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Everything posted by HowdeeDo

  1. To copy a video from Facebook or Instagram you have to do it via mobile app.
  2. That’s not how she said it though >.> she said it as an example of how seniority isn’t a huge factor in point decision.
  3. Think it is! I hope her and Taryn come back next year. They’re really strong.
  4. There’s always those girls who make it on visuals alone every year, but I think they know that and are probably ok with it. Strong dancers get the front of the triangle, stunners get magazine covers/Calendar (give or take seniority). I guess it also comes down to doing more right than wrong. Kelsey seems to have a good head on her shoulders. Not saying she’ll be a five year girl (but please do), but some DCC favorite did start out “blah” and then become “wow”. Ya never know. Tasha’s grown on me as well. Her being in show group is still kinda bizarre, but she seems really humbled and generous. I actually want her to come back next season (which I didn’t say last year).
  5. Shannon was a lot better in this weeks podcast, seemed interested in the conversation. He got called out for it on instagram last week ? interesting bits so far: The Halloween party was at Maggie/Heather/and Tess’ House Lacey and Maddie went as DCC security guards. Mentioned an appearance this past weekend for Lularoe. If they ever considered extending the season even further I’d love to see different types of appearances they do. Robin and Lacey live together this year. Kashara apparently doesn’t sleep. Lacey said she’s 50/50 on returning. Shannon said he’s going to ask every episode (thank you Shannon I actually want to know this!) Maggie didn’t quite answer, only mentioned the audition process and yada yada. She did say it’s harder to decide because she’s from California. And most exciting, they’re considering making the podcast an hour long
  6. I think you mean Kelsey. Kelly was a rock star, made show group and wasn’t praised often.
  7. See I feel the exact opposite. Christina is weak beyond words, and other than her maybe Savannah and Rachel (for weight) but for the most part everyone seems really strong especially coming from severe other pro teams.
  8. Yeah I couldn’t math earlier ? Girls I wouldn’t shed a tear if they retired: Christina, Jenna, Jessika, Miranda, Savannah, Selina, Simone, Yuko.
  9. She didn’t say any of that about JennK, I watched it myself. All she said was “I was going to retire last season but K&J felt that I had more to give.” I’ll call shade when I see it, but it didn’t come off as entitled or anything. Someone had asked in the livestream (Holly’s IG) and she answered. As for the USO tour last year to Milan, it’s rumored Jenna and Holly didn’t go because that’s when fraternization issues started.
  10. I wish 36 wasn’t some magic number they HAVE to have. I get formations, budget, groups etc, but more often than not there’s been 37-39, and then 34 that one year. Even though they lost some vets, doesn’t mean take in mediocre rookies to make 36. Savannah and Christina are blah.
  11. It’s likely not going to be discussed, but word is she was drinking at the Hall of Fame game and posted it on Snapchat. She gets cut regardless of whatever happened. I don’t think keeping her when it’s obvious she’s not strong enough sends any message. I’m sure they’ll portray it like that, but we’ve already seen otherwise in pics and videos of the game. She’s probably the last in the group or ‘pitty DCC/One and done‘ girls in the last several years. Can’t kick, can’t split, not photogenic, stale personality, etc. This is the most confusing decision since the show started imo.
  12. Don’t know if she was a rangerette, she honestly doesn’t get much screen time She was also brunette when she originally auditioned and honestly the tone of her hair it terrible too. Not everyone can pull off blonde.
  13. Sideline routines are often “tags” which is just a choreo the group leader initiates to whatever song is played, quarter changes are the rehearsed choreo we see on the show. Sometimes the tags are the same, but they could be different. It’s just whatever the GL thinks fits the counts basically.
  14. Hey guys does anyone know who the point of the triangle is? They haven't mentioned it at all this season.
  15. Well Jenna definitely won't be going to Pro Bowl. Can't believe she texted Shelly about Point. Is it too early for #LaceyforProBowl ?
  16. I'm glad there's a focus on how they're photographed. There have been some awkward as hell photos in the past. Jenna texting about point? Girl bye, you're lucky you're still on the team.
  17. It's literally burried in their Twitter feed. Might take some searching
  18. Christina has the personality of a piece of tofu. Jessika should retire after this season. I don't see her making it back. STILL doing intros? Get all these or with in the beginning. Super out of place with 2 episodes left.
  19. DCC have the luxury of an air conditioned dome, practicing all day and performing in any heat would be hard to adjust to. Kashara makes cute facials but I still think she's an overrated point.
  20. LOL at making last minute changes a big deal. Love the 2-3ish minutes of straight dance they showed. This HoF guy sure loves his job.
  21. Current events, probably meant the shootings, hurricanes, and world war 3 on the horizon.
  22. I seriously want to know the thought process of taking Christina over Taryn. It makes no sense to me. Yep, honestly don’t know why we haven’t seen weight talks with her. Her solo at finals was awful too. She must be one hell of a talker or something, I don’t see the appeal.
  23. Um, which way do your arms go Jessika? Surprised they didn’t show her getting called out. No wonder she was cut then. ?
  24. Kashara only roomed with Yuko for the calendar shoot. What meme are you talking about that Jasmine posted? I doubt a girl in the Bachelor circle of nonsense “hated” being on a reality show. They both seemed genuine in complimenting the crew.
  25. I believe the last filming day was squad photo day, which was after the friends and family event so no game day scenes this season. (If I’m wrong please forgive me)
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