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Everything posted by HowdeeDo

  1. I think she means in Training camp. Another vet besides Holly to make 36.
  2. 36 without Erica and Holly, and confusion doesn't even cut it. I don't think the insiders really could explain her departure either since just an injury (which didn't look to be that severe) isn't enough to cut their rockstar.
  3. She would have tweeted on her DCC account if so, plus already compared number of vets + rookies which proves Erica and Holly are not back on the team.
  4. I think we can all agree she's off, the reason is just up in the air.
  5. If I were Katelyn I'd be pissed, only negative thing they had to say was "let's change her hair" but Tasha who can't put her shoe on the right foot and has a weight issue made it over her.
  6. Did I see Ashton and Alumni next week?! Aw hell yeah.
  7. Tasha: "Should we go home and eat pizza and ice cream?" YOU JUST BARELY MADE IT FOR WEIGHT TASHA YOU HAD ONE JOB.
  8. I'm still mad about them not taking Rayle over Tasha/Christina/Brianna, Raylee may have been "boring" but to me that's less of an offense than bad kicks, weight, and a bad interview.
  9. Don't cry Shelly! Dayton just needs more time. I do want to see Alexandra on the team, her kicks are just low and she may need some experience on a pro team before DCC (not sure if she's done pro-teams before) Allie's smile looks scary after cuts, not sure if it was just bad editing. Raylee looked like she ran out of there.
  10. So they're going to take another girl who can't kick this year. Already annoyed with Christina and trying not to be. Hopefully she's not a Loni 2.0
  11. Lots of strong blondes this year. IF YOU CAN'T KICK DON'T WALK INTO THE BUILDING.
  12. I don't see how she'd be required to be off SM, more likely her own decision.
  13. Thought part 2 Lauren's curled hair looks like pasta salad noodles #randomanalogy Anthony. Ramos. Adds. Nothing. To. This. Process. Neil. McCoy. Adds. Nothing. To. This. Process. Gina is adorable, reminds me of Tobie. Surprised Yuko is classified as a "favorite" but I'll take it
  14. Episode thoughts part 1 Most of the solos at Kitty's looked good. Nothing "Trainwreck" worthy. Jenn K and Jacie, my heart. Good on JennK to give the Vets an honest warning about incoming girls. Like the side-by-side view they used again from last season. Kelsey looked great. Dayton obviously is nervous and I hate that it showed. Tasha's makeup is too heavy and tan looks dark.
  15. No they have them during training camp. Usually end of June after groups are announced.
  16. I think whoever posted before said they'd all GO, just that there's a limit to how many could be on the field. Not sure how they do it but I could imagine they're have to do groups differently since both teams would have their squads there. @ShellyB, is 32 still the number on field that you know of?
  17. Listen. In the words of pretty much every contestant, THIS IS LITERALLY MY DREAM. (If the hubby needing a transplant is true I hope everything goes well!)
  18. You should choose me because I am willing to give my kidney. I'll also include my dissertation on the fundementals of the yes/no/maybe scoring system. I've spent 12 s̶e̶a̶s̶o̶n̶s̶ years on it. Please pick me.
  19. Yo, @ShellyB charity auction of some sort to win the chance to be a judge at next year's auditon? TAKE ALL MY MONEY.
  20. Watched it but don't think it's her, for a brief second she turns and they don't have the same features. She's a little shorter I think than her too.
  21. I don't know if it's still her current job, but she did teach barre and fitness classes. Never have to worry about her! Literally her job. :P
  22. Um, breathe. She didn't quit because of her wardrobe malfuntions. Her departure has already been discussed (at length across the Earth, poor girl). I doubt CMT and Kelli *who's an executive producer* would use that footage without her permission.
  23. Interesting vlog of a girl who auditioned. I think the NBA style is a better fit for her, but it was cool to see some behind the scenes from a tryouts perspective.
  24. She obviously was able to compartmentalize it and get over it enough to allowing CMT to use it.
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