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Everything posted by Anela

  1. I didn't think they would go there, for some reason. I keep blocking it from memory. I've never seen the whole movie, but I've come across that scene when changing channels, and it makes me gag. I want Will to win at some point. I'm so tired of people getting the jump on him. So, are they planning to have Alana carry the baby? Or a surrogate? I need to watch something lighter now.
  2. As much as I didn't like Jess at first, he could be funny, and I thought it was weird how everyone freaked out and blamed him. I liked, "What's up Quippy?? Why so silent??!!" from the episode in which she's late for the test. Her whole part yelling at Paris, and then, "The name is RORY!!" cracked me up. Anytime she seemed really shy and awkward. Rory telling Jess when he was being a jerk. Her being excited about being home alone, and doing what SHE wanted to do. I used to love getting the house to myself. Her just happening to fall into a clique, and sitting alone again, later. I take at least two books with me everywhere, as well, which comes in handy when the van breaks down, or in long lines. Oh, and the lists! Dad teased me last year, when I panicked over not having my notebook with me. I don't make pro/con lists, but everything else goes down. Her insistence that she wasn't going to break down over losing her boyfriend, only to cry and then get crabby later on. Her waking up early, and making a list of things to do, is like me, and Lorelai was like my parents trying to make it happen.
  3. She wore it all the time, and anyone else would have handed it to her, telling her that she'd dropped it. He may have been right in that she hadn't missed it for two weeks, but if he hadn't know who it was from, he surely would have told her that he'd found it somewhere, and given it to her as soon as possible - instead of hiding it in her room whilst she ran around freaking out. I love the ending of the Thanksgiving episode where Dean tells Jess that he no longer has to be on his best behaviour around him.
  4. I've just watched the original movie, and there was more energy to it. I loved Tatum lobbing those bottles at Ghostface. Those attacked so far, haven't had a chance to fight back.
  5. It bugs me when Rory asks her mother to treat Jess nicely, when he's being an ass, and they're never going to sit around and watch movies together (at least at that point - maybe five or ten years down the line). I only recall him making an effort once with Lorelai, when he cleaned the gutters - until she rightly called him out on his letting Rory stress when he had her bracelet all along. I didn't like Jess until the later seasons, when he grew up. Although, now that I think about it, I didn't like Lorelai mocking Jess, to Luke, at the wedding.
  6. I didn't notice, but I should have, since I've studied the tarot. I was probably looking away, so that I wouldn't feel sick.
  7. I missed the "spit" comment.
  8. I wouldn't blame Will for making his own hit list, at this point, like a certain character from Game of Thrones (just because people keep screwing him over). I thought that scene was odd, in that the train was moving fast, but their hair wasn't flying all over the place. My hair goes nuts if I open the window in the van. JACK!!! Love him. I kind of liked Mason, too. Just a bit. But I was glad that Alana wasn't ready to have anyone die, outside of Hannibal himself.
  9. I don't recall hearing about the real-life case that it's based on, although now I've read about it, I wonder how I missed it. I hadn't thought of Riley as the killer, until I saw the comments on this board.
  10. I know. It didn't hold my interest.
  11. I love that Chilton copyrighted "Hannibal the Cannibal".
  12. I had really low expectations. Its not the next Hannibal, by any means. I looked it up because I liked the movie, and I couldn't sleep. I liked Noah, so I hope he isn't the killer.
  13. I was afraid that they would have a twist, showing the past-life visions as something triggered by his machine. I'm glad they didn't go in that direction.
  14. I liked it, too, although it gave me a jolt when I saw Emma's mother. I remember her from Days of Our Lives, when I was a teenager.
  15. I thought they did use the internet, in the past. I remember them reading Freddie's blog. I thought Hannibal used an Ipad, or something.
  16. I thought it was her first night at Yale, when she called her mother, and asked her to come back. She said something about reporting from a foxhole with her mommy. :)
  17. I've just realized that they aren't having the usual July 4th marathon of Walking Dead.
  18. I noticed her comment about wine and truffles. I wondered how Hannibal is keeping up with their lives. The internet? I also wonder why his picture isn't plastered everywhere.
  19. Maybe Jack's blood went up, because he didn't drown in what happened to him. He looked after his wife, accepted that he was going to lose her, and that she'd be happy to die at that point (something Hannibal once stole from her). He made peace with that, said goodbye to her, and went to fix the mistake he'd made with Will. The dogs are a grounding influence. I think they have more of that influence (stability) coming up, with the addition of a certain character.
  20. I thought so, too. "I'm all ears. They've just been... redistributed." That made me chuckle. I can't wait until they get Will into a more grounded head space again. I liked the Will who wanted revenge, and justice.
  21. They won the Saturn award for best network show.
  22. I was up all night when we had beautiful weather. Now I'm up most of the day, and it's raining all the time. Blech. It's supposed to be 67 degrees over the weekend.
  23. All of my dreams, this morning, had me either living with Hannibal somehow or being a part of the production. Odd. Nobody died, and I enjoyed most of the dreams. (I would wake up, and go back into them.) The one time I was in danger, had nothing to do with Hannibal - I was in a huge building, like a school or something, that had bathrooms like public toilets, and I was hiding from someone. I thought it was a girl - there was some sort of birthday party going on.
  24. That little girl is too creepy.
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