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Everything posted by Anela

  1. I'm watching this right now, and came here to ask about the Gaga music video, just thrown in there. I'm recording it, precisely because it's ridiculous, and I liked a few of the characters. I don't like it when AHS gets too crazy, but for some reason, I don't mind it so much here. "Please don't kill me! Kill her! She's awful!!" haha.
  2. Yep. He also broke into her house - to fix things, but still. Smad, I think it's stupid for Luke to lecture Lorelai on her diet, when he's the one cooking and serving it, not only to her, but the entire town (and it is over-stepping - I wouldn't appreciate someone telling me how to eat).
  3. I like that idea. I thought what was found hanging in the woods, was the remains of that man that had the pig head shoved over his. Ew.
  4. I liked it, so I'll watch again.
  5. In the movie "Fight Club" I hated Brad Pitt's character, and the men who acted like disciples under him/them. I like that Elliot wants to stop bad things from happening, like Jack, in the movie. Yes, he's alive. As far as I could tell. Angela spoke to him, he shot Elliot.
  6. Joanna is just... wow. He lost his wife and a baby, all because of her and her husband. I can't get behind her. I like that we're finding things out as Elliot does. I just wish we didn't have to wait until next Summer for more! Damn. My DVR cut off, just as the camera was panning to the person who approached them at the end. Since they were talking about possibly undoing everything, I don't think he's there to protect them. :(
  7. I understand, but Luke did the same thing to her at times. He lectured her about coffee and food, but also started asking personal questions when she told him that she was engaged. "Hello, personal!" was her response. I think they did that to each other, because of their feelings (as someone else said). I still love your username, by the way. :) And amensisterfriend's.
  8. I'm recording it, so I'm glad to see people were happy with it.
  9. I'm glad it wasn't just me. I really laughed at "dumbasses unite!" :) I only heard/read about the twist on twitter, before it recorded. Milo said something about not ruining it (I think it was him), so I got all settled in to watch my recording, only to find that the DVR had deleted my recording for some reason. So I watched it on my laptop today. I can't remember why I quoted you. I think I quoted the wrong person. I agree with whomever said, "it's the things you can do something about, that keep you up at night. The choices you've made". That's how it is for me. I was born in 1975, breech birth, and had the cord around my neck. They somehow got it off me before I came out. I guess he was gone before they could do anything, though. :( Poor baby.
  10. I thought the twist was simply them adopting the baby left at the fire station. I can't believe I didn't realize that they were all related, and thought it was an odd coincidence - although I wondered why the fireman was smoking in a hospital. I was crying when they took the mother into the operating room, because I lost my mother two months ago, and am still not used to even saying that. I liked it, so I'll keep watching.
  11. I liked it, because it reminded me of "Defending Your Life." I hadn't seen any promos, and had no idea who was in it, so it was a nice surprise (I just went through the week, and hit "record" on anything new, to test the waters). Not great, but good enough. I did wonder how Ted Danson's character got to heaven, when he was the sort to kick a dog into the sun. I also like the woman who talks a lot - her being so happy with her quiet time (that was just seconds), made me laugh. I felt bad for her as she kept trying to get her soulmate to talk to her. I wonder if he's the one who left the note at the end.
  12. I was spoiled on Marco's death, and Kevin doing something to him, thanks to a comment on the actor's instagram the other night. I didn't want him to die, but I actually felt bad for Kevin. He was trying to do the right thing, and Marco had his proof right there. Instead, he decided to be an ass to a really scared Kevin. Excellent acting, but it was sad seeing John go from good cop, to manipulative politician - as he got IA involved with Marco, and lied to him, brought up what he'd done, etc. I hated Meg and Kevin turning on him, but it seems like they made Danny look a bit more likable this season, where as last year, he was menacing, kind of kidnapped John's daughter, all to terrify her parents (and it didn't seem like he really liked his niece at all - I bought that he might hurt her). He also looked to be involved in human trafficking, with the girls on the boat. Suddenly, this year, we get Danny trying to do his best for his son, and seeing more of what an ass his father was.
  13. Lorelai seemed to be 32 for the first two seasons. I can't remember why I think that, so maybe I'm wrong, but I could have sworn they made out she was.
  14. That last bit gave me goosebumps. In other shows, when a detective has looked at camera footage like that, it's usually recorded somehow - showing who checked it, at what time. I wonder if they'll show that here, at some point.
  15. Wow, I didn't know about either of them. I was put off by Paul Walker dating a teenager - I think she was sixteen when they started going out. I've been sick of it for years. I've complained about it in the Walking Dead forum more than once. I usually feel the same way. I zone out during most of them. It started airing almost twelve years ago, early 2005.
  16. Sometimes they're kidnapped and given plastic surgery, so that they can return as a new actor or actress. Then if the original actor wants to come back, they're suddenly an imposter, and the spouse is caught in one of those horrible love triangles. haha! I used to watch "Days" but don't remember that. I only watched for a few years, though (the Carly and evil Stefano years - I watched until 1994, and was glued to the "buried alive" episodes). Now I'm tempted to look up old episodes. I don't do that, but when I was a kid, I signed Mother's day cards with my full name. I remember mum chuckling at that.
  17. Oh, I loved him in the Trinity movies!! We used to watch them when I was a kid, although all I remember from the second one was the baby being called "Little Windy".
  18. I saw a comment from someone in another thread, who thought the same thing. I was surprised by the way she treats him, considering he's exactly like the son she seems to dote on (Danny), and continues to make excuses for.
  19. I like Lorelai, but I agree with some of the things posted here. I play this on my tablet, with the netflix app, when I get in the shower, so that I don't have to listen to the radio (which is all crappy music or crappy political talk). One episode last night, was the one where Lane asks Rory to arrange a date for her. When they get into trouble, Lorelai tells Rory that she can't lie to another mum - that's breaking the code. Yet in the next episode, when they get tickets for The Bangles, Lorelai says that Lane is stupid, for telling her mother the truth - she encouraged her to lie that time. She also fed her things like pizza, and she might have provided a needed balance to her life with her mother, but she was still going against Mrs Kim's rules. I didn't like younger Jess, but I also hated the way she acted like Jess had run her daughter over, when most people would probably have done just what he did.
  20. You've just reminded me of the teaser with the pitchfork. That's two things from the teasers (like the falling teeth). I wonder if anything else will be included.
  21. I was going to watch Mr. Robot, too, but ended up saving them both for yesterday afternoon. I'm going to have to look up Richard Matheson, now. The name sounds familiar.
  22. I associate it with California, too. We once ended up in a tiny town (population: 19), when I was a teenager. I think everyone in town was in the place we stopped to look for a bathroom, and something to eat. They were probably lovely people, but it was creepy when they all turned to look at us.
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