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Nordly Beaumont

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Everything posted by Nordly Beaumont

  1. Loved it - Simon Helberg knows how to deliver a line! I always pictured DJ Qualls, but since he already played Toby Loobenfeld I guess that can't happen.
  2. Right? That was so cute! (And Sterling K. Brown seemed to agree as well!)
  3. I saw her show a couple of years ago - she somersaulted on to the stage! Love. her.
  4. Isn't she? I hope acting in comedy is something she chooses to pursue after MF is over. I love her facial expressions!
  5. I wonder how to elevate foot-long hot dogs, mashed potatoes, and canned peas? (Which really is a happy food memory since it was my requested birthday meal every year.) I love Padma, I think she's funny.
  6. I think the panic of the time limit and the fact that MV said he did the challenge and there was nasty stuff figured in too. Nothing they were given was nasty, but Voltaggio put that in their heads and probably made them expect stuff more out of the norm than cream cheese and chicken. When I quit smoking I kept waiting for food to taste so much better.... still waiting... I never thought this before, but in Casey's first talking heads in this episode I thought she looked so much like Tatum O'Neal!
  7. And why was Katsuji making meringue for Casey? And Casey was showing Katsuji how to plate her dessert. He's already depending on the team to help him, but he's going to help Casey? John definitely should have reeled him in on the number of dishes and/or made a better plan for finishing Casey's dish. She ended up plating it herself because there wasn't a solid plan in place for it. Sheldon made one dish so it seems like he should have been the one to help Casey if Katsuji was going to "insist" on making three + roasted nuts (which... roasted nuts? why?)
  8. The scene where the black coats flutter and then part to reveal the funeral gets me. This was such a Lifetime movie. Like Al Lowe noted, no charm. And Idina Menzel brought NO personality to the role. I loved Beaches when I first saw it, but I think I continue to love it mainly because it is just SO 80's! So they were never going to be able to capture what I love about it. But even just as a Lifetime movie, it wasn't good. I don't have a problem with remakes though. I watched this, it wasn't good. Doesn't change anything about the original or the way I feel about it. It was just a way to spend a cold, boring Saturday evening.
  9. And Katsuji also said that "everyone" said they would help. Dude, if you have to depend on everyone to help, you have a BAD plan! It looked like it should have been served with Ritz crackers. Yeah, I don't think she had much choice. And she was trying so hard to work calmly and efficiently, but John kept yapping at her even after she told him that she was doing what he asked. Both Katsuji and John were terrible. Bet they wished he would have picked Emily from the last two.
  10. They really are! That's why I like LCK, it seems like it softens the blow of being eliminated. Sort of like "Wow, that sucked. Hey! A party!"
  11. Yep, several times this episode alone. I mean, she's unpleasant for sure. But I'm just not seeing this horrible monster she's supposed to be. I liked that the yellow team served dishes with pirate names and tied them to the pirate theme (Treasure Egg, Crewman Stew, Captain's Filet). They were really into it and I'm glad they won. I love how Katsuji never just says "Thank you" - it's always "Thank you. Thank you thank you. Thank you Thank you Thank you." Casey talked about how she smelled the scallops over and over - why didn't she taste one? Did she only have exactly enough?
  12. Every time I get novocaine I like to say "muppipple murberber" - so much that my coworkers think I'm insane. Can't pick a favorite, different episodes are my faves at different times. Buttons and Bows will always make me laugh though! Only one I won't re watch is Carlos and the Chicken. I hate those types of radio shows, so this one was a miss for me.
  13. neuromom, have you tried an English accent?
  14. When John, Emily, and Jamie were discussing their strategy - John said something like "If we get any bad ingredients..." and he gestured to Jamie who immediately said "I'll take it." He wasn't "railroaded." I'm sure Jamie just felt confident that he could do well with anything he was given. But no one forced Jamie to do anything he did.
  15. I thought it was well done. I have a friend who's about one Trevor Project scarf away from being Bow. Loved the sweet moment of Jack insisting his glass was half full. Even though it was empty. And a bowl.
  16. "Okay, do it again, but weirder this time... I just want to see if it's possible." "Let me just look in her usual spot. Nope, not behind Dylan!" Kenneth narrating at the end of the episode and then disappearing (if he was ever really there at all...) was freakin' hilarious!! Great episode of a great show!
  17. And she was too quick to be hard on him. I know it was for the drama that he had to choose right away, but he could have taken more than three minutes to think about it. And she could have listened to his fears and helped him decide rather than decide for him and get mad when he didn't agree. I would want a second opinion before going through such a major surgery.
  18. I thought Natalie Portman would win, but that's okay, she probably doesn't want to get up anyway!
  19. They look like they've been relocated to the side of her body. How did no one notice that before they decided on that dress?
  20. I imagine it was a "bit" written for her, but I hear ya - the Charo act wore thin years ago. (But I still love her, I can't help it)
  21. I only watch the Grammy's to see if there's someone I should be listening to! This show may tell me shows I should be watching (so far, not so much, but we'll see.)
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