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Everything posted by HowdeeDo

  1. Probably included back when their presence was still up in the air. They're obviously gone. Only thing we've heard is the same as everyone else. Jenna and Holly drinking with players (Holly being underaged) and Erica is still a toss up, but guesses are something they couldn't legally addresses because she was edited out of the group leader segment.
  2. They still do all of those, they just don't show it on the show. The special performances are halftime.
  3. I wouldn't mind seeing a feature now that they didn't do it last year (and hopefully not in the future). Bimini is way more luxurious than Mexico as well so as long as they had a different approach than last time I'd dig it.
  4. No, this was likely for the hip hop halftime they were going to do for Thursday's canceled game against Houston. I know this sounds crazy but could you film it? Just want to see what the original was.
  5. It's Madeline who's on the airmattress.
  6. Kelly is an Exec Producer so she has a say in editing as well.
  7. The usual insiders didn't really have any last I remember.
  8. She's so stinkin adorable. She reminds me of a chipmunk, but like...in a good way. (channels Judy's 'nasty' quote)
  9. That excuse made me eyeroll, but I do feel her on living bare necessities for a little while and moving to a new place, it can be scary but she made it seem like she had nothing. "Oh I got furniture this week"...bish please. I really do like her though. Erin bores me.
  10. I honestly can't imagine what would have happened if she was cut or quit. She was one of the faces of the team...if it were anyone else I'd guess maybe pregnant but she doesn't seem like the type or with a new (month or so?) relationship.
  11. Erin is delusional if she thinks she was strong tonight.
  12. Please delete that I didn't mean to spoil.
  13. Well, they edited Erica out of the group leader segment. Really curios to see what her deal is now.
  14. I guess it just seems like they like her.
  15. Probably drone shots, super common now a days, most popular youtubers use them these days. "Always be aware of where your hair is." added to the list of best quotes from this season. Miranda dances timidly, I don't get the hype.
  16. Molly is so freaking beautiful. If you're creating a modelling agency for Brianna put her in it too. I feel like the Alexis talk was just a gimmick to lead into a Kitty intro. The only bit they showed in practice was about a smile. I remember her from Mavs being their rockstar.
  17. Glad they didn't ruin Savannah's red in a Holly/Stephanie kind of way. Once again makeovers are not really that big of a difference. Brianna talks like a little girl. Christinas kick's don't look half bad. I don't think so, they don't practice it in studios and it's easier I think to do it in groups.
  18. Bess and Kelli's FB live session was the most fun by far. They're both super sweet and I hope we get to see more of Bess now. She'll be a leader next year I'm sure.
  19. Hasn't been addressed yet and probably won't for awhile (if they're still even considering showing it). We'll have to wait several more episodes.
  20. Our back right or theirs? Our back left is Rachel, back right is Kelsey - who has a slammin body.
  21. Well, that didn't last long. Game cancelled tomorrow. Wonder why Texans decided to go back to Houston so soon?
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