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Posts posted by stopeslite

  1. I had never watched the movie before this weekend. I watched it, then watched all of the episodes over 2 days. I didn't decide for sure whether I really liked it until this episode, and what finally tipped me over was the Lite-Brite front and center on the stage floor that spelled out "Electro-City". All of the little 1981 touches they put in everywhere are amazing.

    • Love 2

    Seriously! Oh, he is back from having been dismissed precisely because he couldn't work with a pianist and one of the big things they're trying to teach is collaboration, managed to beg and finally got one pianist to work with him, then fired that pianist and played it himself because he was positive nobody could do it the justice that he himself could, and then WON THE COMPETITION? SERIOUSLY PEOPLE. This is like when people win a Top Chef competition even though they refused to do the dish within any of the parameters set by the judges but gosh, theirs is so much better than everyone else's because everyone else played by the rules and was hampered by the restrictions, so of course it is and that's the ENTIRE POINT OF THE RULES IN THE FIRST PLACE.

    Ahem. Sorry. I needed to get that out of my system. Because Brandon straight-up refused to do anything he was told and then LITERALLY WON A TRIP TO DISNEYLAND BECAUSE OF IT.

    • Love 12

    Callie found her forever family - the one which adopted her beloved brother.


    I actually stopped and thought "who?" for almost a whole minute before I remembered it was Jude - that's how much they've let the relationship between Callie and Jude lapse over the last season or so.

    • Love 3
  4. I am honestly kind of looking forward to a conversation where Robert lets Stef have it for everyone being in the situation where Callie ends up in some random foster home. Not that it's entirely her fault, but given how much she trashed him trying to be part of Callie's life and was integral in him signing his rights away so Callie can't go to him, he has some justified yelling back at her to do.

  5. I liked that Stef didn't say that they'd just take the tree down, then. That's what I was expecting her to do, because she fixes everything, but she said no, this was something they had to live with and grow through and they'd do it together, but it was a part of their lives they can't erase. I liked that a lot.

    I've decided I'd like Brandon if it turns out that he has secretly been having a totally separate storyline that we all knew nothing about that is him buying and taking "vitamins" from a friend who is part of a door-to-door sales pyramid scheme that turn out to have been some organic drug thing that he had some specific rare reaction to that cut off blood supply to his brain or something.

    • Love 4
  6. I still don't understand why I like this show, but I do. 


    I understood why he didn't bother to try to explain to Charlotte what was going on in the boat room, but I thought we'd see a flashback that led up to it that was them having a conversation, him shutting her down, her asking for just his bowtie as a memento of the prom, him saying ok, and her starting to take it off (which was right when Charlotte walked in). But... we didn't. So was he really that low, that they were really going to and he was going to go through with it? That's dark, man. Darker than I thought this show would go.


    However, I loved Mr. Peanutbutter and Diane's talk on the phone at the end. I loved Mr. Peanutbutter this entire season, which was a surprise because he got on my nerves something fierce last season.  I even liked Caroline at the end, when she shut Jean-RalphioBunny down. 

    • Love 2
  7. GOOD LORD ALREADY. Why would there be more home visits and investigations?! They were ready to sign the adoption papers before Robert came into the picture! I can't imagine there is anything left to do at this point. But no, let's stretch it out EVEN MORE. Ugh. I hate everything having to do with that. 


    Where was Jude? He's the only teenager young enough to be subject to hourly work limits on set?


    I was just nope about this entire episode. They were all acting stupid, all of the circumstances were stupid, everyone was stupid. And Brandon's stupid piece was just arpeggios. Every piece of Brandon's is just arpeggios. They could at least buy some nice pieces to say are his. Stupid Brandon.

    • Love 2
  8. Boy, this one was just straight up plot after plot after plot. I did like all of the Stan Pines Products. I'm quite satisfied with all of the information we have now, but it didn't produce as many laughs as usual. I guess that makes sense since we were watching a tragic story, but it didn't feel like an episode as much as a "here's a list of everything you wanted ok thanks bye"

    • Love 1

    I think they're probably going to find out if/when Brandon gets back into Idyllwild but has no keyboard to compose on!


