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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. I'm really enjoying the Naomi/Holden dynamic and how they've transitioned from antagonists to teammates and possibly more next season. Then there's Amos' intense devotion to Naomi which is most likely platonic but could also be romantic but he's so odd in his emotional responses I can't be sure. All I know is that he would do anything for her. I thought the show is realistic in that groups that were considered outsiders become part of the mainstream and new biases evolve which has happened in our history.
  2. I absolutely love the theme from North and South
  3. I hadn't noticed the Tom/Daria similarity. Nice catch. Glad you liked the video.
  4. Unleashing Mr. Darcy didn't quite work for me. I really was looking forward to it but it was a disappointment. I didn't buy the "I love you" from either of them. All I could think was how they barely know each other. Very little interaction between them was substantive enough for me to believe they were in love. Also I felt like the hostility between them was unbalanced. She was extremely hostile from early on and maintained that too long. He softened so soon that it made her hostility make her look bad. I didn't understand why he'd be interested in someone who basically judged him harshly for being rich. That letter talking about how she doesn't care about his money was ridiculous. His money was the only thing she cared about but not in a "gold digger" way but in a "because you're rich I'm going to assume you are a bad, shallow person who's self-centered" way even though she knew nothing about him. Really it never occurred to her why his sister was living with him, and they had no parents around? He needed to be more high handed, and she needed to show she was interested in him as a person and not just a wallet for her use as a punching bad because she was mad at another rich person who was the real bad guy. The final kiss at the end looked really awkward like he didn't know what to do with his arm.,
  5. Don't click on the image. When I did my computer went haywire beeping a really loud noise. Could be a coincidence or something might be off with that image link.
  6. I wonder why there's been no promotion. I've been waiting for a trailer for over a year.
  7. Have you ever watched a movie and thought that there were certain characters that should have ended up together but didn't? Ripley and Hicks from Aliens are my ultimate should have been. I hate what Alien 3 did to them. They had to beginnings of something and should have been a family with Newt. I was so disappointed that Queen Latifah and Steve Martin didn't get together in the movie Bringing Down The House. They had more chemistry with each other than the people they ended up with. Queen Latifah in particular got a terrible love interest. He basically fetishizes her. I always thought Corny Collins and Mabel should have gotten together in the musical version of Hairspray. James Marsden and Queen Latifah had tons of chemistry despite not having a lot of scenes together.
  8. Does anyone know what is going on with the film adaptation of Cell? It was shot in 2014, and I still have no clue when it's going to be released. There's not even a trailer to promote it. Makes me wonder if the final cut was horrible.
  9. I really liked Love's Complicated because Holly's storyarch was compelling. I liked that although there was a love story the movie was more about Holly taking more control of her life and not just going along with what others wanted.
  10. I was happy they made adjustments to Arden so he wasn't a garbage human being like in the book. I didn't entirely like movie Arden but didn't hate him. Still not happy with any ending that has Audrina stay in that house.
  11. Carrie Mulligan as Sally Sparrow on Doctor Who in the episode Blink left a lasting impression. I remember people hoping she'd show up again as a new companion.
  12. I think we used to have fanart and fanfic in separate threads, but they were merged into one because the Arrow Forum was so crowded.
  13. I noticed the chemistry between Oliver/Felicity since their first scene and enjoyed Felicity independently as a character. I really liked her interactions with Walter and am sad that the friendship begun with those characters in Season 1 was abandoned. (on a side note: I'm really bitter that the Walter/Thea father/daughter dynamic which would have really added more conflict and layers to the Thea's interactions with Malcolm was thrown away. It's season 4 and I still think "Where's Walter?" because he really could've been part of storylines for Thea, Felicity, and Oliver) I'm also sad that the rapport between Felicity and Quentin was never allowed to become a closer friendship. Back to Oliver/Felicity, I was liking their interactions but resistant to shipping them because I thought Oliver/Laurel was inevitable. Then, 1x17 happened and Oliver's reaction to Helena threatening Tommy versus Helena threatening Felicity got me on board with the Olicity ship. When Tommy is threatened Oliver still tries to reason with Helena but when Felicity is threatened Oliver wanted Helena dead. Plus, his tenderness toward Felicity when he found her tied up in the office showcased the chemistry so well that I just couldn't stop myself from loving the pairing. I think season 2 showcased Oliver trying to repress whatever attraction he had to Felicity with a few moments here and there where it showed through in spite of his efforts to compartmentalize Felicity's place in his life. The Sara/Oliver lunge really annoyed me because I thought with the right writing Sara/Oliver could work, but it happened too quickly and with a really poor buildup. Plus, Oliver and Sara came off as completely insensitive to how Laurel would feel about the situation. I remember thinking that although Olicity was my main ship I wouldn't mind Oliver/Sara as endgame with the right writing, but the relationship was really handled poorly. I think that's because it was more about stalling Oliver/Felicity and putting another nail in the Oliver/Laurel romance coffin than it was about exploring Oliver and Sara's characters. It was more plot device than relationship which was disappointing because it could have been something good.
  14. I remember her. She made such a strong impression. Didn't like her at the beginning of the ep but loved her by the end.
  15. Matt Damon constantly needing to be rescued in movies was addressed in an article about the cost of saving him
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