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Everything posted by Fireball

  1. I'm glad Emily told him off and left; I hope she doesn't get back together with him once he/she finds out there isn't a baby.
  2. I'm right there with you all... Colin is boring... He's just there... I am not interested in him. I'm not sure why I'm supposed to root for him and Pen to end up together other than Pen has had a big crush on him for years...
  3. Same.... But I always seem to root for the couple that is fated to not be end game. I find Colin boring. Hopefully the show spends time developing him and giving me a reason for why I should root for him and Pen. Pen having a crush on Colin for years isn't enough.
  4. I'm guessing season 3 Eliza & Pete get back together. However, I enjoyed Pete and Chaya together and I was pleasantly surprised that the show ended with them together. That was very aggravating.
  5. I also find Emily annoying which is why it's taken me so long to watch season 2. Also, Emily's not too smart having that conversation with Gabriel where Matthieu could overhear just was stupid on her part. I really am not interested in Emily and Gabriel drama or them getting together. I would rather watch her date Matthieu or Antoine. Lol I was wondering if she had a boob job or just a really good pushup bra.
  6. Fireball

    Season 4

    I also preferred the black glass installation!
  7. This is weird to me. What else could there possibly be to tell? Or are they going to have the children be grown up and we follow them?
  8. It took me a bit to place star of "UK Ghosts". And then I was oh Call the Midwife. Leaving Call the Midwife was a good decision for Charlotte Ritchie. However, I still don't think they needed to kill off the character. Since they didn't have Tom come back to the show after killing off Barbara, they could have just written the couple out by having Tom reassigned to a different church. It's been a long time, but weren't Tom and Barbara absent from the show for a while until they brought them back just to kill off Barbara?
  9. So, there was no reason to kill off Barara and not give her and Tom a happy ending. Me too. And I'm still annoyed that the writers couldn't be bothered to actually write Tom and Barabra's relationship and instead did time jumps.
  10. While I enjoyed season 1, I wasn't a huge fan of the Dr. Eliza & Pete hook up.
  11. Schitt's Creek had 6 seasons which revolved around a motel. Upload could have at least had another season at Lakeview.
  12. They keep talking about how Copy Nathan is hotter/ in better shape than Real Nathan, but I'm like Luke is hotter/ in better shape than either Nathan. 😀
  13. Run Preach... Do not walk...run... 😉
  14. The way Mel talks to Jack drives me insane. Oh sweetie, honey it was only a bad dream, everything is ok now. And the tone like she's talking to a little kid. If I closed my eyes that's who I would picture Mel was talking to. Yes, the whole Jack is going to be the bestest daddy ever was overkill. Also, who leaves their kids with someone they barley know. yeah, yeah, Mel treated one of the kids, but the parents didn't really know Mel or Jack. Yeah, yeah, I know everyone knows Mel and Jack by their outstanding reputation. But I'm going with the parents were so burnt out from their obnoxious kids that they would have left them with any random person just to get a break. 😆
  15. Are we going to have 5 seasons of Mel being pregnant? I don't know for sure but my guess is
  16. And, and, and……. Long-term health issues! Hope's brain injury, Doc and his macular degeneration, Denny and his Huntington’s Disease. And, and, and……. Mel's sister got divorced, Mel got engaged, Lilly had postpartum depression, Mel & Jack broke up and got back together....
  17. The annoying: Mel's face. The constant pouting and hmms when Jack isn't doing what she wants him to isn't cute. Mel and her one upmanship with Ava. Ava -- won't be able to have kids if she has a hysterectomy. Mel makes it about her by informing Ava she's struggled with fertility issues. Not sure how being sick and having to have a hysterectomy is the same thing as having fertility issues Mel... Ava -- I miss my mom at times like this. Mel I also lost my mother to cancer. I mean I get Mel was trying to show she understands Ava's pain, but it seems like another instance of Mel making it about her. Saint Mel. Mel's such a saint that she forgives Charmaine and convinces Jack to forgive Charmaine too. Not only that Mel makes Jack understand how he was leading Charmaine on. Charmaine is kind enough to inform the viewers that what Mel and Jack have is special. If you have to have a character point out how amazing your main couple is that isn't good. Mel telling Preacher what a catch he is. I was thinking yep he is. Why didn't you show any interest in him? Instead, you went for Jack the guy with so many issues. However, I like Preacher so I'm glad he wasn't stuck with pouty Mel. Brady is dumb. Scary boss lady told him in no uncertain terms not to mess up, so Brady decides I'll leave new guy who I didn't even want brought on board in charge while I play hooky. Hope enough said.
  18. 5 months makes it even worse!! The timing makes my head hurt! How long has it been? 5 months, 9 months, a year? And how much has happened? births, deaths, shooting, imprisonment, a wedding, pregnancies, accidental killing, a year anniversary of the death of Mel's husband, Mel's sister-in-law visiting demanding the engagement ring, Jack's sister showing up, drug rings, Jack's PTSD, Jack drinking, house fire, long lost grandson, and, and, and, and....... My head hurts....