    HAHAHAHAHA I hadn't even thought of that! i was wondering how losing the keyboard would come back to bite him.

    • Love 1

    I thought it was interesting that Stef seemed shaken that Oscar the Contractor believes their marriage is in trouble, and that it must be in trouble if it took Oscar to point it out to her when Lena had been saying so and Stef had been minimizing and dismissing Lena.


    I totally understood that. What Lena was saying sounded more like "we need to talk about this, we need help, we need a counselor", the kinds of things that, honestly, Lena says all the time. She says it to everybody about everything, so it's easy to see Stef not taking it really seriously. But when you're blindsided by someone who's only seen you for an hour or so saying it's obvious that you're about to break up, that's a huge wake-up call .

    • Love 3
  11. So, the soldiers were told they were giving vaccines, right? So that they would carry out their orders? And yet...


    Not a single one of them said "Hey, shouldn't WE get the vaccine BEFORE we go in there, so we don't have to worry about getting infected? Then there wouldn't be such a rush to get it done quickly and we wouldn't need the masks?" I mean, seriously! First rule of airplanes! Secure your own safety before you help others!*

    It took almost two weeks for all of the adults in town to die off originally, but these guys all died within a couple of hours?

    They were expected to give everyone in the town a shot before they lost their short window before death, but the shots obviously worked quickly too, so... they were supposed to not notice that everyone who got the shot was falling down dead? 

    For soldiers who were supposed to think that they were on a mission to help, they sure were angry and aggressive.


    Sounded like yes, Adam's dad was working on a population control virus, but not one he expected to hit so young and so aggressively. It was a preliminary test version that the other guy prematurely released. Probably was aiming towards something more like in Logan's Run or that Star Trek episode with David Ogden Stiers, where everyone reaches 60 or so and then is expected to die.  


    The baby daddy reveal made no sense. Why say it right then? That had nothing to do with the discussion at hand. If Chuck had said "I have to take revenge, she was my only family I had left" , then it might have made sense to say "Um, actually...". But with that dialogue, it was more of a weird diversion.  And I really wish that when Chuck was saying "why didn't they stay with her?" someone had said "Because you've been shooting at people and stringing them up so of course they'd be scared of how you'd react, that's why". 


    *Speaking of which, I'm surprised conspiracy genius Adam didn't think of that, either. Instead of barging in and fighting their way through, they could have just suggested to the guards that they needed to give themselves the vaccine first before inoculating the kids.

    • Love 2
  12. They would really be missing an opportunity if they don't use Lena's experience to give her a connection with Brandon. Brandon had a similar set of circumstances as Nate - parent remarries, new fully-formed siblings enter the picture, they seem to get more of the parents' attention... she might understand both Brandon and Nate better, and giving her a stronger connection with Brandon would give some use of having the Nate storyline happen. 

    • Love 1
  13. I give it an episode and a half max. before Brandon and Kat are having hate sex.

    I thought Jude walked the line nicely with regard to recognizing and meeting Connor's needs while still not giving up his own identification. He said "I'm totally gay for you". That gives Connor the assurance that Jude really cares about him a hundred percent, but still leaves Jude the door open to be bi or anything else (well, except totally straight).

    Lena's storyline was terrible, and I hated it.

    I really hope Callie and AJ don't start dating. She does not need this!

    Maybe I'm too old now, but I just can't help but wonder at how much these characters are upset that they will be apart FOR THE WHOLE SUMMER. Jeez. It's not that bad. And it's half over already.


    But he didn't think he would not get busted. He picked that composition specifically to show up Kat. He knew the director would recognize it but Kat wouldn't, and her reaction proved that she was impossible to work with.

    Yes, except he managed to screw that up too. I know the setup was for the sake of the audience wondering if he "really plagiarized and thought he could get away with it, but for that kind of prank he should have gone to the teacher ahead of time to tell her what he was going to do. The way he did it, the teacher could easily have thought that Brandon had written a crap composition and tried the plagiarism to see if he could get away with it, with "but I was trying to entrap Kat!" as his backup excuse if it failed and he got caught.  

    • Love 2

    The Martha Stewart/Paula Deen character next year is meh...I'm guessing she will be in competition with Red.


