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Everything posted by HowdeeDo

  1. Emma's been used several times, if anything she has the experience to be prepared on the fly so no surprise they keep her around. I'd put her and Jennk in over any of the other All Stars.
  2. Emma filled in for Khalyn and Simone was out again.
  3. Clearer picture of the squad photo. My only gripe is they're all posed weird. You can barely see Yuko and Madeline, Heather looks uncomfortable, Simone's pose makes her look big, and everyone else turned in needs to be facing more frontwards.
  4. It's literally two 8 counts. I'd be bored to tears doing the same routine every damn year. I know some of the girls like it, but how can you claim to be "the best" when you've done the same routine for 9 years and only have to teach a few new girls the moves each year (who've likely already memorized it themselves from TC attempts or just watching Youtube.). Hell half of us could do the routine from memory at this point. New routine or at least song please.
  5. They changed a few 8 counts of Thunderstruck this year. First performed at Hall of Fame.
  6. I don't see Erica threatening legal action when she's been posting tbt photos and otherwise positive DCC related pics. I think it's more of a production decision of not wanting to have too much drama in one season.
  7. Can't tell who's to the left of Bess, maybe Kalyssa? They're rushing a bit. Yeah, group two is a little blah, but that routine also isn't eye catching either. Love that they brought back the Lady Gaga routine, so fun.
  8. How do you know her grades? There are several paths to take before medical school. Who knows what her plans are, but I don't think they're bogus.
  9. Simone is still on the squad. She’s recently engaged so maybe she’ll retire for marriage? I know that’s not always the case but I think she may be done.
  10. Holly was dating a player, Erica was drinking at Hall of Fame game.
  11. It’s a new choreo, but only a few 8 counts.
  12. Tobie Percival, she was so much prettier as a brunette imo.
  13. Usually not until Friday morning.
  14. Savannah and Christina are obviously the weaker TCC's at this point. I'd take Brennan still over either of them.
  15. Oooo next week. Jenna, take yo punishment girl, just take it. I would have taken Taryn or Brennan over Christina any day.
  16. I thought Brennan looked good in the 5 seconds they showed of her...
  17. We've all been there Judy. Marching band/Colorguard girl here, as soon as we were done marching we took our shoes off in the bleachers to feel the cold metal. I want to see this much dancing in every episode.
  18. Gotcha, glad they didn't spend a long time on it. Yay blocking! Something I've always wanted to see.
  19. Of course myy tv glitches the first few minutes. What'd they say about Holly?
  20. Facebook and Instagram videos or easiest shared from mobile, there’s a “copy link” option that inserts it into the post.
  21. For MDC? You can take classes as a walk in, you just pay per class.
  22. Nah she’s likely not teaching, at best she’ll be taking classes for awhile. I’d be surprised if she got a residency there. The LA dance scene is fierce.
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