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Nordly Beaumont

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Everything posted by Nordly Beaumont

  1. Watt, the pink boxes mean that 25 or more people have "liked" that post.
  2. Aw, kids! I loved Jamie Foxx dorkily dancing to Ease on Down and his daughter looking at him like "Oh DAD!" But even better, Kelly Clarkson's gleeful reaction to Diana Ross's grandson dancing behind her and upstaging her for a hot minute! What's the story with the fanny pack?
  3. That made me chuckle... I only watch these shows when Lady GaGa, Foo Fighters, or P!nk performs. God, P!nk just never disappoints me. I got emotional, too, Traci!
  4. In a different season (a lot of them!) her collection could have won! I thought most of it was beautiful.
  5. Exactly! It makes me think of that interview with Tim where he talked about how Nina went on and on about how brave Ashley was - like brave to leave her house at her size. Now she's totally wowed because a bigger woman showed her thighs on the runway. Phhht. I know it's not usual on a runway, but it's usual just about everywhere else. Not really a standing ovation type moment. Gotta hand it to Margarita though, that was smart of her. She really read the room! I wanted to like Brandon's, I really did, but one outfit after the other in that fabric was just too monotonous. I now think he should have been out before Margarita and I didn't like her collection either. But it wasn't boring! With all the editing in reality tv, I can't believe they couldn't have edited out Kentaro's dad's fall. At least leave out the "needle scratch" music. That was just mean.
  6. Even if you don't dress modestly for religious reasons, there are a lot of women who probably have "modest" wardrobes, they've just never labeled it that way. Some women just feel more comfortable being covered (like Diane Keaton, the celebrity version of modest dressing!)
  7. I noticed that too - at least she still looks good! I thought for sure Kentaro was taking himself out when he started talking about not being ready. And hoping to prove himself in the next hours made no sense. Maybe he was still thinking about the dead cat. But I'm glad he's still in. I just don't think Margarita should be showing. Her stuff is tacky to me.
  8. I've known PR doesn't use fur for at least a year - I actually thought Mood didn't even sell it. So I feel like Margarita should have known, but like you say she probably read it in the rules and forgot. Being a winter challenge Tim definitely should have reminded all, but he probably knows the rules inside out and believes everyone else does too. If Margarita's vision for the real fur was that hideous thing she showed Tim, then not being able to buy it was a help, not a hindrance.
  9. At least she had a coat over it. I kept thinking Kentaro's model would have awfully cold legs! Some tights would have fixed that. I live in Minneapolis ("where it's cold and I figure I'll keep better") I've been downtown many times in my sensible down coat, scarf, hat, and mittens and I've seen young women in short skirts, light tops, heels, and no coat at all. Sometimes people just wanna look cute, weather be damned! I think it's dumb (painful and dangerous) but I see it often. Plus, it's a runway, not a city street. I was surprised they were as bundled as they were.
  10. I don't think Brandon was intending armor cap or baby bonnet. I don't think it represented anything in particular. I think he made a hoodie and decided to gather the hood around her face so it would be different and also so it would stay in place.
  11. They do their PR reviews in podcast form now. I know some people don't like the time commitment of a podcast, but I don't think I could clean my house without them now! I like it because they can disagree and discuss, which they really couldn't in the written review.
  12. See, if an actress is going to be on PR to promote their show, Heidi shouldn't just run past the promotion part. I almost missed it and I watched and loved the one episode of "The Marvelous Mrs. Maizel" Amazon released earlier this year! If someone comes to your show to promote their show, shouldn't you at least say " star of "The Marvelous Mrs. Maizel premiering on Amazon on November 29"?
  13. What I got from this episode was that the 80's are back and "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" is back too! Yay! Whoopie Goldberg would wear Kentaro's look and look great! How did Margarita not know her look was a big ol' cliché? I feel like you could almost hear a producer whispering in Nina's earpiece "Pssst... doesn't Kentaro's look like Brandon's?" I mean TURTLENECKS! No way could two people both think of such an unheard of piece of clothing!
  14. I've been re-watching the series, I'm guessing it's when Phoebe wants to do something to help the embryos "take" and Frank Jr. says something like "why don't you get drunk? it worked for a lot of girls in my high school." I don't find it offensive, but it's all that I can think of.
  15. Oh my gosh, I just watched that last night! About five times! I love bloopers. They make me laugh more than any show!
  16. One day challenges? Maybe he can't create a more tailored shirt that fast. I know other designers have done it, but maybe he knows he can't. I remember in the first season of this show, they had two day challenges and no one made garments with sleeves! Kevin made a swimsuit with sleeves and all the judges mentioned it. I find it funny that the seasons with one day challenges have produced more sleeves than that first season when they had two days!
  17. I think by this time, if they judges can't recognize your designs on the runway - you're doing something wrong! Take off the straps and the head coverings and I'll bet the judges could still identify Brandon and Ayana's. Kentaro's too. Because they are showing "who they are as a designer" and "what they're trying to say" with their designs.
  18. I agree with all of this. I didn't care much for his look tonight though. The orange on the yellow made me think of candy corn, and then it got all Halloweeny on me. But I still like him and his designs and hope for him to be on the top at the end! I loved Margarita saying it all comes down to "taste level" and then the editors cutting to her garment with the knee pad boobs! I thought her outfit was totally dumb and ugly. And I thought Kenya's was bad too. I'm okay with Michael leaving, I guess. I liked him but this was bad and I'd rather have him go than Kentaro (I felt sure Tim would have used the save though if it was Kentaro).
  19. I thought George looked great except that he needs a decent haircut!
  20. "A little black Pepper" "Hit him! Hit him!" SMACK! Loved all the kickball and sherbet stuff. The song "For Good" has the same effect on Shorty that it has on me! Only question is, why did everyone leave the theater after that song? The show wasn't over yet!
  21. I just re-watched the finale. The bathroom scene is so great (especially watching it a second time knowing Helen is sincere). I loved how strong Carol was, not letting Helen start the conversation but jumping in right away and unloading what she wanted to say. I usually don't like puke sounds, but they took it so far - it sounded like she threw up a swimming pool! It made it funny, not gross. Bev hovering around the door was great. Loved both Helen and Carol admitting "Carol" was "a little slow." And Kathleen Rose Perkins is so amazingly funny! She can make just taking a breath hilarious. Man I hope she gets something great, I see her in small parts now and then, but she deserves so much more. I thought Beverly looked prettier than ever somehow (lighting?) I caught a small moment that I missed the first time. When Shaun was yelling at Matt on the stage, Beverly kept looking at Matt like "Yeah, take that!" until Shaun said "You don't need to play your father, you are your father" Beverly looked at Shaun like she thought he had gone too far. So I guess there is "a little love" there! And now I just want to see a show where Andy Button and Myra pitch shows about gypsies and succubi!
  22. I thought of that, too - I also started singing "Morning's here, morning is here..." when Sheldon was playing that Chuck Mangione song! Lots of Friends flashbacks!
  23. I saw the colors as cream and mint green, and I didn't think his was particularly doll-like either. I just see mint green as at least being color you might see in Shopkin doll outfit. Beige and black I can't see at all.
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