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Everything posted by Anela

  1. I didn't see that, but I was thinking it was like the movie. He gets to see how life without him (specifically himself) is for his family and friends.
  2. I didn't know there was a book, and a sequel?
  3. I had a burger king chicken sandwich, with fries. I got slightly ill, but I needed something. I was in pain after KFC, a week ago. I'm making more vegan kimchi, once my red pepper flakes arrive.
  4. I liked it when it aired, but didn’t love it. I’ve never watched it again, but I’ve re-watched other “must see TV” shows. I stopped watching ER in 1999. I can’t remember why.
  5. I haven’t slept, even though I tried. If I fix my sleep schedule, thanks to this, it will be just in time for a week of 90+ degree weather.
  6. I just spent another evening outside, starting more seeds, and getting the rest of the starters I bought, into the beds. Dad weeded all but one for me, recently. Next year, I may just throw seeds into those beds, and let them do their own thing, because the weeds have been thriving for a month. Most of them should have been started a month ago, or two months, but it was relaxing. I also do not need to buy tomato seeds, eggplant, peppers, or squash seeds next year. This plastic tub I have, is full of them. As long as they will still grow, anyway. My starter seeds from April, didn’t take. I had to start more zucchini, because I don’t know what happened to the one I bought. Maybe something ate it, like the basil.
  7. I watched the movie last night, for the first time in decades. I'd forgotten that it was premeditated. That she planned the whole thing, except that she didn't intend for him to be charged.
  8. I’m really tired, and hadn’t realized the demon was literally stealing people’s words out of their minds. When I saw him outside the confession booth, I thought he was just relishing eating people’s sins they’d confessed to. https://www.vulture.com/article/evil-recap-season-4-episode-4-how-to-build-a-coffin.html like baby groot growing as he dances, this guy grew as he ate more words.
  9. I wasn’t really surprised, but I like that he contacted someone else, instead of hitting on Kristen. Leland using Kristen’s fears against her whole family, and trying to get Andy to kill his little girl, was horrific. Kristen was afraid he wasn’t happy with four girls, but he loves them more than life itself. Something Leland could never understand. Thomas reminded me of the gravelings in Dead Like Me. The little gremlin-like things that set events into motion, where people die. I love that Andrea found a way to get rid of him, and grieve with Father Ignatius. that was a beautiful scene.
  10. I swear, and I recently forgot the name of peroxide, so maybe you’re getting your wish. I didn’t forget swear words, though.
  11. I remember laughing when I saw this graph, listing the different generations. We were left out of it entirely. 😆
  12. I’m younger gen-x, and the wind from a hurricane did assist me across a massive road one morning. ;) but that was more of a different rules for different children thing. I miss the days when gen-x was forgotten in debates online. We’re getting dragged with everyone else now.
  13. Are they going to have the same ending as the movie? Or a new one? Rhetorical question, since nobody can answer that.
  14. This was the place I mentioned a few weeks ago. I wanted to go to the beach yesterday, but it was too cold. I had this picture saved on my phone, though.
  15. Same. I was going to say more about the episode, but it’s just reiterating what I already wrote.
  16. I've always been a really light sleeper, but it seemed like I went months with barely any sleep, starting around six years ago. I felt like I was losing my mind. It still happens occasionally, for days at a time. I got some sleep today, but I hate falling asleep as the sun is coming up (or when it's really up, like 7am). I took half a dose of zzzquil+ (pain medicine in there, too), and before that, I'd had a small magnesium glycinate drink. then some hot chocolate, because I was hungry, and hoped it would stop the mad feelings of hunger. It seems like I wake up every two hours or so, as well. I also have to go to the bathroom, but I was really out of it when I woke up at gone 11am. I was in such a good sleep, for a change. I've also been sleeping on the couch a lot, and finally went back up to my bed. I have this issue where the mattress moves over, even though I'm not doing anything to make it move. So, my side starts to hang off the bed.
  17. I usually fall asleep on my left side, and end up on my back. I used to sleep on my stomach, when I was younger. I bunch my quilt up around me, or in front of me, like one of those pillows.
  18. Lucy Lawless mentioned the finale just aired, so it was broadcast in New Zealand.
  19. Ingrid is hilarious. "No eyelids, honey." "oh!" 😆
  20. I don't know if Ohio is still a State where you can't buy alcohol on a Sunday, but I do know that the places licensed to sell it, can't sell it to you past 6pm on a Sunday. At least, those were the rules when we tried to buy something for New Year's Eve, a few years ago, and they took it away from us. I just looked it up, and there's also something there about not selling between 1am and 5am, during the week. The Sunday ban starts at 2am. I feel like I'm reading something from Footloose. I think the rules are different for restaurants, and actual liquor stores. My dad would get a beer, if we went to get something to eat, in the evening, on a Sunday, unless we went to a place like IHop.
  21. I saw Glenn Powell talking about a date that his sister’s friend had. She went back to his home, but she felt that something was off with him. He asked her if she wanted a massage, and she said “okay”. He was rubbing her shoulders with this cream, and her bad vibes were getting worse, so she left ( he tried to get her to stay). The next day, her shoulders were itching like mad, and he said that the cream the guy used on her, was designed to break skin down, so that it could be eaten. 🥴 he was a serial killer. https://www.pinkvilla.com/entertainment/hollywood/my-jaw-dropped-glen-powell-leaves-internet-shocked-with-story-of-family-friends-horrifying-first-date-1314754
  22. I liked the book, but yes, I did read it.
  23. He wasn’t happy with his partner in the other life, so he hopped universes, and expected Original Daniela to be totally at peace, as long he’s there, and they have money. Like life hasn’t affected her at all, since he last saw her. Stupid.
  24. I finally got my cat back in. He came home for food, left for the ferals, the way he used to come back for food every night. He started to walk off when he saw me, but stopped to talk to me, and I grabbed him.
  25. I really wish that my sister had agreed to therapy with me. She ordered me to go to therapy, so that I would get over her husband’s sexual harassment, and my not wanting to be around him. I told her it didn’t work that way. I also pointed out that she still needed therapy, too, and she looked really hurt and said, “I know” but went right back to dehumanizing me. I have all kinds of thoughts about him and his manipulation. I’ll just say that I wanted a good BIL. I envy people whose families blend, and really like/love each other.
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