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Posts posted by stopeslite

  1. I really wanted the Bay and Katherine spinoff show this entire episode, but that last minute got to me. I was with Bay right until the end, and I wonder if it was a weird glitch of a directing choice - when she wanted to talk to Katherine and John she looked like she was ready to throw up from being so upset, but then when Regina walked in she was all "ha HA!" defiant that she had gotten her revenge or whatever. I think she should have looked more sad but resigned to fit in better with what had just happened. So, I'm not sure what's going on with Bay.


    Everyone else on this show can go jump in a river. They were all terrible, every one of them. Daphne saves someone YET AGAIN OH MY GOD STOP IT SHOW. And what the hell with her chemistry teacher?! Nobody talks like that (well, except maybe Richard Dawkins on Twitter). That whole baby shower was just anvil after anvil of evil stereotypes just in case you missed the point they were trying to make the first dozen or so times they made it. Jeez.


    Regina and Eric - oh, lord. I just can't even with those two. At least I understand how they got entrapped and made bad choices, but still. 


    I am glad that Bay had it out with Regina and finally said what the audience has been thinking for at least a season. I wish Regina had responded to it - hopefully next week she'll make a real response and not just a generic apology.


    I honestly don't understand the timeline on this show - how did Lily go from just finding out to complete delivery? That's well over an entire semester's worth of time, but Daphne still seems to be a freshman, and that's after a first semester getting a D and being at least halfway through the second semester when Lily found out she was pregnant. 

    • Love 3
  2. The Don Rickles bit seemed a bit off - wasn't he complaining that his restaurant wasn't attracting the young hip people any more, which is why he was so stoked to get the one celebrity? Would have been funnier if he had been "Oh no, not Don Rickles!" and tried to somehow usher him out but the other celebs wouldn't have any of that because he was their best friend or something.

  3. Not sure, but I think I liked it. Was happily surprised to see Paget Brewster! And I've always adored Josh Peck, so it was good to see him. I don't know if I'd make a tv date especially for it, but I'd watch it again. If they're always showing it with The Grinder (like they did tonight), both of them together make for a good tv appointment where neither might quite do so separately. 

    • Love 2
  4. Watched the repeat of the pilot on the strength of this and other reviews, and it was definitely enjoyable. I have to admit I squeed a bit when Rob Lowe said "for lit-erally no reason at all". (Parks and Recreation!)  Fred Savage did a good job being the frustrated brother without falling headlong into the stereotype. (loved the part where he said his voice would be stuck in that octave forever). I think his character was a  little too bumbling - no way would he still be in business being as bad as he was. Looking forward to seeing the next one.

    • Love 7

    Offering to go back for the bomb (!) only to have her say it was enough to hear him say it (I kept expecting the bomb to explode as they drove away.) was very sweet.


    Even sweeter, he then said he'd go back later and set up an orange cone, because he knew that her main concern was that someone (who?) might get hurt.

    • Love 1
  6. I really liked how Phil and Carol seemed to have really fallen in love with each other, or at least a much deeper kind of friendship. Phil was looking out for Carol's interests more than he ever did last season, and she was getting into things he liked with more enthusiasm. That was really sweet. 


    I can't express how much I liked NOT seeing Melissa or Todd. 


    ETA: I know it would make the show unbearably grim to show it, but... why aren't there any bodies? Or at least skeletons? Six billion people, and who even knows how many mammals, all dead within a short time frame. They would be stumbling over bodies everywhere. I wish we'd at least get a throwaway line that tv-magicked that away (when Phil saw the fake skeleton would have been the perfect time to do so). It keeps gnawing at me. 

    • Love 3
  7. That ending was gut-wrenching. At least, until the "previews for next week" came on. That totally ruined the moment. :( 


    Poor Carol. She probably thinks he didn't come back on purpose. How could he be that oblivious to not even remember the highways he'd traveled that day? Or at least have a good idea? Or think about gee, limit his search to all of the highways within the drive time since the last stop? Or not even think about how long she was staying back there until after nightfall? So much stupid, so little time. 


    How was Brother of Phil even able to search land for signs of life? What was that about? 


    At first I thought it had gone really dark, and everyone in Tuscon had died in a terrible house fire. Then I realized it was Phil's house, and they had probably done that out of spite. That made it dark in a different way. I'm still hooked, though. This was a great start. 

    • Love 5
  8. Whoa. I never once, during that entire episode, remembered that Daphne was raised Latina and should know Spanish.


