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Everything posted by HowdeeDo

  1. I love Michelle, like seeing a routine we're familiar with come to creation. Did Holly make mistakes? lol, didn't call her out...this time. Jesus Brianna I'm rooting for you but stop crying.
  2. Christina at least presents herself well. "Definitely" Madeline...
  3. I wish they would go back to the old shorts (a whole 1-2 inches shorter, I know). In pictures it bunches up weird now. I don't know if it's the length they added to the waist or new material? "I didn't know it was like a cow lick...like the animal" is in the books.
  4. Panicked because I missed the first two minutes, turned on the channel only to see Melissa. Relieved because I missed nothing. Brenan still makes weird facials. Madeline, too tan. "I'm not a hip hop dancer" - You better learn how to be. Honestly do these girls not watch the show for the team they're auditioning for? Gina comes off as too harsh or something. Miranda...bless your heart. (I foresee saying this every episode)
  5. Off topic, but I volunteer as tribute to be Sam's proofreader. The number of times she starts a sentence with 'As', for example. Holla at ya girl.
  6. Yeah, her injury was shoulder related so she wouldn't be practicing anyway, though I'd thought she'd at least sit with the vets during talk time.
  7. Uniform fittings tonight! That's more exciting than media stuff.
  8. That doesn't mean others don't like her? Some girls aren't DCC social all the damn time, i.e Jinelle. Don't understand the logic here.
  9. At least it's done well, it's tragic when plastic surgery goes wrong. *cough*Miranda
  10. That's the problem, the picking and choosing (that we see or hear of at least) between those who are in WW and those who ought to be but aren't and still get preferential treatment. Megan(last year), Kashara, and Jessika are really noticeable, Tasha may have been a little pudgy and Stephanie made no sense. What are WW based on now? Eta: I want to see MORE bodies like Kashara, but the double standard is annoying. Can't call out one but not the other and make her point.
  11. Nope :( I'm guessing since they won the popularity of the team is higher now so maybe she just decided to end on a high note and get married. Meh, she's hunched over so you can't really tell. I'm probably the only one left that thinks she should be on weight warning.
  12. Her former dance team (not sure if college or Pro) mentioned she came off as cold and disinterested or something like that.
  13. Katelynn was one of the candidates Kitty mentioned hating their solo. Maybe she didn't change it?
  14. It's so annoying when we get the same spiel about how a "makeover" could make or break a girl. You're not doing Princess Diaries/Miss Congeniality worthy transformations here Kelli. Insinuating a barely noticeable color change/cut improves someone's chances only makes yourself look bad.
  15. The makeovers could be a segment they can do away with altogether. Girls more than likely get their hair done (including color) before auditions to already have a "DCC Look" and that's probably why drastic changes are few and far between. If there's enough noticeable makeovers to make a segment I'd enjoy it, but giving someone updated highlights and a trim doesn't excite me.
  16. That's why I think it's dumb to keep rookies (or vets for that matter) that aren't up to par just to make 36. I'd rather see a team of 30 who were at 100% than a team with obvious strugglers who will only last a year. The team is only as strong as their weakest player/dancer, it takes away from the good moments the squad has.
  17. Tried to focus on several girls. Jenna is the queen of hairography, and this routine really suits her. Bess is so underrated! Tara has a killer body, I think she dropped alot looking at Jets flight crew pictures. Yuko is chasing the music, put her in the back because it's super noticeable. Jessika needs to be on WW, and she was heavy-ish to me last year too. Don't know how that gets overlooked. I totally think Lacey would be a perfect point, some don't think she pops but she's miles ahead of Kashara. Hope to see her as PBC. Cersten needs a different hairstyle, wish we could see her stay but if med school is still the dream then this will be it for her. :/ Kelli does great in some routine and doesn't pop in others. Wish she was consistent.
  18. I need more projection Kelli! If I were doing a Yes, No, Maybe you'd get a maybe. Pigeon-toed. Sloppy. Not selling it to me. I need to see you in my office. JK, this is hilarious.
  19. There's 36 on the team, and I think she was talking about last year.
  20. It's always updated late and barely during the season. Squad is usually put up close to finale time.
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