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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. I hadn't thought of that. Would that put her at a disadvantage? I suppose the could train to use only her other hand in a fight to get prepared for using Jaime's face.
  2. If you get stuck just remember, "You are not alone and I believe in you." Here's some inspiration.
  3. I can see all the movies flaws, and yet it's so fun to watch. Everytime it's on tv I will happily watch it.
  4. Community - The cat scene is hilarious. It's so random. I love that the cat is more disturbing than the freaking zombies after them. Community - Troy crying is always funny Community- We're in a chase Community - That's racist
  5. I love when Beatrice gets to be brilliant. "How can you leave me? I don't actually live here anymore and we don't see each other that often. I'm married to another woman but how can you leave me?" Oh Fredrick you're the worst in the most hilarious way. Everything always sucks for Blanche. The Canadian anthem as prayer cracked me up.
  6. @foreverevolving I am so happy this plot bunny captivated you. I'm looking forward to what you come up with. Flashpoint vs. alternate Earth? If it's a consequence of Flashpoint we see Barry react and how his actions had a negative impact on Felicity. Flashpoint means Barry's the only one who will notice differences and the others won't know anything is off. But if it's an alernate Earth Oliver and Diggle get to react because they know a Felicity that is good and be horrified by her using her skills for evil. How would Felicity be impacted by seeing a ruthless dark version of herself romantically involved with Malcolm? Plus I could imagine a good Felicity from our Earth vs an evil alternate Earth Felicity having an epic computer battle. I think the key to Felicity going evil would be that her father stayed in her life and either took her away from Donna or Donna was killed as a consequence of Felicity's father's criminal activities.
  7. That's true. There are times when a man's purpose in a movie is to be the love interest. Alien had no romance, and it's a great movie. So although I love romance it doesn't have to be in every movie for me to like it. Aliens did have that flirtation between Ripley and Hicks that I really enjoyed. I'm still bitter about what Alien3 did to Hicks and Newt. I like to pretend it didn't happen and that Ripley, Hicks, and Newt became this badass family.
  8. One issue is that sometimes the only way to have a woman included in the film is as the love interest. There are screen writers and directors who don't know how to include a woman in a story unless she's the love interest. A woman could be part of the story in a different capacity. We have buddy movies with male leads (Bad Boys) and female leads (Ghostbusters 2016). We need more movies with a male/ female bonding platonically. Captain America Winter Solider with Steve/ Natasha is one. Connie/Joe in Three of Hearts is another example. I love that at the end of the movie Joe
  9. I would like to add Jupiter Ascending to the list. The action scenes were just monotonous. The story line required Jupiter to constantly just believe whatever someone told her 99% of the time and get rescued from Channing Tatum over and over. It was reminiscent of Flash Gordon but didn't have Flash Gordon's campy fun. It's a combination of boring and frustrating to watch. Our heroine saves humans on Earth from being farmed for alien youth serum but doesn't seem to give a second thought to the humans on other planets being farmed. Snarking on it is the best part of watching it.
  10. I am not a fan of romances where it feels tacked on like the producers are filling out a checklist. I'd rather have no romance than a contrived one. I really need the romance to come off as organic and the characters to have chemistry. Corbin's love for Leeloo in The Fifth Element ended up saving the world because it inspired her to believe that humanity is capable of more than killing. Love was essential to the plot.
  11. The Terminator - Kyle's "I came across time for you" speech. I love that line when he talks about how he carried Sarah's picture and wondered what she was thinking when it was taken because at the end of the movie you find out she was thinking of him.
  12. Damn you, Barry! I'm amused by the idea of Felicity and Malcolm as this diabolical couple in an alternate universe. Although, my favorite potential alternate earth couple is Felicity/ Tommy. Even though the characters never got to meet on screen :( I just get stuck on the idea that they could have been a good couple.
  13. The world of Star Trek is so vast and there is really a lot of room to tell so many stories about different characters. It might be interesting to tell another federation story about another starship or colony. I love the characters but the movies don't have to be limited to just their stories.
  14. I had never heard of that trope before. Really interesting. The destruction of the Enterprise was brutal and made it crystal clear how scary the villains were.
  15. I agree that there are people have this anti-romance stance as if all romance is automatically bad. There have been bad movie romances but there have also been great ones. Like you said it's the execution that matters. There was a period where there was one crappy rom-com after another and I can understand that putting some people off but with good writing and the right cast romances can be really entertaining to watch. Romance is one facet of life that's pretty common and it makes sense that it would be reflected on screen. I think it would be unrealistic to never have characters fall in love ever which is what some movie goers seem to want.Sometimes I wonder if the disdain for romance is because it's considered to be a stereo typically female interest. This issue comes up on television as well.