    They really have eliminated that part of her history, haven't they? The "I should get the scholarship because I was raised Latina" was the last gasp of ever acknowledging that Daphne was ever not a Kennish. She should have been a lot more empathetic and understanding about poverty, too - not that she had ever lived in a circumstance like that, but was in an impoverished area and should have known people who had opportunities denied due to their life situations. I was just mad that they thought it would be great to trip down to Mexico and "help people" without having the first clue of any Spanish, which means they'd really be more of a liability than a help (since they would need someone to spend all their time translating for them). Never even remembered what Daphne's background is supposed to be.


    But here's the clincher, the tiny detail that made me truly despise this character (and her pal). They didn't help the truck man pick up his friggin' lemons!!!! They stood there discussing their noble agenda to help the deaf of Mexico, while this dude scrambled around in the dirt retrieving his produce. Then they skipped off--still without helping him pick up so much as one lemon, or as far as I could tell--offering payment for the ride.


    That bugged me SO MUCH. And on top of that, the lemon guy GAVE THEM SOME LEMONS TO TAKE ALONG! After they didn't help pick up, and didn't pay him at all. ARGH

    • Love 4
  9. Why do they hate Bay so much whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


    Let's sum up the Mexico spring break. Daphne felt great about helping people, learned a valuable lesson about how there are poor people in the world with few life choices, turned into Annie Sullivan to the point that I expected her to drag Patty out to a water pump in the town square, and of course got a hot guy to fall for her at first sight. Bay had to spend the week around her ex, confront her own jealous nature, missed the interview that was the only reason she went at all, and get yelled at by Melanie. 


    I really don't get why Daphne is ALWAYS the golden girl and Bay is ALWAYS the one crapped on. Always. I was hoping that at least it turned out that the nice old woman she was talking to was the manager of the museum she was supposed to interview with, but no. (unless I blinked and missed something)  God forbid Bay have success or joy at anything.


    I was disappointed by having Travis have a crush on Bay. I was hoping that while Emmett was doing that self-serving apology that he'd point out that even if he did like Bay, Emmett had no right to act like that, but I didn't want him to actually like her. Now it's trite and cliche and all that other stuff, and now Bay has to deal with having one of the few friends she feels she has in the world be someone who will shy away and act weird and has an inappropriate crush and there goes that tight friendship, crashing on the shoals like the rest of her hopes and dreams. And it looks from the previews that next week is also going to have a hefty helping of Let's Crap on Bay. I just don't get it.

    • Love 7
  10. Ah, thanks. So Regina totally went back on her word to Bay - gross.



    When did Daphne learn these magical diagnostic skills that would allow her to ID the potential head injury with minimal effort?


    I believe it was because that was the only person lying flat on the ground. "Hello, person who is lying down! I think you may have a major head injury!" 

    I have never seen such a drill on a college campus for a dorm, especially one that invested in fake blood and other props to make it look more realistic. I have never heard of a "dorm safety officer". I do not understand anything about Daphne's "college" experience. 

    • Love 2
  11. I have to admit I was confused about all the talk about Regina moving "to the suburbs". Aren't they supposed to live in Mission Hills? That basically IS the suburbs,unless you want to make"the city" all the way to the I-435 loop. It's certainly not downtown, at least.


    I was thinking about Regina's treatment of Bay, and I wonder if it's the writers trying to go back to their early lives without hanging a lampshade on it. For Bay, Daphne, and the Kennishes, the relationships they have with each other are all still very new. It's only been 3 years since they found out about each other. But Regina has known for an extra decade or so beyond that. She didn't have the big revelation, the huge emotional impact - for her, that happened over ten years earlier, and secretly to herself, and she's been stalking Bay ever since. So to her, it might seem like no big deal that Bay's her daughter, and it was baked into her from the beginning that she had to be standoffish from Bay, to not care too much, because then she couldn't get any closer. So by the time she met Bay, she was already used to treating Bay like a) someone she knew and therefore didn't need to get to know better, and b) someone she literally could not allow herself to get close to or show too much interest in. That would take a really, really long time to get over. I'm impressed if that is the rationale behind the writing of her character, but I wish they would make it more explicit because in the meantime it's hurting Bay over and over again. 

    • Love 4
  12. Ok, they got me. I was convinced by the title that Lily was going to have a miscarriage this episode. 


