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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. That's what I was thinking when I saw the commercial. I'm also hoping she ends up with the guy she's trying to set up with her daughter. That would be a fun twist.
  2. It's wonderful to see how the Norma/Dylan relationship has been repaired. She's genuinely pleased that Dylan is happy with Emma but at the same time it showcases one of the ways Norma's closeness with Norman was a problem. Norma was never able to be happy about Norman showing romantic interest in anyone even Emma who she really likes. Is Norman's issues with sex because of Norma's influence and how opposed she was to him growing up to have those sort of feelings or was that always going to be an issue as a byproduct of his mental illness? It's nice to see Norma/Romero so happy, and it's sad that that happiness could only have happened with Norman gone. That 3 million dollars is going to cause a world of pain to Romero/Norma. Is the ex the only one who knows about that money? At this point, he'd be better off anonymously mailing the key to his ex and washing his hands of the whole thing. Things are going so smoothly for Dylan/Emma that I'm left wondering if this is the writers way of getting them out of the way of danger or if it's just the calm before the storm. So many things could go wrong for them. There's Emma health which could still go badly, Norman's reaction to his brother dating his ex, the death of Emma's mother, and Chick wanting revenge for what Caleb did to him. It occurs to me that Caleb referring to himself as Dylan's father instead of Uncle to Chick is eventually how Romero finds out the truth about Dylan's paternity.
  3. I was reading Emma's Blog on the A&E website and she talks about how being with Norman meant everything had to be about Norman and Norma and that Norman wasn't really taking an interest in Emma. Meanwhile Dylan really gets involved in Emma's life. She never has to wonder if he's really thinking of someone else. I think Emma had this fantasy of what being with Norman would be like and found that being his girlfriend still didn't maker her a priority for him. Then, Dylan notices her, and she can see the difference between Norman and Dylan's focus on her. It's not one sided. Dylan and Emma really make the effort to be there for each other.
  4. Dylan and Emma really are the only plot line where there's any hope. I worry that Dylan's efforts to get out of the pot business or Chick wanting revenge because of Caleb are going to get Dylan killed. Then there's Norman whose reaction to Dylan/Emma could be something horrific. Also, what happens when the fate of Emma's mother gets revealed? So much could go horribly wrong for Dylan/Emma.
  5. I wanted to make a thread where people can post about fan made Walking Dead creations. So post your own or the work of others you want to recommend. I made a multifandom video that includes Rick and Michonne I have also seen some great videos by others that I wanted to share: -This video merges interviews with clips from the show (I got a pick kick out of what a big Richonne shippers Andrew Lincoln and his mom are)
  6. I love the idea of Torchwood running a temp agency to secretly recruit employees. I keep think of Ianto "Super Temp" and how that reminds me of Donna Noble who is one of my favorite Doctor Who companions ever. Ianto would have been an awesome companion on Doctor Who. This gets me thinking. Torchwood was designed with the idea of The Doctor as an enemy. What exactly did Ianto think of The Doctor when Torchwood 1 had that anti-Doctor sentiment while Jack was very much pro-Doctor?
  7. Oh, how I wish we had an episode with that backstory because Ianto's encyclopedic memory is something I could see a Torchwood operative thinking would be useful. But under what circumstances would someone at Torchwood had the chance to notice it? Did a teacher at school pick up on his potential and pass that info on to Torchwood. I could see them planting people in schools to find promising candidates. I could also see Ianto pursuing a career at Torchwood for his own reasons. He really seemed invested in it as an organization in a way I don't think the others were. Jack's recruitment style was basically to stumble upon someone in crisis who coincidentally had a useful skill. I'm betting Torchwood 1 was much more strategic and thorough in their recruitment. It would have been interesting to hear about Ianto's early days. It will always bug me that Ianto was given a background that seemed fertile for storytelling and then the writers barely did anything with it. There should have been consequences for Jack's decision to ignore Canary Wharf survivors that would have placed Ianto in a position of conflicting loyalties between Torchwood 1 and 3.
