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Posts posted by kimchibucatini

  1. 57 minutes ago, aghst said:

    The thing is, at the end of the previous season, I thought they showed Elena looking into a mirror and it was an older actress looking back at her.  But I'm not sure this actress playing Elena is the same one that was in the mirror image from previous season.

    It is the same actress (Alba Rohrwacher)! Alba has also been the narrator (Elena's voice) through the entire series. 

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  2. With SO much speculation following the last episode re: Greg winding up on top, I'd like to throw another vote in for Tom. There was something to him putting it ALL out there for Shiv. Also - and I wish I could take credit for this but I read it either on a thread here or Reddit - his last name is akin to Bill Wambsganns, a second baseman in MLB in the mid 1910s-1920s. "He is best remembered for making one of the most spectacular defensive plays in World Series history, an unassisted triple play."    

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  3. Agreed that Chelsea/Kwame photoshoot was bizarre. I don't see any real chemistry between them - it all seems really celebral if that makes sense. There's a lot of talk between them about how in love they are and A LOT of platitudes especially coming from Chelsea, but the vibes from Kwame are that he's following her lead (talk of kids, moving, etc.) and I'm not seeing any of this intense connection they keep talking about. I feel bad for Chelsea. 

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  4. Echoing everyone here that felt this episode was fantastic. 

    I’ll only add that in the final scene where June and Luke are in the yard with Nicole is being juxtaposed with June describing Serena to Tuello, I think we’re clearly meant to compare Serena to June - although they both embody similar characteristics for very different reasons. June used words like hate and rage and misery, and described Serena as “doing anything to feel ok” and “doing anything to get what she wants.” The camera intentionally focuses in on Luke when June says “rape.”

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  5. 40 minutes ago, marny said:

    I don’t think it would have even occurred to them for her to learn about her culture if it hadn’t come up as an issue during the trial. While they wouldn’t prevent her from learning, they also wouldn’t even compute why the fortune cookies at the birthday party was tone deaf. Which is in line with the “we don’t see color” of many well-meaning White people. 

    100% agree with this.

    Maybe it seems harsh of me to call them racist, but they are culturally insensitive and ignorant (willfully at times) of racial issues. The way I see it, they are in a position of privilege and they cherrypick when to acknowledge race/culture on their terms when it benefits them (incl. the birthday party; the many excuses Linda gives on the stand for not acknowledging May Ling's race like "they don't make Asian dolls!"). 

    I also want to acknowledge something else I haven't seen discussed: We don't really know what Mark's deal is. When I say "they" (re: McCulloughs), I realized I'm mostly talking about Linda, because thinking back, Mark's most memorable scene to me is at the birthday party when he was trying to lure Bill in another room to watch sports. 

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  6. 3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

     b) The McCullough's were evil. racist people that would be bad parents. 

    But they *are* racist. They might be "well-meaning" racists but they are still racist.

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  7. 12 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

    Jace will have a cup of sugar and cup of caffeine.  Is he going to Barb for her to deal with aftermath of that or what?

    OMG I cringed when she ordered that for him! Also, was he eating a T-bone?

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  8. 10 hours ago, KittyKat133 said:

    I know we kind to snark on C & T and that can resume after this comment. 

    Watching that scene with those still shots, I’m a total mess. I am so choked up seeing caits face in that one photo where she is hugging Carly It was just so heartbreaking and I could just feel all of that pain. 

    Having two children of my own (one who is only 3 months today!) makes me feel totally differently thAn I did when I saw their 16 and pregnant. 

    I think that visit Alone may have sent me to a rehab or mental health facility. It’s just Almost too much to process. I just feel really bad for Caitlin in many ways. She’s had such a fucked up very sad life. 

    I 100% agree with this! Those scenes were gut wrenching to me. I'm also a parent. I can't imagine having to make that choice at 16 (and I had reasonably stable/supportive parents, unlike Caitlin) and then see it play out while actually raising a child. The "what ifs" would eat me alive 

    Cait has faults like the rest of us, but I do very much feel for her. There was no universe in which she could've succeeded with the mix of toxic people surrounding her. And I don't even want to start with that hack of a social worker. 

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