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Everything posted by HowdeeDo

  1. Jenna was the point at camp DCC performance. How kind of them ?. Really sucks she was in hot water this season, she’s got so much spunk.
  2. If not, I’d love to see that added. “Miss Congeniality” or something.
  3. Highly doubt they will, they’ve had vets not finish the year or go “poof” before and not addressed it.
  4. I hope so, or at least whatever’s left of it after the terrible hurricanes last year. Bimini was beautiful and I think more interesting than Mexico, plus no tacky runway bit at the resort.
  5. IMO there’s only been a few rookies who’ve came in point ready over the years, there’s plenty of time for them to grow if they decide to stay. I didn’t think Mia was all that great her rookie year and then she became one of my favorite points. Alexis and Tara visually could rock it.
  6. Of all the third years I wish Bess and Steph would stay. They seem like good leaders, bummed about robin too. I’d pick Tasha as group leader over Cersten since she’s more mature. This will definitely be an interesting year.
  7. Interested to see where they’ll fix swimsuit in during TC, (I guess during those rookie weeks?) Makes more sense now that vets are getting cut more often during auditions.
  8. Didn’t she get called out for weight? It’ll be interesting to see her and Selena audition again with the warnings they got on the show. Kashara is in their company as well but likely won’t get called out on it.
  9. Yep, still don’t see surgery, but I don’t want to turn this into a judgement on her breasts lol. I think she’s just a victim of unnecessary editing sometimes, but in her more natural instagrams her bust is the same since her AAIA days.
  10. Bess had surgery, but Kelsey having a boob job is just rumors based on a push up bra. ? I dont see her auditioning again but I wish she would! She’s gotten better.
  11. They were snowboarding in Utah during the winter holidays, pretty active after any kind of surgery. And thinking back to when Chelsea had her boobs done they were swollen after several weeks, and if we’re going by swimsuit calendar photos - that might as well be Wikipedia. Those are photoshopped to hell. Anyways, I just don’t think her boobs look fake.
  12. I don’t see boob job, maybe just a good padded push up bra. We certainly wouldn’t have seen so much of her in videos if she had surgery considering recovery time.
  13. Either way, the SM team needs an overhaul or a come to Jesus meeting.
  14. I didn’t include the more vulgar ones because it pisses me off. Of course it will happen, but that doesn’t mean they should be subjected to sleezeballs. Not filtering this stuff out is just irresponsible and tacky tbh.
  15. Rant about something I’ve ranted about before. Regardless of their purpose (sex sells and all that)or itsy bitsy bikinis and barely there uniforms, remarks like this SHOULD NOT be allowed in their comment section. Can their “social media team” do their job and regulate a little more? Jesus H Christ, K&J harp on wanting the woman to be “ambassadors” for younger girls, but are wasting their most used resource with trash like this.
  16. Yep, there may be a few “announcements” but we won’t have a definite list until calendar. I’d imagine the more senior vets would make a montage like Jenna did if they decided not to return.
  17. That’s reassuring, could have sworn she said summer, but hell that is summer in Texas, lol. Still hope to see her in some classes though.
  18. I was directing that to the talk of DCCs from half a decade ago ;)
  19. Ditto It’d make me happier if we could actually talk about current DCC in the current thread..
  20. I’d put money on Kelsey not returning next year either, though I’d hoped she would. There’s been mention on her and Brodie’s channel of them taking a big trip this summer (which would get in the way of TC) and she hasn’t been in classes at all.
  21. for those who claimed Stephanie wasn’t a strong dancer - she’s definitely come into her own. I can’t tell if she’s ahead of the beat or Kelly’s behind, but Steph is selling it and I’m buying.
  22. Gina and (shockingly) Christina look strong here, even though the choreo is meh. No clue what Miranda is doing and Lauren can do better.
  23. January/February at the latest I believe that way they have a for sure number for swimsuit in March/April.
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