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callie lee 29

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Posts posted by callie lee 29

  1. Just watched it and loved it but I'm a huge Kaitlyn Olsen fan (The Mick was criminally underrated and IASIP may be one of my favorite shows ever) so that's not surprising. I didn't hate the kids and the ten girl post annoying so even more pluses. 


    The church thing is not correct. The one I grew up in faces north as do quite a few in my town. It kind of seemed like they were maybe amending that the East thing was more Catholic so.... Who knows.

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  2. On 6/29/2024 at 12:19 PM, SnapHappy said:

    Sorry, a Tina backstory could have been 1/3 of an episode.  I like her a lot and appreciate the info on how she ended up at The Beef, but I fast-forwarded through the repetitive alarm clock, lunch packing, crock-potting & bus riding.  It didn't have to be the entire show. 

    Nice to see Mikey in action though. 

    I'm a knitter so I spent most of the episode checking out the knit cowl scarf she was wearing.  I've got the perfect yarn & the pattern is easy to figure out.  So score 1 for that.  I'll call it my BEAR cowl. 

    And why was the episode called "Napkins"?  Because Mikey was refilling some dispensers while talking to Tina? 

    Fully agree! Yes it was nice to see the background of Tina but the entire episode?? I think of third of it was her just going around and dealing with getting turned down for job after job. Most of us have been there or are there now, we get it. 

    • Like 3
  3. 5 hours ago, jabRI said:

    How did Voight get his lawyer to do his (literally) dirty work? I missed that and do not feel like re-watching.

    The attorney (who seems like he's a misogynist and into the "traditional marriage" structure) is getting a divorce, I'm supposing because wifey wanted to do more than just knowing her place, and Voight insinuated he could have her taken care of before hubby lost half of his stuff. 

    • Like 1
  4. I'm actually kind of digging the conspiracy route which I'm a little shocked by (normally I find the whole idea asinine and completely irritating) but it was also the first time the show had my actual attention the past two episodes. 

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  5. On 4/27/2024 at 5:03 PM, mommalib said:

    The father made it hard for me to feel sorry for him, he was straight up cold blooded. 

    The end almost made me drop a tear, I felt everything that Hondo felt in that very moment. He's lost Deacon, Street and Luka back to back to back. I wonder how they gonna sought all this out with there being a season 8. 

    Seriously. I had zero sympathy for the dad.  Fuck him and his friend. Killing people (especially innocent people) is not a way to honor or avenge or whatever the fuck it was the dead daughter. 

    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, The Crazed Spruce said:

    Here's a wild shot. Based on the "hit show" clue and the car in the clue package, I'm thinking Spaghetti & Meatballs might be Frankie Muniz.

    Oohh based on a quick glance at his Wikipedia page, you may be in to something.

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  7. @Danielg342Ahh gotcha. Sorry about that.  And I think I missed that part about her being 12, not that it necessarily makes it any better but I was definitely a little surprised that CBS would let a show like SWAT (which is arguably more of a feel good cop show than say, something like Criminal Minds) just gloss over kids just out of toddler hood being used like that. You're clarification makes a lot more sense. 

    • Like 1
  8. Ehh I didn't have a problem with serial killer chick wanting to take mom out. If I got the timeline right, mom lost custody when the kid was 6 but also pumped out her daughter, which means she was trading her 4/5 year old daughter out to pedophiles for drug money. Slice the bitche's thought, I don't care about her "reform". I do agree about the other two especially the money girl. What an idiot.  

    And fuck the show runners if they kill off Luca. At least bury him with Black Betty.

    • Like 2
  9. I have no doubt I'm wrong but Starfish' a singing voice reminds me of


    Jennifer Coolidge

    ETA I can't remember if I need to hide that or not in the live thread 

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  10. Shirtless Deacon was by far the best part of the episode. Can we please continue that tradition for the rest of the season, maybe through Tan in there.....

  11. I still like Cabrera vastly more than Powell. Glad to know she's not gone. 


    I couldn't remember who Alafaro was. Still not 100% sure.


    The Nichelle storyline would have been a lot more interesting if she had signed it by accident. Didn't mean to, did not participate in a kickback, just made a mistake. 

    • Like 1
  12. 21 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    What?! Like they would be walking around amidst it all without being looked at by the EMTs?!  Or that the wife/mom would be allowed to go looking

    In my personal experience, yes and yes. You can refuse medical attention as long as your conscious and coherent, they just have you sign a form. And as long as the site isn't dangerous, and I'm sure she explained that it was her husband and child, and you have a reason for being there, then yeah. 

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  13. Sheldon, Amy, and Leonard's mother on The Big Bang Theory. 

    Amy: fucking creepy, needy, and manipulative with Penny. Anytime Penny would try to draw boundaries it's all "oh you don't like me because I'm not cool or pretty enough for you. People were mean to me in high school just like you and your so shallow...." No it's that you have zero sense of boundaries and shove your way into situations and relationships that should grow at a normal rate. I would have gotten a restraining order.

    Sheldon: also a manipulative little asshole who, I think, knew exactly what he was doing and didn't give a fuck. Narcissist little prick who could never take it when he got it dished right back at him.

    Leonard's mom: just an utter horrible human being and mother. She shouldn't have been invited to the wedding 2.0 and she damn sure has no business whining that Leonard didn't tell her about his relationship and then marriage with Penny. 

    • Like 8
  14. I don't really listen to r&b that much so I don't think I've heard anything by her, but she does have a very nice voice. 

    22 minutes ago, The Crazed Spruce said:

    Man, Darryl Hall must be fuming right now....

    Now it's Darryl suing John, right? Or is it the other way around?

  15. 15 hours ago, CrystalBlue said:

    People service cranberry sauce like that 😯?  Don't they break it up with a kitchen utensil and put the sauce in a bowl or serving dish to make it look like it is, well, actually sauce?

    Nope!!! That would ruin the perfect can formed lines. The lines give me the best thickness for sandwiches!

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