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Nordly Beaumont

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Everything posted by Nordly Beaumont

  1. She told the guy in the back seat that there would be other things in there (the warehouse) specifically mentioning batteries.
  2. I can't stop looking at how shiny Allison Janney's hair is!
  3. It is Christian Siriano (I'm still so weirdly proud of him, like me cheering for him on PR made him a success or something!) I love how tickled Kelly Clarkson seemed to be there and to "sing" on the GGs!
  4. Well, they didn't have to chip ingredients out of ice blocks or shoot targets. I thought it was fun! And for the most part they did very well, so I'm not feeling bad for them. I'm always amazed and impressed when they are put under unusual situations and do well.
  5. So Phil thought the HOA actually turned down the She Shed, but thought he could install a batting cage without also asking the HOA? A She Shed (ugh) would be like a gazebo, a batting cage is ugly so it seems like he'd need permission. (Do you really need HOA approval for stuff in your backyard? I have no idea.) Joe screaming into the golf bag was hilarious!
  6. "I got pills for everything" - poor Freddie! I've seen online that Kelsey Grammer's attributes some of his moves and reactions to Jack Benny and Bette Davis. I watch an old movie called "The Apartment" on New Year's Eve - I have for many years and always think only Jack Lemmon could play that part and make it so charming. But this time while I was watching, I noticed a little dance move Jack Lemmon does and I thought "David Hyde Pierce!" For the rest of the movie I kept seeing that DHP moves and reacts quite a bit like Jack Lemmon (in this movie anyway, I don't know JL's work that well). I've never heard that DHP is an admirer of his, it's probably just a coincidence. But once I noticed I couldn't get it out of my head.
  7. For me Hang the DJ was just not re-watchable. It wasn't like other Black Mirrors where the story is interesting enough for me to watch again (maybe over and over). And I usually find little things I missed before. This was one and done for me. Boring dates aren't fun to be on or watch, so now that I know the end there's no reason to re-watch.
  8. A line I use a lot is "And now we sit. Because now we know." It doesn't even need to make sense in context, I often just use it when I sit down! The one where the electricity goes out is one of my favorites. For that line and also for Robert's Good 'n Plenty breakdown - "The pinks are good. And the whites are plenty. Because there's more of them. And they're not as good." Of course there's the third category of irregulars, called cuties. The dancing! "Me thinks thou doth..." "Don't say I think thou doth protest too much!" "Okay. But me thinks it!" And I also love the little Taa Daa! move Marie does after Ray calls her a childish, meddling, buttinski. I get why people hate Marie so much, I hate her too a lot of the time. But doggone it Doris Roberts was a delight!
  9. THANK YOU! I kept thinking he reminded me of Philip Seymour Hoffman, but I knew that wasn't right! I thought it started slow, but I loved and will rewatch. A lot of funny lines, my favorite: For he's a jolly good fellooooow! And so say OH MY FUCK!" I had to rewind that a few times before I could move on!
  10. Maybe Rogelio was thinking of the fried ice cream or fried candy bars they sell at state and county fairs. He just didn't know those are either battered or super frozen.
  11. I saw one that made me laugh. A little boy sneaking downstairs at Christmas hears "Ho Ho Ho! Hee HEE Hee! Ho Ho Ho! Hee HEE Hee!" He sneaks a little farther and sees that it's Santa and the Pillsbury Dough boy poking each other in the tummy!
  12. Awesome! I've seen that commercial a lot too and I was sure I knew that song from somewhere. Not in a MILLION years would I have thought of I Love Lucy!
  13. And when Niles comes in and ask why everyone is crying - Frasier says "I'm the most ungrateful son!" and Martin says "I can't do anything for my son!" And Niles cries "No one wants to come to my party!" Those three were just wonderful together!
  14. When Sheldon and Amy decided they were feeling better and it was still her birthday, he said something about having time to use the bouncy castle and then finding an empty bedroom for coitus. Then as they ran for the castle they leapt joyfully in the air and there was a freeze frame as they were up in the air. It was cute, but you really didn't miss a line or a joke or anything.
