fun to watch how Wanda simply was massacring everyone in alternate realities, however, after this, the movie simply lost steam I think. Nevertheless, 7.5/10.

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  5. Chris Rea Espresso Logic (1993). Pretty chill and mellow album, but, that being said, nothing really to talk about besides Johnny Needs a Fast Car and Julia (which was a single on the radio; that I clearly remember after hearing it) since songs sound almost identical. Best song:


  6. Fourth self-titled album "Chris Rea" (1982). I was going to initially post best songs like Loving You, Do You Still Dream, Goodbye Little Columbus, Just Wanna Be With You and When You Know Your Love Has Died, but barring one song, again, to me, this is another best album of his. So, an entire album:


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  7. Third Chris Rea album "Tennis" (1980). After tremendous second one (at least to me), kinda of a let down. Found it funny that the first song is basically about how he loves tennis lol. Best songs:


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  8. 5 minutes ago, Jaded said:

    Do you have a list of discographies you want to listen to or do you decide as you go?

    Nah, I just decide randomly. Like for a couple of days, I've been listening to my country's local music scene what was new in 2023. Though, I was debating whether to start now with Rea or with Counting Crows, decided with Rea. So far, the first album did not disappoint.

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  9. And with The Sick, the Dying and the Dead (2022), completed yet another discography. Best songs in the album:

    As always, subjective assessments of each album:

    1. Killing is My Business... And Business is Good (1985) - 5.5/10

    2. Peace Sells... But Whose Buying? (1986) - 7.5/10

    3. So far so Good... So What? (1988) - 8.3/10

    4. Rust in Peace (1990) - 6.2/10

    5. Countdown to Extinction (1992) - 10/10

    6. Youthanasia (1994) - 6.3/10

    7. Hidden Treasures (1995) - 5.8/10

    8. Cryptic Writings (1997) - 6.9/10

    9. Risk (1999) - 7.3/10

    10. The World Needs a Hero (2001) - 5.4/10

    11. The System Has Failed (2004) - 6.7/10

    12. United Abominations (2007) - 6.7/10

    13. Endgame (2009) - 7.5/10

    14. Th1rt3en (2011) - 6.9/10

    15. Super Collider (2013) - 6.4/10

    16. Dystopia (2016) - 5/10

    17. The Sick, the Dying... and the Dead (2022) - 5.7/10

    Yeah, ever since the System Has Failed, I did not particularly like the way they incorporated politics in to almost every song...

  10. On Thursday, went to Aistė Smilgevičiūtė ir Skylė (local Lithuanian folk metal band that's been active since the nineties) concert in Vytautas Magnus University's Grand Hall. All 700 seats were filled. It was the best hour and a half.

    Basically was this (see video below, for those who are interested), only with newer songs:


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