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Everything posted by Grommet

  1. ^^Good luck! Possibly OT, but what the hell happened to Chris Cillizza? He was one of my TV/WaPo boyfriends before the election and now he's a shill for Trump. I'm almost as upset as when I found out Tom Selleck is a conservative. (Say it ain't so, Magnum!)
  2. I still haven't gotten back to watching Rachel but I've been recording it, so I'm going to try to watch last night's show. I wish I drank, though.
  3. Wombats are fantastic. Another reason to move to Australia (along with gun control and that fabulous accent!).
  4. I have a girl crush on Amber. She's so pretty and happy, and she seems to have real baking skills. I was shocked that Matt didn't get eliminated. He's screwed up almost every challenge and his yule logs were so plain. At least Vincenzo's had some color! Okay, too much color, but it still looked more appetizing.
  5. My first small act of defiance today at the grocery store: I covered the Time magazine with Hair Gropenfuhrer on it with a Walking Dead TV Guide issue. Of course, his enormous "hair" still showed at the top. (Does anyone remember Trump or Monkey on the Letterman show? Ah, we were so naive then.)
  6. This is a little too mean-spirited for the Soft Kitty thread - some hilarious reviews of the Trump ornament on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N67D8HO/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_c_api_H9Wnyb4JYG2WE I too am thankful for this thread and the whole political forum here.
  7. So easy! Pay attention to the dog's eyebrows.
  8. How do I insert a video into a post? I tried "Insert Other Media" using the Youtube URL but it didn't work. Forgive my lack of know how, I am old. (I like to invoke my favorite line from Crimes and Misdemeanors: I don't even know how the toaster works!)
  9. ^^I had the same experience but then my phone rang and it was the survey. Very weird, but I got to press 1. I think I'll do it again!
  10. I keep recording the nightly lineup and then deleting it. Too soon. Maybe after Thanksgiving.
  11. UGH. I'm hoping that refusing to normalize Trump is the best strategy. I got into a FB tiff with someone who said protests and demonstrations are useless and stupid, to which I responded: civil rights movement and the Vietnam war. I think we each need to do what we can: make phone calls, make donations, join demonstrations. It will help to keep us connected in a common purpose and maybe stop us from falling into complacency, which is so easy to do when one's day to day life isn't immediately impacted (as is the case for me, a middle-class white woman with employer-provided health insurance). mamadrama, please write that book.
  12. As a long time fat chick, I can tell you that hatred is pathological . It's as if my existence is profoundly offensive. How dare I contravene their idea of what a woman should look like? Am I not aware that my only purpose is to be sexualized?
  13. Now I'm wondering if peeps should buy New Balance so the nazis can't appropriate them. (Assuming the pro trump stance is truly anti TTP.) Why let those assholes have a way to identify each other? Make them wear the white robes.
  14. Word (and to your prior post as well). This is not the time to go back to our lives and hope for the best. Even if it's just pushing back on Facebook or putting post it notes in the Subway or not buying Nazi Balance sneakers, it's action and small actions can accumulate into something too big to ignore.
  15. I'm too lazy to link, but #grabyourwallet has contact info for companies selling Trump shit. Apparently, some are very receptive to callers asking them to drop those products . Bought my bus tickets for the DC march! Anyone who's going, feel free to PM me and maybe we can have a PTV meetup.
  16. Hey, that's *my* cat! My DVR is set to record the MSNBC nightly lineup but I just keep deleting them. Maybe I'll watch Rachel's show, though. I was going to wait until next week, when I'll be going back to work part time and re-entering society, but I feel like I should start being informed again. I'm not active on Facebook but I have pushed back a little against the "both sides are awful!" bullshit, in a civilized way - like pointing out that peaceful protests are not riots, nor are they divisive. And I've repeated my stance of not apologizing for hating racists. Not gonna do it. I think I'm going to go to the Million Woman March. I hate crowds and it will mean a lengthy bus trip, but I think it just might be fucking awesome.
  17. So.much.this. Unfortunately, I think it's been a thing for a while and the Republicans have played on it by decrying intellectualism as elitist. I don't know about other people, but I'd really prefer my doctor to be smart. Education is a good thing, unless you need your voters to be ill-informed and easily misled, Word. Listening to what he actually said, in front of cameras, was enough to show who he is. Except, he didn't really mean it! Except that part about bringing back coal and steel jobs. He totally meant that. My post-election anxiety reduction project of learning to make French macarons has failed miserably. And I still have a pound of overpriced almond flour!
  18. I considered watching the MSNBC lineup tonight. I decided to continue binge-watching Fortitude because the Arctic Circle is looking pretty appealing right now.
  19. About those secret service stories, I couldn't find one nonpartisan organization who reported on that. All the links I found were to right wing websites. Not even CNN touched it, as far as I know. So I don't think these stories hold up at all.
  20. EGAD, not Sketchers! I live in mine. I'm sure there are people I know and like who voted for Trump. I'm sure they're not racists or sexual predator apologists. What they are is ill-informed about policy issues and easily swayed by celebrity and sound bites. They don't see the election as being as critically important as my liberal friends and I do, so they figured why not vote for the guy who says whatever the fuck comes into his head. It's kinda fun, like the zing you get from eating something spicy right before your throat catches on fire,
  21. This is how to be heard in a capitalist society. Consumers really can make a difference, I think. I'm not going to apologize for thinking I'm better than a racist or a sexist or an uneducated person who blames immigration for the loss of jobs due to changing technology. Maybe the half of America (who voted, that is) that feels they haven't been heard haven't been listening themselves.
  22. This, exactly. I live in NYS, the blue part, so I'm lucky enough to have good Dems doing good work politically. I'll have to find a way to do something to keep Democratic ideals alive. As soon as I can drive again, I'll be going back to the local animal shelter to sort bottles and cans for redemption. It's not political but it makes me a better human. I haven't talked much to my friends because we're all in shock, and I'm home recuperating from surgery so I haven't been able to talk to my co-workers (thankfully, a small office of mostly Dems). This thread has been my connection to the outside work and I'm thankful for it. Every time I go on Facebook, I'm reminded of how many people I truly loathe right now.
  23. I'm not going to click on any link from infowars - I assume the story of blacks beating a white Trump supporter is as reliable as the stories about the Newtown shooting being a hoax.
  24. I think Outraged Cat Ladies should be the name of our movement. I made the mistake of going on Facebook today. I can't stand the posts saying that we shouldn't judge Trump supporters harshly, that we can disagree and still respect each other. Fuck, no. I have Republican friends who have consistent conservative positions that I can respectfully disagree with because those positions have some thought behind them. Even disregarding the racist/sexist/anti-everyone-not-white-and-straight faction, I have no respect for people whose sole political position is "My life isn't what I was promised it would be and someone has to pay." I can't imagine how much it must suck to be left behind as our economy changes so dramatically but these people who think it's because of illegal immigrants or cell phones for people on welfare instead of jackoffs like Trump and the Wall Street titans who almost took down the global economy - these people make me want to scream! I blame them for their stupidity, for their inability to accept facts that don't slot neatly into whatever their magic book tells them. for their intolerance and hatefulness. So I'm going to go feed my colony of feral cats - fully dressed and without rollers in my hair, unlike the odious crazy cat lady stereotype.
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