  19. I'm still mad about how the last race in season 4 went down; I'm surprised there wasn't more discussion about it on this forum. I get that having the same team and person win year after year isn't exciting, BUT Lewis was going to win that race until the crash happened and the higher ups took the opportunity to make a situation where Max and Red Bull would win. I'm still annoyed by it and I'm the kind of person who if someone always is dominating, I root for the underdog to win. However, in this case the underdog was Max Verstappen and Red Bull, but I can't stand Christian Horner, he's an ass, or Max Verstappen who also seems like an ass. So, I couldn't bring myself to root for them. Even if I could have brought myself to root for them that win was unearned. I haven't watched the new season; I went and googled how the season goes, and I'm not interested in watching Max Verstappen dominate.
  20. Mel's facial expression in the first scene with Jack at the trailer was especially annoying. The pouty face that Jack doesn't want to talk about the twin situation reminded me how annoying I find Mel. Also, I still cannot get behind this relationship it's been what maybe a year since they met? Which isn't in itself problematic but add in all Mel's unresolved baggage and Jack's and I can't believe Mel's sister didn't once raise some concerns. Mel leaving the clinic because... Last season the new Doctor expressed some concerns about Jack and showed interest in Mel? I wish someone earlier has expressed some concerns. If Mel was my friend, I would have been trying to get her to see the red flags... I mean yes new doctor pointing that out and hitting on Mel was inappropriate, but Mel now can't work with him. Or he can't work with her? Ridiculous just ridiculous. Preacher and Paige... what was the point? I guess the point was Preacher breaks up with his new flame to be left high and dry so he can be sad all season / try to convince the martial arts teacher to give him another chance. Jack being upset that he was lied to about being the father is understandable; however, it seems he was more upset by the fact he won't be a dad to BOYS! Brady... Oh Brady you can't seem to escape the shady life. Yep, the show is still annoying, but the scenery is nice and honestly Netflix doesn't have much to watch so yeah, I'll be watching and snarking.
  21. I agree. Goodfellow deserved the job. I also found it a bit ridiculous that Sullivan is allowed to go back to Scotland yard and get out of Kembleford a place he obviously hates but decided to stay for Mrs Devine. I miss Syd and Lady Felicia. I didn't like Bunty.
  22. Cynthia Nixon has reflected on what it was like to shoot season 1 without Kim Cattrall as Samantha. Nixon explained what it was like to be on set without Cattrall. She explained what a big difference it made to be on a set where "you're not walking around on eggshells." Read her full quote below: This is not something that we speak about, really, but I will try and address it really briefly. Yes, it did feel very different. It felt very different also because we have these new amazing characters, and we're older and our fictional children are now largely grown. Many things felt different. But the main thing that felt so great was that everybody who was there really wanted to be there. That's just the bottom line. We all love each other, we love our show, we wanted to do more of it. And we all wanted to be there. So that makes an enormous difference, that you're not walking around on eggshells with someone who's unhappy for reasons that are hard to even understand what they are.
  23. Why am I watching this? I don't know why I can't stop watching... Angelina needs to die already. Eagan is still Eagan and still annoying. The writers are hitting us over the head that Michaela & Jared are end game... Look they are still in love! Michaela and Jared hands touch while opening a door! They both quickly pull away, but Jared gaze lingers.... Michaela mentions she misses being able to go for a run! So sweet Jared slashes the tire to buy some time for them to go for a short run. We see them running in slow motion with flirting banter and glances. Jared knows Michaele isn't over the death of Zeke, but at the end of the run, he still tries to kiss her. Even though, Michaela pulls anyway from the kiss and says she’s not ready, she doesn’t stop him from caressing her face and kissing her forehead. I know this is all supposed to be romantic, but it reminds me of season 1 when Jared wouldn't give Michaela space to come to terms that 5 years had passed and that he was married to her BFF. Jared now won't give Michaela space to come to terms that Zeke is dead. Michaele isn't in the right place mentally to be getting into a relationship. Jared just is pushy pushy. It seems in his mind Zeke is dead and it's been 8 months, so it's time Michaele realized it's their turn. It's their second chance! I keep hoping the end will surprise me, but I think the ending is everyone goes back to when they're in the airplane and instead of disappearing they land, nobody dies, Michaela says yes to marrying Jared, and everyone has a happy ending.... Well except Zeke who probably dies in the cave....
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