  15. Yes, she easily could have left out that "I'm not impressed by his celebrity" - I mean, what was the point? It just makes her look bad, not Marcel. Kwame looked sick about the tarantula from beginning to end. I don't blame him. I was eating and had to stop. I didn't even look at the screen most of the time.
  16. I peel mushrooms because I think it's fun! Like peeling a sunburn!
  17. When they weren't able to adopt a baby boy, Lily said "if I can't have a little brother I want a cat and I want to name him Larry" - I thought it was funny because her continued insistence on naming him Larry caused Mitch to whisper to Cam "who is this Larry? Is he on a show?" and Cam just mouthed "I don't know!" I think they said once that they were on their seventh Larry.
  18. I laughed out loud when Sarah Chalke said "the mom looks like a biter" and Minnie stepped in and did that 'bite-bite' move. Also when Dylan hit her head and Ray said "felt that one!" Then sobbed out loud when JJ's voice said "I love you mom" - yes, well done, show. Very eye opening.
  19. Still be careful! Those things aren't fool proof - just ask this fool (who happens to be missing a bit of her pinky finger!) It was years ago that the plastic guard somehow tipped (or something - it happened so fast) and I still look away when a cheftestant is using one of those beasts! Especially when the chef isn't even watching what they're doing! I am so happy this show is back! I love Tom and Padma. I already feel like it's going to be tough to see some of these chefs pack their knives and go. Of course I always think it's going to be awful when "x" chef goes, and by the next episode I've pretty much forgotten about them...
  20. Or another person will grab you and you'll lock hands. The person who caught you is just laying flat on the cliff yet never gets pulled over with you! And the person who headbutts someone never hurts their own head. If there's enough force to knock the other person out, it has to hurt them at least a little bit! Windows on tv never have screens.
  21. I've heard that Tim has skin allergies and doesn't wear any makeup for filming. Which seems true because he often looks blotchy or rashy. I'm older than Amy, so maybe that's why I've learned to let things go. Not worth getting so churned up about it, IMO.
  22. I thought Amy coulda used a chill pill. We get it, you hate Claire. She seemed way too wrapped up in taking Claire down. I'm sure it's frustrating to know the truth and listen to someone flat out lie, but everyone knows Claire's lying and she got kicked off, so IMO Amy could have done some of that mouth shutting too.
  23. I was a very late blooming, immature kid. I hung on to teen idols longer and more emotionally than most. They were everything to me. Davy Jones is gone. David is gone. Shaun Cassidy and Donny Osmond better hold the hell on! My childhood is being crushed! My dad worked construction that would take him out of town a lot. But I remember so many times he would be home and fall asleep in front of the tv when I wanted to watch the Partridge Family. I would quietly sneak up to the tv and slowly turn that giant knob to try to change the channel without waking him (remember tv with the round knobs? yeah, not easy to change the channel quietly!) He would always wake up and claim he was watching whatever was on the tv before - I'd go to my room and cry. One time, out of the blue, he said I could watch it. I can't remember a single Christmas or Birthday present my dad gave me - but I remember that night and how happy it made me. RIP David.
  24. oI'm watching Elizabeth talk to Dr. Drew right now (on A&E). Dr. Drew had a good point, people are so afraid of being powerless in their lives that they simply can't relate to Elizabeth having no power in the situation. So they have to think they would have talked, they would have run away. They can't let themselves believe their power can be taken away under any circumstances. I remember when she was rescued, this "why didn't she talk" kept coming up and I thought "I'll bet he threatened to kill her family" - sure enough... I think of when Oprah would do shows on rape, kidnapping, etc. She drove it home over and over - you do whatever you have to do to survive. If Elizabeth tried to talk or run, she most likely would not be here today. The part in the movie that tore me up was when Elizabeth accidentally talked about her cousin (?) Olivia, and Mitchell went to kidnap her. Elizabeth was so scared that he would really get her, but at the same time she thought about how she wouldn't be alone anymore. Ugh, I can't even imagine how awful that was for her! So happy he didn't get Olivia. The only thing I didn't like about the movie was the too-clean hair. It should have been greasy and dirty.
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