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Posts posted by Rushmoras

  1. So, Sugababes - Too Lost in You was actually a remake of Patricia Kaas Quand j'ai peour de tout (from her fourth album "Dans ma chair" (1997)). The more you learn when you delve in to international sphere discog...


  2. Well, started the series somewhere perhaps in 2012 or 2013, and finished them today just now. I had a rough start with the first couple of episodes of the first season


    mainly due to the bugs-galore coming out of the ground. That episode of season one freaked me out

    and had to restart watching, but eventually it clicked. Well, fast forward to now, and... well... why did they needed episode 20, when episode 19 was a good send off into the sunset for the Winchesters I have no idea. It's not that I hated it, it just felt, that the 5-minute-ending portion of episode 19 was the 25 minute ending portion of the final episode; it felt redundant.


    Not to mention that I actually thought "Why don't you just holla-at-Jack? Surely, he can magically heal your wounds and restore your stamina? No? You just going to die? Okey, then...". And, yes, Jack did say that he's going to be hands-off kinda God and that humanity must believe in itself, but, come'on. Are those couple of seasons fighting together evil incarnates mean nothing?

    Anyways... I rate the entire thing 7.5/10. Had its ups and downs, mostly ups. Doubt that I'll be rewatching the series (its' just too massive


    [maybe from the season where Castiel shows up... maybe]


  3. Read through Part I of Volume 2 of Tolstoj's War and Peace.


    The last chapters dealt with Nikolaj Rostov loosing 43 thousand rubbles to his ex-friend Dolochov, who in turn was angry at him, because Nikolaj's cousin rejected his advances and Dolochov lost face (after having recovered from the duel with Pjer). So, Rostov in the end crawls to his daddy for a small loan, and by the end of the chapter leaves for Poland, wherein the Russian army is waiting to take-on Napoleon for the second time...


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  4. 18 hours ago, BlueSkies said:

    Maybe some day I'll do a deep @Rushmoras like dive into this groups albums.


    They seemed kind of too intense/hard core for me as a teenager.  But maybe I've grown into a taste for them.  This song was pretty good



    Too bad that Spotify (on Internet) for me shows greyed out all popular rap artists for some reason (as if lost licenses), I may be inclined to listen to some of the artists I know in passing (though, on app, they are all accessible, but I'm using the app for local artists discog [yah, I'm strange that way]).

    • Like 2
  5. Final Roxette studio album "Good Karma" (2016).

    As always, subjective assessments of each album:

    1. Pearls of Passion (Extended Version) (1986) - 8/10. Best songs: Surrender; Never ending love; From one heart to another; So far away; It must have been love (Christmas for the broken hearted)

    2. Look Sharp! (Extended Version) (1988) - 7.5/10. Best songs: Dressed for success; Paint; Dangerous; Half a woman, half a shadow; Shadow of a doubt; Listen to your heart; One is such a lonely number (demo); Don’t believe in accidents (demo)

    3. Joyride (Extended Version) (1991) - 7.8/10. Best songs: Joyride; Fading like a flower (every time you leave); Spending my time; The big l.; (Do you) get excited?; Physical fascination; Things will never be the same; The sweet hello, the sad goodbye; Love spins (demo); Seduce me (demo)

    4. Tourism (Extended Version) (1992) - 6.3/10. Best songs: How do you do; The rain; Keep me waiting; Come back (before you leave); Queen of rain; Fingertips ’93; 2, Cinnamon street

    5. Crash! Boom! Bang! (Extended Version) (1994) - 7.8/10. Best songs: Harleys & Indians (riders in the sky); Crash, Boom, Bang!; Fireworks; Sleeping in my car; Place your love; What’s she like?; Lies; I’m sorry; Almost unreal; Crazy about you

    6. Have a Nice Day (Extended Version) (1999) - 8.2/10. Best songs: Crush on you; Wish I could fly; Anyone; 7twenty7; Stars; Salvation; Cooper; Making love to you

    7. Room Service (Extended Version) (2001) - 7.9/10. Best songs: Milk toast and honey; Fool; My world, my love, my life; Entering your heart; Bla, bla, bla (you broke my heart); Every day; Stupid

    8. Charm School (Extended Version) (2011) - 7.5/10. Best songs: Way out; She’s got nothing on (but the radio); Speak to me; I’m glad you called; Only when I dream; Dream on

    9. Travelling (2012) - 7.3/10. Best songs: Lover, lover, lover; Touched by the hand of god; Perfect excuse; Excuse me sir, do you want me to check on your wife?; Angel passing; The weight of the world – vocal mix up; See me – new version

    10. Good Karma (2016) - 7.3/10. Best songs: This one; From a distance; Why don't you bring me flowers?; April clouds

    Average album score: 7.6/10.

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  6. I know that some months ago I wrote here that I will not be reading any more Lev Tolstoj War and Peace, but decided to upen-up Volume 2, and, I don't know, either because I found James Clavell's Tai-Pan to be not what I hoped it to be or maybe because so far Volume 2 is superior to Volume 1, but I like it. So, I read so far only 43 pages (or 6 chapters of the first parter of Volume 2): the Battle of Austerlitz is over, and the Russian nobles come back to Moscow.


    One of those nobles are Nikolaj Rostov, and his family is happy to see him; they later-on throw a small shindig at an English Club, wherein they discuss why Russia lost the battle. And, during that small party, Pjer, who has been unhappily married to some Dutchess (IMO, he's gay the way he's being portrayed) decides to challenge to a duel a renowned duelist named Dolochov, whom he suspects of having an affair with his wife. Everyone is like: "What is he, an idiot?", but they go along with it thinking that when the day of the duel comes, Pjer will simply apologize for his outburst, but that does not happen. So, Pjer, I assume, has a death-wish, but as luck would have it, actually suceeds in wounding Dolochov. And everyone is like: "Woah, what the fuck". So, in the end of the chapter, Pjer's wife starts to fuck with his mind and annoy him to a point that Pjer looses his temper, shouts at her and forces her out of their home, and in the end they divorce, and Pjer goes back to Saint Petersburg...