  8. On thing I would love to know is what lead Ianto to work for Torchwood 1? Did he pursue that career or was he recruited?
  9. Part of my interest in Ianto was the poorly written but well acted romance with Jack. I also really liked Ianto as an individual separate from Jack to the point where I would have liked him even if he and Jack broken up. I found him intelligent, humorous, sneaky, charming and had the ability to be ruthless. He could seem so mild mannered, but there was fire in him. The actor wasn't given a lot by the writers, but he did a ton with what he was given. The character made a strong impact on me that made me really upset when he died. I agree with @Sweet Tee that the stupidity of the writing leading up to his death and the timing of the show just killing off two other popular characters is why Ianto's death hit the audience so hard. They took a cast of five down to a cast of two within 5 episodes. Audiences were still upset over Tosh and Owen's deaths and then got hit with Ianto's. It was just too soon to lose anyone else. Edited to add: Other Torchwood deaths that bugged me were Vera and Esther in Miracle Day especially when obnoxious Rex got to live.
  10. I think that reaction is somewhat unfair. The actress who plays Lexa is now on another show (Fear the Walking Dead). So her death may have been more about the actress wanting to move on to another project and the writers needing to explain her absence. I'm curious about her role in this. Did she want to continue with both shows or did she tell The 100 team that she couldn't continue doing both? Was there a scheduling conflict that made doing both impossible? The death of the popular character Ianto Jones from Torchwood was a huge mistake. The negative fan response seemed to overwhelm and shock the show's creator. He got so defensive and dismissive of upset fans referring to us as "nine hysterical woman." Plus they killed off Ianto not long after killing two other popular characters, Owen (whose actor wanted to move on) and Tosh(who was let go for reasons I never understood) reducing to main cast to two people. One of those characters (Gwen) becoming a lighting rod for fan discontent. I don't think he realized how popular Ianto was and how resentful some viewers would be of Gwen getting to survive when he killed everyone else with a larger fan base.
  11. The thing that really bugged me about Laurel in this episode was her sense of entitlement about information that isn't her business. She should respect Wes' privacy and not demand info from Annalise. It's up to Wes to decide if he wants to confide in Laurel. The whole reason Wes' is pissed at her is because she concealed information about his history from him and then was completely indiscreet running to Annalise about what was going on with Wes. Also, it occurred to me that Frank let Laurel believe Annalise was behind the order to kill Lila because he thought she'd be more likely to keep quiet about it than if she knew it was Sam. Frank was a fool to think that Laurel wouldn't eventually confront Annalise about Lila's murder.
  12. I was planning to make an angsty Oliver and Felicity video dealing with the breakup but just couldn't get inspired to finish it. So I decided to perk myself up by making a happy multifandom video that included Oliver and Felicity.
  13. I thought Oliver's decision to send William away and not be a part of his life had implications for any desire Felicity might have to become a parent. I was surprised that, that wasn't brought up by her during the break up. He's basically sending a message that kids are off the table, and he's making that choice unilaterally without Felicity's input. The writing for this storyline has really hurt my enjoyment of the show, and my affection for Oliver as a character. The lies were so unnecessary. Just having a child was enough for organic conflict about the danger of their lives and how that could impact William that the extra contrived drama is extremely frustrating. I was amazed Felicity didn't toss the ring at Oliver at that scene where she realized just how many people including grudge having Malcolm knew about the child while she was kept ignorant.
  14. I think the file was real but it was for Micheal Carter not Margret Carter like Thompson assumed. I think Micheal got up to something that Peggy doesn't know about and that file Thompson brought forward is going to lead to some interesting consequences if we get a season 3. I noticed the file said M. Carter which could be either sibling. Margret didn't react to the file because she's ignorant of what her brother may have been involved in.
  15. This montage from D.E.B.S is so much fun. I love the song choice.
  16. I feel a mixture of dread/excitement. Is he going to recast Ripley/Hicks and have the story take place right after Aliens or is it going to take place 30 years later as if the movies post Aliens didn't exist? I can't imagine anyone else as Ripley.
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