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Double A

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Posts posted by Double A

  1. On 7/2/2022 at 10:47 PM, DeeplyShallow said:

    When Brandi said that Jill was the thirstiest and most desperate hw to want to return to their show on WWHL the other day, I initially thought she was way off, because that’s clearly Vicki, but now that I think about it, I don’t think Brandi is wrong about Jill.

    Brandi was right when she characterized the more freshly fired HWs as more sensitive and thirsty too. Girl is a hot mess but she knows HW dethroned syndrome.

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  2. 7 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    You would think Whitney was sexually assaulting her stepsons the way people are talking about what she’s wearing. Jesus Christ it’s not that serious 

    😂  Initially I was confused. Whitney is a 'wild rose rebel' so I thought she was just wearing a bikini to be a rebel. Then as her stepsons came in I admit I was uncomfortable thinking how I would feel dressed like that with my stepsons and all my forced modesty upbringing issues had a field day. Then I realized it was a hot tub party and I felt stupid for judging her. So yeah it's not her it's us.

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  3. 13 hours ago, izabella said:
    13 hours ago, Dutchgirl said:



    I imagine that low, threatening voice and the grimaces she uses when she goes batshit on someone is something she learned during her stripping or waitressing days when a customer went too far.  It finally clicked for me that's what it seemed like.

    Totally. Except I imagined her on the show P Valley threatening another girl for taking her tricks.

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  4. 15 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    I think Big Kathy must have done a number on Kathy, Kim and Kyle. I think she encouraged them to gang up on or exclude one sister. This is how she controlled them. So that’s all that Kyle knows which is why she tries to create conflict and drive wedges between friends.

    Absolutely. This show gives Kyle endless opportunities to act out all of that dysfunction. If only someone had the nerve to write the real story about their family...

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  5. I think Ashley uses little Dean as a shield to get through these recent interactions. Unfortunately it works and not always in a good way. Her face watching Monique do her best impression of a person who gives a sh** tho was priceless. Ashley is very familiar with having justifications laid out for her to pick and choose from to "move forward". That comfort zone and being thrilled not to be the blog topic of the moment must have been better than a good nap

    • Love 10
  6. On 8/20/2020 at 10:01 PM, esco1822 said:

    Leah’s problem in light stems from what her mother is eating right now. Who in the holy hell enjoys that as a meal? A psychopath, that’s who. 

    This is just the truth. Holy Hell yeah her intestines are mad. (FYI if you missed it - it was a pile of broccoli with a stack of rice cakes. 🤮  And she was eating it with a fork.)

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  7. 2 minutes ago, albarino said:

    I politely disagree.  The disappointment has been the other women.  I don't want to hear "mom-shaming" and I don't want to hear another thing about the Brandi business yet we can't escape it.  This has nothing to do with Denise; it has everything to do with the other women.  

    That was polite but basically what I said:)

  8. 19 hours ago, marymary said:

    Ugh Denise is ruining this show for me. I know that’s an unpopular opinion, but i can’t stand her. I think she’s  inauthentic, manipulative, and a liar. 

    I used to love coming to read the forums after a new episode, but now it’s full of people treating Denise like her shit doesn’t stink, while being cruel about anyone they feel has wronged Denise. I really hope she isn’t back next season. 

    The good will Denise is benefiting from is likely more about viewers who are over the tired dynamic of the returning people. She has been a disappointment whether you like or hate them tho.

    • Love 7
  9. On 8/8/2020 at 2:10 PM, Boo Boo said:

    So who are the people here that, like me, like Leah?

    "Like" is way too strong for a HW rookie but Leah is great contrast to the others and these franchises need freshening up. I would have liked to see more Tinsley with her. The deadly second season will be the true test tho.

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  10. On 8/6/2020 at 10:51 PM, njbchlover said:

    Lu: I’m pretty good at volleyball. Then she hits the ball into the net, gets smacked in the face and lands on her ass. That was funny! 

    So perfect. Lu gets instant vacation karma. I recall she was being her particularly unbearable self on the trip when the camel bucked her too.

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  11. On 8/5/2020 at 11:21 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

    Ray won’t say “I love you” to Karen on camera???  That is some Kelsey Grammar shit.  I predict it now: a divorce is coming.  He used to kiss her ass like crazy, and blatantly lied for her at the season two reunion.  How the mightily dishonest have fallen.  

    I am blown away by this! When Karen opened up in the first episode about things being bad I did a spit take. But Ray's "Kelsey" move was stunning and mean. What happened to make them stop the charade?? 

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  12. I enjoyed this whole ridiculous series. Watching the end as they panned out from the dancing Noah I realized they took us far, far from where they started. I would have liked a hint of whether Whitney's marriage lasted or just the choreography. Stacey becoming an author is perfect. She would have a compelling and possibly balancing perspective.

    I thought the dialogue throughout the episode accomplished a good "finish" to it all.

    "Time makes big things seem small." For all the drama these people lived it's just a blip in the grand scheme of life. And a salacious story for onlookers.

    "So if we both die and you don't find out I still love you I win the prize?" Helen's words for every person ever hurt by someone that they want to be with. Moral - choose what you can live with.

    "The universe rewards courage." Must be the only explanation for Noah outliving everyone with all his hair and teeth in tact b/c that fool had a lot of nerve. 

