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Everything posted by HowdeeDo

  1. Also Maddie, can’t see her quitting this early. Any hints as to what her decision might be? She’s staying in Texas it looks like, I’d imagine she’d move back home with being so young still if she didn’t come back.
  2. They were in different groups though if I do recall. Honestly 2GL isn’t that much to fuss over a 2 year getting it over a 3 year when you don’t have many senior vets to begin with.
  3. I like these types of articles, also “the 13th season begins filming at auditions may 2018” - pretty much confirms new season.
  4. God don’t even get me started on him. As an HR manager he is and HR nightmare.
  5. I would lean towards Simone not returning, but now that there’s no wedding who knows. If she does comeback I hope she kicks her dancing into gear. She’s got a great personality but gray elsewhere. I wasn’t Tasha’s biggest fan her rookie year, but she’s converted me this season. Regardless of dance ability, I hope she’s on the team for the next few years because she’s good leadership material and with as many young girls that try out (and make it) I think she has the ability to keep them motivated and focused.
  6. I think there’s a discussion on previous TCCs and hopefuls in the audition thread.
  7. Some don’t make announcements. She left to focus on school/travel abroad.
  8. I think I read somewhere that it’s after finals and before training camp begins, so I guess when they have that week or two tap where the TCCs pack up and everything they’ll have the vets on calendar shoot.
  9. Here here to giving the podcast to someone more inside DCC, Robin, Kelly or otherwise. I can’t handle anymore “so who’s your best friend on the team? Are you single?” Less Tinder, more journalism. Kelly was wonderful, and it’s nice to see a different dynamic of her relationship with the girls other than critique time. Her schedule may be too full to commit every week, but this was a breath of fresh air.
  10. Aye, you never did respond to the half dozen people asking you about Stephanie. (unless I missed it)
  11. Kelli hosting in place of Shannon on the next podcast. THANK YOU
  12. Jenna and Maggie are confirmed retiring. Milan left to commit more to school.
  13. I think they’ve refrained from airing girls chest size after that blip. I may be at my own table, but it’s completey unnecessary and inappropriate to question a girl’s chest on national television.
  14. Kelli and Kelsey were at the game, wonder why they didn’t partake?
  15. I thought the year they did seating arrangement was for overall score after finals.
  16. She’ll be group leader and highly likely in the triangle. I wouldn’t mind her being point after Lacey.
  17. Everyone defines best dancer differently. Who’s the most versatile? Who’s trained the most? Best at DCC style? Who’s the most consistent? We could go in circles for days on who we think is the “best” I don’t think currently there’s anyone that checks off all of those (imo, that’s what I would consider the “best dancer”) Personally Jenna, Maddie, Tara, and Alexis check off a couple.
  18. Happens more often these days. Alexandria and Milan are also gone. Kalyssa left sometime around Christmas I believe. Maybe just after?
  19. I can’t imagine it’s actually manditory, depending on schedules not everyone can make it, and maybe they’re just choosing whoever wants to or who’s interesting enough to talk to. (I say this, yet Tess has done it like three times and she has the personality of a shoe)
  20. Caila looks better with this style, not great but she definitely favors more softer choreo better. Surprised I like Miranda, the way she moves is sexy but not overly so. Veteran of the year? Don’t think anyone’s returned (and cut) after that award. Do you mean vets with barbies? Allie and little Heather were cut and they received barbies in previous years.
  21. If it is microblading, its supposed to fade after awhile. The first few weeks the ink is still on top of the skin so it looks super dark. So either that or she’s just using too dark of a pencil/shadow.
  22. They’re really well done (as weird as that is to comment on someone’s breast’s) I guess I was in denial (before it was confirmed by a source) because they looked so natural. Chelsea, take note hun.
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