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Everything posted by HowdeeDo

  1. Trisha Trevino was scary. I cannot get over the facials she made when dancing.
  2. Yeah but instagrams are their personal accounts, not run by the cowboys. Still probably doesn't mean anything anyway. She might just like that picture of her?
  3. Kashara's a good dancer, but in comparison to the other outstanding points she falls flat. Honestly I'm just calling it down to favoritism. She's got the bubbly/cute image and I guess that's what they wanted this year. Still think Lacey would slay.
  4. They normally don't release it and the new cameo photos until the end of the show, though a pic of their cameos on the big screen was posted on Kitty's twitter/instagram I think.
  5. My point though was that his comments don't seem that valuable if they're just using him for pointing out who's "attractive"(if they could get him to start using that word instead of 'hot' I'll drop it :P). A monkey could point out who's attractive. They'll do him big favors by not showing his repetitive comments all the time.
  6. I'll take Kelli Pickler or Musgraves back any day over him. At least they have more than 2 words in their vocabulary.
  7. Yeah but how long has it been since Neil has been relevant? Serious question. I had no clue who he was until I googled him.
  8. I honestly don't understand why most Alumni aren't on the judging panel. I get news reporters and some media people, but they need more people who recognize dance technique than just "ooh pretty outfit" and "she's hot".
  9. I don't think hair color is as big of a deal as we think it to be. Unpopular opinion, but I don't think it should be a factor at all in placement. I doubt there are fans that care or pay close attention to it, or little girls who think "Man I wanna be a DCC but I'm not blonde!" Squad photo, sure but dance ability should come first for performances.
  10. Le sigh. Girl could simply have ruled herself out of show group? Yes, she was at auditions, but so was Milan. I guess they're all expected to audition even if they give notice of not wanting to be included. It's not that big of a deal people.
  11. Um, beauty is subjective. Caila, Ika, Selina are all beautiful girls imo. Yes, the DCC are expected to basically be Cowboy's barbie dolls outside of performances, but dancing is still their main purpose. No one on the squad is "ugly" and they're not concerned as much because dancing is what they do. Having calendar worthy looks is just a bonus. Personally I think this is one of the most visual squads they've had in awhile.
  12. I think it was Shelly(?) who mentioned sometimes they change the routine if necessary, also noticed Thunderstruck has a few different 8 counts of choreo this year. Wonder what prompted that change. I'm still beating my dead horse for wanting a new Pre-game. Same choreo different song, same song different choreo. Either one I'll take please DCC gods.
  13. Yeah not seeing that. Think K&J are a little above racism. ?
  14. Probably just as reference? It can be pronounced different ways..Bree on uh, Bree Ann uh
  15. Just knowing that Lauren eats bread with those abs makes me love/hate her more.
  16. I think Celinda is next. Taryn is closer to last I think. Pretty sure they've just edited her shots out.
  17. Brianna is such...a baby...and I don't mean that in an insulting way but my god...Girl needs to go to a club and get a little wild. *sobs like someone died* "I learned how to cook broccoli!" ...Wut?
  18. Not at that timeline yet, it's closer to end of July when it happens and we're still somewhere at the beginning of July
  19. Because she quit, haven't heard why she "shouldn't be on the show", maybe they are aware she's gone and don't realize the show was filmed months ago?
  20. Oop, clip of Erica just then. She exists! :P Keyra is rookie of the year, calling it now.
  21. There's been videos posted in the Media thread, though caution for spoilers. It's the one they do to Little Mix "Power" Wow ok I didn't expect the hospital visit to make ME emotional. *sniffle* Onions I swear.
  22. I really want to like her too. She's so pretty..
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