    Btw, for any Six Feet Under watchers - Margaret dying the same year as Helen made me think of Brenda Chenowith dropping dead as her brother Billy babbled on. I imagine Helen going out like that during one of Margaret's critical rants and Margaret trolling her into the afterlife.

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  13. I enjoyed the two POVs showing Helen and Whitney's dynamics with these men who are all predatory in their own way. Sasha and Furkat have means and connections to dazzle their prey into false security when they swoop in to save the day so they are in the trap before they know they are caught. It really is generational - both the women got it (denial and running from one 'white knight' to the next) from their mamas. Whitney is waking up tho. She could kick the green card ball and chain to the curb but considering her need for 'real' love she will go through with marrying her first ex husband.

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  14. 19 hours ago, Snewtsie said:

    Minor point- but Helen stated in an irked tone that Vic had an affair with Sierra... did she forget she also had sex with Sierra?

    Yeah there's that. But I'm more trusting of the writers than most here. I think Sierra is a classic tragic Hollyweird figure that is used and abused by everyone around her. So the fact that point is 'minor' in the grand scheme of her world kinda rings true. 

  15. On 10/7/2019 at 2:03 PM, chick binewski said:

    As regards Rhea - I wasn't 100% sold on her suddenly discovering that Logan lies and is morally challenged. In her much quieter way she has seemed to be the female version of Logan - manipulating the Pierce's to try to make the deal and then doing the same with the Roy family members. It was she who came up with the plan for how to torpedo Shiv and she offered to take care of it with Logan. It is she who has was actively shaping his view of all of his kids so that she would be named CEO. So her sudden horror last night at the lengths Logan would go to? Didn't ring true.

    I was so startled by this turn I thought I missed a scene. It started when Rhea naively - which was also out of character - took Kendall's toast advice and she became more stupid by the second. Was that it? Was that public gutting the beginning of Rhea's awakening that she was in the abyss? Otherwise I'm thinking the contract negotiations with Hunter fell apart and she had to go. But can we find out what's up with sister Rose?

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  16. I'm enjoying the season for the most part. They had two major characters disappeared so they had to do something and the new POVs are a fresh ride so far. The one thing I can't suspend any kind of reality for tho is the zero involvement of Vik's parents with his child. They have them focused on Helen but that would only make sense if she had the baby. In any other world that couple would be all over the child especially considering the circumstances. In the white sari scene, Priya must have passed Sierra in the driveway with the baby! But she's bringing Helen and not the baby a gift? Nah that's just not working. So it doesn't matter what Priya is saying I'm always wondering why she's wasting her time with Helen and not spending time with her grandchild.

    • Love 11
  17. On 7/12/2019 at 2:53 PM, Otherkate said:
    On 7/12/2019 at 1:58 PM, sadie said:

    The behavior Bethanny describes of Dennis is Addict 101. I don’t know if she put it together at the time but maybe looking back now it seems clear. Addicts are notorious for “I love you, I hate you” type behavior, they push you away then pull you back, they miss important events, they “oversleep” as an excuse. It’s a very destructive kind of relationship and for someone like Bethanny I can only imagine is far worse. It leaves long standing scars (ask me how I know ). 


    Personally, I found that very painful to listen to. Sounded like the other women were familiar with the state of things too. 

    Yes with a covert addict you only realize the signs after the fact. She sounds crazy trying to describe the relationship but the truth is she was probably blind to a lot of his damage while she was in it.

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  18. 1 hour ago, sATL said:

    Kelsey  might be a victim of "giving away too much of the milk for free".

    After laying up in his momma house for I don't know how long, going through the remodel,  then moving back--- and still no ring??? Forget ring- really should be hauling tail to the courthouse.

    And I bet her name is no where on the house documents.

    Kelsey could have stepped back during that renovation while he moved in with his mother and she went elsewhere to see if he would at least propose. Now she's in living together limbo. With Tamika's voice cackling in her head and not wanting her to be right it will only make her more and more insane. 

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  19. This episode gave me whiplash. Did Eliza have a lobotomy since that dinner party? Suddenly she's team Kathryn when Kathryn isn't around. The horses were nice tho. Madison is called a hair dresser since we meet her then we find out she owns her salon. Which must have made watching Austen's business shenanigans as infuriating as his cheating. And why is Chelsea creeping up on Madison like a gorilla in the mist for a partnership? She basically just asked Madison to marry her. I got nothing for the guys and their 'camping' trip. They're just gross.

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  20. On 5/27/2019 at 6:47 PM, RHJunkie said:

    I feel conflicted about Naiomi's little pearls of wisdom about getting up to work. She has a very romanticized idea of working and a career and while I think it's great that she doesn't want to sit on daddy's money while she drinks smoothies and does yoga all day, I also think she comes from a place of privilege that she doesn't seem to really grasp. Her work ethic may be her own but her lifestyle and business ventures seem largely intertwined with her parents money and this romantic idea of having a career and owning a business comes from the fact that she didn't have to work her ass off to build that equity and even if she fails, she has a lot to fall back on. Most people don't and so while most are motivated by survival, she seems motivated by having the 'label' of being a career-woman.

    You may have nailed what bothers me about Naomie (along with her name spelling). 

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