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Duke Silver

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Everything posted by Duke Silver

  1. I agree w/ the general sentiment: objectively, this was an awesome stand-alone episode. HOWEVER, I despise what this means for the show going forward. From a character standpoint, it's hard for me to see the show as being anything than on its last legs. Lexa is gone; Bellamy is ruined. What a shame, though inevitable.
  2. I more or less sleepwalked through last night's episode, truth be told. I'm just not "excited" about anyone left standing since Kwame got the boot last week (as he deserved, to be sure). I mean, Isaac comes across as a good guy, but I can't completely discount the possibility that at least some of Marjorie's snark towards him is earned (believe me, it pains me to type that, because I just do not like Marjorie as portrayed by the show...AT ALL). Jeremy can seriously fuck off. In any event, I won't be truly excited about the winner this year.
  3. Sad to say since this is the final season, but I've stopped watching. The performances are just way too poor/mehhh to keep me engaged. I really enjoy reading everyone's thoughts, however. Goodbye show...I honestly won't miss you.
  4. Whenever I see Bambi, my estimation of Kyle ticks up several notches. I can't help it.
  5. I really, really want to see Ariana crash & burn. Her smugness bugs me infinitely more than Scheana's selfishness/Jax's childishness/James' dick'ishness/etc.
  6. ^^Then I guess we'd better see every other AI alum who is still in the biz show up & perform/judge as well. Unless that standard applies only to Kellie, of course.
  7. I'm wondering if this first episode was intentionally front-loaded w/ talent by TPTB...a way of kind of casting aspersions on Idol's final season. Just a thought. I agree w/ the re-cap: IMO, there was more talent seen in the first episode than what AI has for their sad top 10 in the Lives.
  8. The showrunners (to people who are watching this dreck)?
  9. Mary Sarah is my jam (and country music is not my kind of thing). Mike Schiavo is really good, but down w/ WGWG. =)
  10. I choose to think that a truncated season gives me fewer opportunities to snark the show...so yeah, I guess it sucks for me too. =)
  11. As long as I don't look at him when he's singing, I like him well enough. I just find him to be an odd looking dude. I know such things are so subjective.
  12. AI should've just done what So You Think You Can Dance is doing this upcoming season & just blatantly make it about little kids dancing around on stage... Why even bother w/ token 20-somethings? /sarcasm Sorry, I find that gross & exploitative, but YMMV.
  13. Based on commentary I've read across the interwebs, I'm glad I quit this shit-show after (belatedly) watching the final half of S3. I couldn't stomach S3...I can't fathom how so many keep watching. More power to all of you.
  14. Personality-wise, I don't like Marjorie...at all. She's got severe RBF, IMO. I also think she caught herself before going full-on smirk when Kwame was sent packing by Padma. However, her skill as a chef cannot be questioned either, so she'd be a very deserving winner. Yeah, Bro-Dude Jeremy should've been gone..but damn, frozen waffles by Kwame saved his lame ass.
  15. I must be very cranky tonight, because I have either side-eyed or downright despised every performance thus far (LaPorsha singing right now).
  16. Regardless of it making me a terrible person, as I continue to hate-watch these clowns, I actually hope for all the adults to crash and burn. The sooner the better. Maybe the children in this family can be spared if a comeuppance of biblical proportions happens soon.
  17. I'll be pouring out a 40 for the show I used to love. No way in hell I'll be watching Nigel's version of Dance Moms. The idea of watching little kids bouncing around provocatively just gives me the creeps.
  18. Those I hope get launched into outer space: Thomas...my TV is in danger of a projectile being thrown at it if I have to hear any more squeaking from him; Jeneve...sorry, she seems sweet, but I just can't; Gianna...Olivia is already in, and Tristan is likely in, so that's plenty of 15 y.o. pageant bots; Manny...have despised him since auditions (along w/ that other douchebag who thought hitting on JLo would be an interesting shtick...hint: it isn't) Really, I'm mehh on the whole damn crew, but I still stand by my thinking that Dalton will likely at least be entertaining over the long-haul. I still don't understand the Mackenzie appeal. He's just not my cuppa, obviously.
  19. After what I felt was a trainwreck LAST week, I chose to not watch this week (other than a couple Youtube clips). Based on comments I've seen across the interwebs, sounds like I chose wisely. I told myself I'd suck it up & consume the stupid bullshit the AI producers, like little toddlers w/ learning disorders, can't help but give us, as long as the singing is up to snuff. Well...the singing has been terrible/bland/uninspired, IMO. I understand the creation of fandoms, but I stand w/ those here & SMH at the re-arrangement done by Dalton. Seriously, going emo w/ a Billy Idol song...LOL. The thing is, I actually like Dalton. He's one of the few I don't want to stab through the TV when he's talking. Slowing down a song is not "making it your own." Olivia is talented, and based on the total shit this show has given us, she might actually make it far if her stage presentation is salvaged. Typically, I'd say that she won't make long into the top 10 because there's something so robotic about her. However, due to lack of solid choices, it would not shock me to see her hang out until top 3/4. The rest aren't worth mentioning form the sound of things. I might try to stomach watching the full episode tonight or over the weekend.
  20. Mmmmm...schadenfreude. So tasty. Yes, yes...I am an asshole.
  21. I'm sooo glad douchnozzle Manbun is gone. Kwame is running on fumes, it seems. He totally ran out of mojo after that "10 years ago.." challenge; he hasn't been able to recover from that.
  22. I found the duets to be mostly cringe-worthy. This first group has been universally mehhh as far as I'm concerned.
  23. I think I'm gonna subject myself to a re-watch. I was responding to multiple texts & emails during the show, so maybe I need to give it another shot before fully committing to my comment above.
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