    That's what happened in the first 6 chapters lol.

    • Like 1
  7. Seventh Roxette album "Room Service" (2001). Enjoyment wise, does not hold a candle to their previous albums. Still, judging from the number of liked songs it gonna be at least a seven...

    Second CD of the album is good, though.


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  8. So, completed today James Clavell's Tai-Pan: Book One. It ended on a weird BDSM-esque-domestic-violence-esque note, which, yeah...


    So, Dirk Struan's concubine Mei-Mei wanted to surprise him with, um, some European fashion for the beauty pageant. But, when Dirk saw her wearing European clothes, he was shocked, because he did not think that they suit her at all. So, Mei-Mei became hysterical, thinking that she lost "face", and, uh, wanted to kill herself. Dirk, kinda talked her out of it, and left the servants to take care of her. So, in the morning, he comes back to her, and Mei-Mei is begging Dirk to sell her, because she lost "face" and "shamed" him, and again is becoming hysterical.

    So, Dirk, from being afraid that she might again try hurting herself, decides to act "Chinese", and, uh, administers some corporal punishment on her buttocks in order for her to gain "face" again...

    Yeah... I mean, it is one way to end your first volume...

  9. Just listened to the newest Taylor Swift album that dropped (decided to go with the simple, not extended/deluxe version on Spotify).  The songs that stood out the most in her album for me was Fortnight, Florida, Guilty as Sin, Whose Afraid of Little Old Me? & Cara Bow.

    However, most of the album sounds exactly the same. I guess, she has been consistent with this ever since her third album, I guess?

    Overall, from first listening I'd rate it 6.9 out of 10. So, actually on par with her best albums for me (1989 (Deluxe Edition) [6.9 out of 10 as well for me] & Folklore (Deluxe Version) [7.1 out of 10 this one].

  10. 3 minutes ago, blackwing said:

    I've long wanted to read James Clavell.  As a kid I always looked at my dad's copy of Shogun and thought that one day I would read it.  Still have yet to do so, I'm probably turned off by the extreme length.  Too much to read, too little time!

    Oh, yes, his books are very lengthy. I'd say it takes me up to a month to finish one ~500 pages book for me these days (if there are no interruptions; but since generally there are [interruptions] - it takes even longer. I think I began to read it in January, and now it's almost middle of April lol).

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  11. I have been reading James Clavell's Tai-Pan: Book One (1999). It is set somewhere around the period, where the English began their Opium Wars with China, and follows the adventures of Dirk Struan - a smuggler-slash pirate-slash merchant wanting to be on top of everybody else, but running in to some financial trouble, and is forced to seek aid from local pirate and slum lords for funding...


    The part where I stopped today was about people getting ready for the big beauty pageant organized by Dirk to celebrate the founding of Honkong...

    That's the general premise of it. Forty or so pages left until the end. I don't know, as I'd rate his previous book "Shogun" an 8 or 9 out of 10, this one I'd rate a 6 or 7 out of 10. More or less the same as "Shogun", but is very drama centred; almost no action whatsoever.

    P.S. I also have been reading some older DC (1987-2008 currently) and Marvel (1962-1966 currently) comics, but I doubt that this is a place to post my impressions on them :D

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  12. And with Alchemy Project (2022), which was basically collabs with other bands, completed Epica discography. Best songs in the album:

    As always, subjective assessments:

    1. The Phantom Agony (Expanded Edition) (2003) - 6.8/10 [Best songs: Cry for the Moon, Run for a Fall & Triumph of Defeat]

    2. Consign to Oblivion (Expanded Edition) (2005) - 7.8/10 [Best songs: Force of the Shore, Mother of Light - A New Age Dawns 2 & Trois Vierges]

    3. The Divine Conspiracy (2007) - 8.5/10 [Best songs: Chasing the Dragon, Never Enough, Safeguard to Paradise & Sancta Terra]

    4. Design Your Universe (Gold - Deluxe Edition) (2009) - 6.8/10 [Best songs: Martyr of the Free Word, Burn to Cinder & White Waters]

    5. Requiem for the Indifferent (2012) - 8/10 [Best songs: Storm the Sorrow, Guilty Demeanour, Deter the Tyrant, Serenade of Self-Destruction & Nostalgia]

    6. The Quantum Enigma (2014) - 6.4/10 [Best songs: Chemical Insomnia, Reverence - Living in the Heart, Canvas of Life, Natural Corruption & The Quantum Enigma - Kingdom of Heaven, Part II]

    6.1. The Quantum Enigma - B Sides (2014) - 6.7/10 [Best new song: Dreamscape]

    7. The Holographic Principle (2016) - 7.6/10 [Best songs: Beyond the Matrix, Tear Down Your Walls & Dancing in the Gypsy Camp]

    8. The Score 2.0 - An Epic Journey (2017) - 6/10 [Best songs: Under the Aegis, Angel of Death & Quietus - Score 2.0 Version]

    9. Epica VS Attack on Titans Songs (2018) - 7.5/10 [Best songs: If Inside these Walls was a House & Dedicate Your Heart!]

    10. Omega (2021) - 7.5/10 [Best songs: Gaia, Kingdom of Heaven Part 3 - The Antediluvian Universe, Synergize - Manic Manifest - & Twilight Reverie - The Hypnagogic State]

    11. The Alchemy Project (2022) - 5.7/10 [Best song: The Miner]

    Average Score: 7.1/10

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