    I don't think we'll see her again. She's another part of the colossal screw-up of that day. She was going to go to another prison, her (agent? husband?) changed his mind and they went to Litchfield, but nobody was there to meet them. I'm guessing they turned right around and went back to the first choice. If she had stayed, the inmates would have been thrilled, and there would suddenly have been a lot of attention paid to the prison itself, with an inmate who is able to agitate publicity in a huge way. It would have been a big opportunity for the prison and for Caputo to get more resources. So, naturally, it didn't happen.


    The whole theme of the season seems to be trying to get what you want, getting so close to it, then getting it snatched away or otherwise broken. It's all through the flashbacks and the current situations. Leanne got her family and her religion, and then got it taken away. Flaca got away from sewing, and now is right back doing it. Norma got her own cult, then lost it. Piper got Alex back, but Alex rejected her and she put Alex in more danger. Tiffany got a friend in the guard, then ended up right back in the situation of men only using her for sex. Boo got away from a family that told her she didn't look right, to be told by the pastor she didn't look right. Aleida kept the baby, but got it (and all her other kids) taken away to foster care. It follows that they got so close to having a huge public advocate for the prison, someone the inmates would honestly enjoy having around, and then didn't because she showed up an hour after all the guards quit.

    • Love 10
  16. I really liked the season. I especially liked the storyline about the private corp. taking over the prison, and Birbiglia sold that part so well I wanted to punch him in the face every time he was on screen. That's exactly what's happening and how in a lot of arenas, and it's awful, and they showed it well. 



    Joe is a moron. He of all people would know better than to let all of his seasoned guards walk out on any day, let alone on a day busloads of new inmates ate showing.


    Was there anything that said he knew all the new inmates were coming? They've clearly left him in the dark the entire time; a promotion wouldn't necessarily get him any better intel. What he should have done was accept the promotion only on the condition that the senior guards get rehired full time, and used safety as the way to do it - he would have had the inside line right then to tell them what almost happened with the escaped inmate if he hadn't fixed it. After he took the fall for Figg, he should have realized he was about to walk right into making himself a patsy for the previous boss' bad decisions AGAIN, and known how to protect himself. 



    And where was Cesar trying to go while still holding Daya's baby? Was he gonna pole vault building to building with her strapped to his chest?


    I was so scared he was going to drop her on the floor, or throw her at the DEA agent, to use her as a distraction for him to get out that window. I was actually impressed that he was yelling instructions for the other kids to watch out for her as they were being taken away. So is there any chance the baby ends up with Mrs. Mendez anyway? Does CPS try to connect with next of kin, if so did Daya put Mendez on the birth certificate, or if there was enough press about it, will they figure out this is the prison guard baby? I'm wondering about the mechanics of how they go about sorting out which of those kids go to whom, because they have to figure out legal guardianship somehow even if they're in foster care.

    I really loved the bits of fanservice touches. Rosa. The screwdriver. Knowing as soon as Morello started in on who she wanted beat up, that we knew it was going to be Christopher and it was. They're not being so great with continuity on the characters themselves (they're all a lot nicer now all of a sudden?) but with the callbacks, nice.  

    • Love 6

    but I think when piper was talking to her last season about the transfer she said she has 6 years remaining - so I can understand that he doesn't want the baby growing up thinking it's the norm, wants to give her a better life so good for him putting the baby first.


    But the baby's mom being in prison IS their normal. That's what their life is. What's the alternative? Talk about mom in shady, vague terms so they're always wondering what happened? Vilifying mom, which always to a kid means that something about them is horrible too, since they came from their mom? There's no way to estrange a kid from their mother without the kid feeling icky in one way or another. He can take the kid to visit mom while still showing the kid how awful it is to be in prison and what mistakes she made that landed her there. Heck, the kid would have a better view on how prison is awful and you don't want to do anything that puts you there than other kids would. 

    • Love 6
  18. Those cages looked weak enough that I'd bet that as soon as the other cats get hungry enough, they're busting out and heading off to cause mayhem. It probably only worked as long as it did because they were kept fed and happy. 


