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Everything posted by Anela

  1. I might watch it again tonight, I'll check.
  2. I loved Session 9, too. That really creeped me out. I saw it years ago, and then watched it with my parents when it was on Netflix, on New Years Eve, a few years ago. So far, all we've seen is people losing their children in two different ways (miscarriage, and losing custody?), which are awful for the people who go through that. I can't think of what he might have up his sleeve - I remember the teaser with the teeth hanging over a crib. they already went the Rosemary's baby route, in a sense, in the first season. Time Warner Cable? I have that, and recorded it last night (I wasn't in the mood for it). I had to search for it on the guide myself, though - the DVR didn't pick it up automatically. Are you picking up the repeat?
  3. I'd also like to know the name of the movie, if it's available to watch anywhere. I liked the idea that we're watching actors talk about what really happened to people, instead of the other way around (which could mean that they didn't survive). I guess that isn't the case, though.
  4. If this was The Walking Dead, I would be more concerned about a dog. Although I'm sure those hillbillies would have no problem killing one, so I'd be against it for that reason. I read that Shelby was transported to another time, at the end of the episode. I hadn't realized that.
  5. That's one show I've wanted to watch, but I don't have the channel it's on, and I watch too many other things. I also noticed Tara's mum from True Blood. Sarah Paulson said she was playing a real person; I guess she is, even though that person is fictitious. I'm a fan of a site called Old House Dreams. I've seen houses on there for what would be considered a steal, but the huge ones like that are usually still in the higher, unaffordable-for-me, numbers. A woman I know also said that she would be afraid they were haunted. :) I wouldn't mind being in the middle of the woods, but I would mind the hillbillies. I had something else to say, but I can't remember what it was. Oh: I'm not a hate-watcher. I didn't like most of last season, but I didn't mind Freak Show (I was in the minority). I stopped watching the paranormal shows like the ones this is based on (so far), and don't like the crime re-enactment shows either - I used to watch them, but with the paranormal ones, they did seem overblown.
  6. I saw Wes Bentley in the woods, at the end. I thought Gaga was one of the women who walked through the hallway, but I must have been wrong. I actually liked it. I also flashed back to the OJ series, when I realized that Sarah Paulson was matched with Cuba Gooding. I'm still not sure what the theme is, though. We saw the teeth falling, and there's a farmhouse - I liked the teaser that had the farmhouse, and it had a The Hills Have Eyes/Texas Chainsaw Massacre feel to it. I love the house.
  7. I could understand it with Sherry's friends: Sherry was with Christopher, and he wasn't with her at the time, because he went back to Sherry (or, the baby). Awkward. She could have just bowed out of it, though. I remember when Sherry so desperately wanted to spend time with Rory, like Christopher was suddenly such a big part of her life, that it was important that Sherry have a relationship with her, too, but she made sure to tell Lorelai that they didn't have to like each other. Something like that. Sherry did have one of my favourite moments, though: "I *wrote* it *down*!!" haha. She actually had that in common with Rory: everything organized.
  8. How is the first episode? I'm recording it, but am tired, and feeling pissy. I prefer to be in a better mood when I'm trying to watch something.
  9. Someone mentioned on facebook - a stranger - that people with an Amazon firestick already have access to the episode. How is that possible?
  10. I've just read a comment from someone who's seen it, saying that it's very different from anything that's come before it. I'll just post the link, just in case anyone wants to read it, not that it really gives anything away: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/american-horror-story-season-6-premiere-spoilers-theme-928048 This is a person who worked on the show.
  11. I can't think of anything that would deserve this level of secrecy. I was looking forward to it a month ago, when I saw the first teasers. Now I'm just "meh".
  12. I had to scroll through the TV Guide area, to set my DVR to record. It usually picks up the new seasons, but it didn't this time. Those planning to record, might want to check and make sure it's set. Mine only says something like, "American Horror Story: 6" with "Chapter 1" in the description.
  13. Maybe I'm unusual in that I don't have a first aid kit, but I've just been watching a Freeform show, and seen someone show up at the home of a person who they must have some sort of intimate relationship with. They're injured, and saying they aren't guilty of something, but will be suspected so they can't go to the hospital. The person just happens to have something needed to patch up the others' injuries - these huge bandages, amongst other things. I have peroxide, but that's it. And now someone is making a heartfelt speech over their phone, and everyone just happens to be online or in the right place on their phones, to be watching it.
  14. I don't know why that quoted above, but when that happens, I can't get rid of it. I couldn't see what happened with the shoot-out, either, and we have a pretty big TV.
  15. I don't think she did in the first season, when she threw that birthday party for Rory. She just sent invitations to all of her classmates.
  16. Whoa, that ending. I liked seeing Elliot doing something with confidence - finding Tyrell (or the phone).
  17. I really liked this episode. Unfortunately, my DVR didn't record tonight's episode - was it the finale?
  18. Yes, it would be nice if that's the secret they've kept all Spring and Summer: that Negan won't last long. Unfortunately, it won't happen. I can just see a whole bunch of posts, on the night it airs, or the day after, when the people who don't watch, find out who died. Pages of, "nailed it!" as to who died.
  19. I never liked The Simpsons. I feel like this should be in an "unpopular opinion" thread. I've only ever seen clips of South Park, as well.
  20. Ugh!!! I made the mistake of leaving the recordings on the DVR, to watch when I wasn't watching anything else, and damn it - dogs, again? Hearing them cry out as the zombies ate them, and then Nick running over to eat some of that himself? I feel sick. Nick also seemed to enjoy it, and was seeing the zombies as his pals. At least, that's how I looked at it.
  21. I wondered why Angela just sat and stared straight ahead, at her desk, as people walked past the window. It made her look more suspicious (when she was checking the files on the computer, she looked like she was working).
  22. I remember when she was trying to get Logan to invite her to a party of his fathers', but it didn't work. I can't remember who she wanted to meet. I think Logan took someone else (because it wasn't the sort of party that he'd stay at for long, and they also weren't dating at the time).
  23. I might. I think I've been spoiled by binge-watching, and being able to skip adverts. I hardly ever watch anything as it's airing (I used to be right there to watch LOST, and other things).
  24. It didn't only have one year to go at the time - I watched one episode of the new season, last year. I was tired of it.
  25. Rachel was first made out to be "the one that got away" at first, but I liked that she was her own person - independent, very pretty, but not a clone of Lorelai. Anna made out that he was never one for long-term relationships, but that's all we ever saw with him, so she really didn't know him at all.
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