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Everything posted by NorthstarATL

  1. Oh, daryl, she's going to find out the truth eventually. Don't lie.
  2. Rosita is making friends right and left. I don't see her lasting another season.
  3. Who would have thought Daryl would be the more verbal of the two?
  4. "And bring me a cobbler" I can see Carol's demands list now.
  5. Too bad the hair stylist is dead. The group could have used her.
  6. Dick's plan might have worked if he didn't talk so much.
  7. He disappeared after he and Tara were separated, which was a lucky break since Tara found the all-girl group, and they might not have been so welcoming of Heath (or, alternatively, TOO welcoming of Heath); meantime his actor is the main character in the new "24" series. My guess is that whether and in what condition Heath is next seen will depend in some part upon how well "24" does in the ratings.
  8. Conversion therapy often relies upon getting someone to perform a 'suitable" gender by arousal induced by the gender that works for them. What they did with Elliot being aroused by a same-gender partner in order to perform on another plane with his wife was pretty much that, except with the magic stuff thrown in.
  9. I would say you're right about the makeup. But the headscarf IS comformity. Not that there's anything wrong with that; I raised by nuns, so I know from religious/cultural headcovering. But piercings are the height of conforming. Again, nothing wrong with doing whatever you want to yourself, but I have an empathic reaction to piercings and have to look away from her when she is on screen. It's not just her, though. I react that way to anyone with piercings that I can see.
  10. I looked FABULOUS! (Okay, I was a model, and OTHER people made me look fab, but I'm owning it now.) Did the judges ask them all last week why they belong in the finale? PRA does it each season, but I usually fast-forward, and Hawaaa' s pageant answer, especially with Tieler standing next to her, seemed forced and rehearsed, so I knew the outcome and now I know next week's result and won't have to watch. Tieler should have sent his models down the runway with a bandage over one ear to drive the point further.
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