    They can't seem to decide how big the town is. It's small enough to easily enclose with fencing in a day, but it is large enough to have an exotic animal zoo? Everyone knows the little girl Sarah by sight, but whoever took Wiley to the dump pile didn't think to alert her sister or friends that she was dead? There are a decent number of older teens around, but none of them are related to all of the little kids running around wild? (because then even the thickest teen would have thought about their cousins, realized they were now orphans, and needed checked on?) I think that's the biggest plot inconsistency I have trouble with.


    It's interesting enough to binge watch, but I wonder if Netflix is shooting itself in the foot releasing this one weekly. I don't know that it's quite strong enough to hold people to come back regularly for it. 

    • Love 5
  19. I loved that a lot more than I expected to. I think, as someone around Jeff's age, that hit a bit too close to home, but in a good way, too.


    I am also a Jeff/Annie anti-shipper, but I was ok with what they did in the finale. There wasn't too much there until it was clear that Annie was leaving, so to me it read as more Jeff (and her too) working out the little bits of "what-ifs" that there have clearly been season after season. It made sense to me that those little feelings would be heightened and brought to the front in response to them realizing they might never see each other again, and that they really should tie that up and get some closure on all of that subtext. I thought that was handled very well. 


    I normally despise fart jokes, but "I did that on the fourth one, inside joke"? I'll allow that one.


    It didn't hit me until I was watching it that it really, truly is over (probably, maybe). Right in the feels.

    • Love 2

    But all the pearl clutching and acting like it's the end of the world if anyone has even so much as a moment of connection with anyone other than their supposed one and only love-- it's unreal and unfair and makes this razor's edge out of life and creates a lot of manufactured pain and drama where none was really needed.

    YES, thank you! I can understand Sol being upset about Robert's fling with Jeff - he probably thought they were a monogamous couple, while Robert was thinking "hey, exploration time!". It was never clear if it was early on in their relationship. But Sol having sex one last time with Frankie? That's the most understandable thing in the world. They've been together for 40 years, they're in their family home, reliving old memories, one last time to be together... I almost can't imagine how that wouldn't have happened, especially since they were sitting there on their bed together (and seriously, what was with that? The whole house was empty except for a bed that still had a bedspread and sheets and pillows on it??)  And besides, Sol has been sleeping with both of them for twenty years now. It's not like a person can just turn off that switch right away, from loving and being intimate with both of them to only with one. That's one thing I find so intriguing about this show - Robert seems to be mostly happy to get out of a mostly loveless relationship (although I'm glad they've shown it as more complex than that), but for Sol, this really is tearing him right down the middle. 


    And with Grace and Guy and the kissing... come on. They'd been dating maybe a month? So she kisses another guy (heh) once. Big deal. I bet if Guy had seen Byron's piercing eyes and captivating accent and raw charisma, he'd have wanted to kiss him too.

    • Love 10

    Because she spent so much of the first part of her confessional talking about her father, perhaps she saw things in him that she was beginning to see - and fear - in herself.  My father was an alcoholic, and I never had so much as a glass of wine until I was about 60.  I have now learned that one drink a day with dinner does not make one an alcoholic, but I sure understand being afraid of an inherited predisposition to it.


    That's what I thought, too. It was beginning to interfere with her life - she was turning down invitations to go out, preferring to stay in her room and drink. I thought she was looking ahead and seeing her dad, and didn't want to turn into that. My grandfather was an alcoholic, and that's one reason I refuse to keep alcohol in the house because I know I'm wired for that kind of problem. I'd be really sensitive to developing alcoholism too, and would want to head it off before it got that bad.

    • Love 1

    Patsy acted like any caring friend and didn't give any clues that she and Delia were anything more than best friends.

    Not even that - Delia's mom didn't say anything like "Oh, you're Patsy, she's talked so much about you!" Patsy seemed hurt right then that Delia's mom had no idea who she was, not on the level of "you're her new flatmate" or even "you're a friend of hers, right?" 

    • Love 5

    I really think Nurse Crane knows are is nearly sure but if she does I suspect she's one who wouldn't care or say a word about it.

    Hm - I wonder if there's a reason Nurse Crane is a spinster?... Would be interesting, given how "square" they think Phyllis is, if she introduced Patsy to the underground London gay scene.

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