    I did like it, though. There was almost no forward momentum, but it did what I think this show is best at - introspection, defining and clarifying relationships, showing moments and connections and emotions. Most shows wouldn't spend an entire episode talking about the emotional ramifications now of a plotline from a season ago. When Bay said "you're my mom"? I almost cried too. And I'm glad that she had that moment of realization at the interview - I thought they were heading right into "here's another time Bay gets shafted by having taken the fall for Daphne", but even if she doesn't get that job, she got something huge out  of that conversation.


    And good lord, John and the products. As soon as Glen held up the golf club I knew exactly what it was. :D  Of course, my kid walked in just before that when Glen was describing the herbal Viagra. (sigh)

    • Love 1
  13. Gaaa, I missed this episode because I was sure there wouldn't be a new one on Labor Day. Sad thing is, I don't mind after reading about it. I would have liked to see the John throwdown of Toby, but most of it seems cringeworthy enough that I wouldn't have enjoyed it. And that's happened more than once with this show this season (and before the summer hiatus) - I hope this trend doesn't continue. I want to like this show as much as I used to! 


    The third one... this show gets away with a lot.


    My child thought it was the most adult episode they've ever done, particularly since Grenda double-crossed the gnome with a crooked cop. 

    That video of extra Mabel deeds was fantastic! 

    I love this show so, so much.

  15. ... and be able to get in under the deadline. When you consider that it's usually close to 8 weeks out before someone might even even realize they might be pregnant, and then if, like Lily, having some testing done and some agonizing time waiting to talk to other people, a woman could easily be 15 or so weeks along before calling the clinic for an appointment, and then has to hope there's an appointment spot still open before the 20 week deadline. 

    • Love 1
  16. My bet: it will turn out that the IRS is ready to ruin John, except that it turns out that if they give a substantial amount of their money to charity, the IRS will call it even (I know, but this is tv world, go with me here). So they are going "Oh no, what do we do, what charity can possibly take so much of our money?" and can't decide whether it's art or deafness or Angelo's heart disorder research, but then they find out about Toby and Lily's problem and OMG they can set up a foundation for Down Syndrome babies and then Toby and Lily can use it to take care of the baby because somehow that's still charity even if their son is the primary beneficiary, so they have it and then have the funding for a full-time personal assistant from birth to forever, and everyone is happy YAY.


    ETA: And then Toby writes a book about it that is a bestseller so he becomes independently wealthy as well and Bay paints about it and sells her painting to a millionaire and Emmett wishes he had stuck with Bay but it is TOO LATE SORRY.

    • Love 4

    laughed aloud when John knocked everything off his desk in frustration in the last scene of the episode - Kathryn had only left the room about....3 seconds, max? before he did that? But I guess she sprinted upstairs and put on headphones in those couple of seconds, as she didn't turn around all "WTF?!" right outside his door as papers came flying into the foyer.

    I thought the EXACT SAME THING! It was so close in timing that I expected her to walk back down the stairs, say "Honey?" and have them hug it out and him say "There's something I have to tell you" before the fade to black, but no. She didn't notice.

    • Love 2
  18. I have just about had it with this show. 


    They have mangled the Lily pregnancy story beyond any possible satisfactory conclusion. Which may be the point, but it's frustrating to watch. I really, really want some show, some time, to approach abortion as something that women consider because they're not ready to be a parent yet, and not throwing every other possible complication in. I guess that's not this show. It's incredibly disappointing that they've taken what is already a difficult storyline that, honestly, a lot of teens deal with (unexpected pregnancy), and coated it with a discussion of disability rights, which basically makes Lily a monster if she has an abortion now. I just don't see how this can end well now in any way unless she has a miscarriage, which would be the most lazy way out possible for the writers. Ugh.


    And Bay, good lord. Girl will never catch a break, never ever.  And now they're setting her up as some kind of de facto rape counselor for everyone else in their universe? Although I really, really feel for Travis. That was the most realistic and heartbreaking part of this show.


    Daphne and her Aston Kutcher boyfriend are getting old, although I did like that he's finally trying to learn Lou Gehrig's disease. I have to admit that I totally forgot bowtie guy even existed until this episode. Wasn't sure about his whole posturing/jealousy thing, though. Does everyone have to have a flame for Daphne?


    I agree that John's actions are out of character now. I would have believed it of season 1 John, but he and Katherine have had so much growth as a couple I find it hard to believe he'd keep this from her. And seriously, Katherine. At some monetary level you're supposed to consult with your spouse when you spend money, and I would bet that even at their level of income, 50k is above that mark.


    Bah. I hope things pick up as the season goes along.

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