  16. I really loved Summer Villa. The couple had great chemistry, production values looked good, and the music was a wonderful touch. I also wish they would just let the characters kiss sooner. It's so contrived to always push it to the end. We're not going to ever get a love scene in these movies but at least let the characters kiss more than once or twice. I also liked that they were spending the summer there and so there was realistic time for them to really get to know each other so the "I love you" at the end didn't feel too rushed.
  17. I have nothing against KC. I think she got screwed over by a combination of being miscast and terrible writing. I can't imagine what it's like to be cast as the lead in a show and have your position diminished and eventually be killed off. I felt sympathy for her, but I just don't like the character Laurel.
  18. Regarding Norma I wonder if they will do a time jump. I can't wait to see how Season 5 plays out and how much of the storyline will match the movie.
  19. I really liked it. It was an improvement over Into The Darkness. There were some flaws (the villain was way to talkative about his plan, we only got Spock's pov on the break up with Uhura as if her feelings about it didn't really matter). Still I liked the variety in pairings and hope the next one continues exploring different friendships within the crew. I thought Jaylah was a wonderful addition and that she joins to crew for the next one.
  20. I hate Smackle being so disrespectful to Farkle. When they started dating Farkle knocked off chasing after Riley and Maya romantically. I didn't mind Smackle assuming Lucas was always hitting on her because it's a funny running joke to showcase how cocky she can be sometimes but don't like her trying flirting with him or Josh. This whole triangle is horribly written. It's become telling and not showing. They talk about it in circles instead of letting Lucas organically interact with both girls to showcase some sort of connection. Also, Riley is kinda arrogant about this situation. There's this undercurrent in multiple episodes where she seems to be assuming Lucas will pick her, and she's condescendingly trying to prepare Maya for it. It's really getting on my nerves. I just want this storyline over so they can stop repetitively talking about it constantly. More Zay would be awesome. Instead of bringing in a new guy for Riley to have a connection with I don't know why they don't chem test one of the girls with Zay. Yoby Forever!
  21. Is she going just going to appear in the final episode or will there be a multi-episode arch of her staying at the motel? I didn't know she acted. I love Bates Motel so much and most of the time the casting is great.
  22. It's interesting that Olenna was her House's strongest protector but that she inadvertently helped destroy her house. Tywin and Tyrion were the only Lannisters to truly appreciate the Tyrell alliance. Tywin and Tyrion have been the most pragmatic people and understood the Tyrell contribution (funds, food, and soldiers). By killing Joffery and framing Tyrion, she took out one supporter (Tyrion) and then unexpectedly it led to Tyrion eliminating Tywin their other Tyrell supporter. That left weak Tommon who wasn't strong enough to protect anyone from Cersei's machinations. Olenna actions got rid of the only buffers House Tyrell had from Cersei's viciousness. She wanted to protect Margery from Joffery, but their were consequences that made things worse. Olenna's focusing all her rage at Cersei, but Olenna played a part in weakening her house. She underestimated how much damage Cersei could do and overestimated the value in Margery being able to manipulate Tommen. What made Tommen malleable to Margery also made him vulnerable to the Sparrows. Tommen was the sort to be manipulated by almost anyone even against Tyrell/Lannister interests. Still, she couldn't have foreseen Tyrion killing Tywin but framing Tyrion was I think an error since Tyrion was a potential aid to getting around Cersei. It would have been better to try to use Tyrion than try to eliminate him. I wonder why Tyrion and Sansa were Olenna and Littlefinger's targets. Joffery was widely hated and another could have been framed. Was Olenna trying to weaken the Lannisters by getting rid of one of their best strategists and cause fighing within the family which would then make the family more vulnerable to Tyrell influence?
  23. One thing that particularly disturbed me about Dick getting away with what he did was that Veronica snarked on him but never held a grudge against him like she did the girl Dick had been intending to rape that night. Yeah, that girl was a terrible person who spit in a drink and gave it to Veronica, but she didn't know there was a date rape drug in it. Yet Veronica hated that girl way more than she seemed to hate Dick, and I never understood why Veronica never went after Dick beyond insulting him. She had disdain for him but never seemed to hate him with the intensity his actions deserved. Maybe it was just rage that that girl was sort of rewarded by fate despite her being a terrible person who spits in drinks to be nasty to people while pretending to be their friend ended up saving her from being raped. I kind of get that, but Veronica should have hated Dick way more than they showed. This is a guy who fully intended to rape someone, and when his target didn't ingest the drink he pressured his brother to rape Veronica instead. He's a monster, and the show never treats him that way. Logan remaining such close friends with him even knowing Dick's part in Veronica's rape never sat right with me either.
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