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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. Don Draper lied, disappeared when he felt like it, and cheated on every woman who loved him.
  2. Top 10 Cover Songs That Sound Completely Different Than the Original
  3. I want a sequel to Let It Snow. They kept mentioning his brother in Australia. I was hoping we'd get a new Christmas movie either about him returning home for Christmas or maybe a Christmas being celebrated in Australia. I like the idea of a destination Christmas movie for a change of pace.
  4. As a kid I didn't see how creepy the whole situation was. 16 Candles also is soured for me once I got older and realized how much the Geek took advantage of Jake Ryan's seriously drunk girlfriend. My Jake Ryan love is dimmed because he let a drunk stranger take his girlfriend who was so drunk she couldn't tell the difference between her boyfriend and the Geek take her home and didn't even call to check if she got home safely. Overboard | Robot Chicken | Adult Swim
  5. Wasn't there a scene when Kyle was studying by candlelight not because of a power outage but just cause he felt like it? I think even Fish teased him about his love of candles. I really miss Kish. Someone has vital information to share but instead of just coming out with it they say it in the most drawn out way guaranteeing they will be interrupted before they can share the information. "I need you to listen. I know who the killer is. It is...." (and now the killer has killed them before they could complete the call.)
  6. I made a multifandom video inspired by Sunday's episode of BrainDead including Barry and Iris
  7. I made a multifandom video inspired by Sunday's episode of BrainDead including Dylan and Emma
  8. I made a multifandom video inspired by Sunday's episode of BrainDead including Cole and Cassie
  9. I made a new multifandom video inspired by Sunday's episode with Gareth and Laurel.
  10. I made a new multifandom video inspired by Sunday's episode of BrainDead that includes Oliver and Felicity
  11. I was so bitter about that. In the next episode, there was no explanation for the breakup as if Zach and Lisa never dated. I was so excited for the pairing and so disappointed it was dropped so abruptly. Don't even get me started on the whole alternate universe where Jessie and Kelly didn't exist and yet still Zach and Lisa weren't allowed to date. They paired Zach with lame Tori. It was ridiculous that everyone including freaking Screech had a long term romance on that show except Lisa.
  12. Oops. Thanks for letting me know. I fixed my link. Yeah, it's true that the inclusion of Love and Basketball and Brokeback Mountain do come off as token choices. It's ridiculous. There should be more variety in the list.
  13. I'd rather see Steven Bochco reboot Cop Rock. Now might be a better time for a musical to gain an audience.
  14. Brain Dead - Laurel's brain has been invaded by alien bugs. She has to stimulate the right side of her brain to fight the bugs from taking over her mind leading to a serenade and the most awkward love scene ever.
  15. Infecting people while asleep probably works better. If they're awake there's more of a risk of a head explosion or someone resisting the take over. I don't know why they aren't sending flower deliveries to everyone and infecting them while they sleep. I wonder if there aren't enough bugs yet to take people over on a large scale. They seem to use a lot of bugs just to take over one person. I wonder if Luke is hardly ever at home because he's either working or hooking up with someone behind his wife's back and so it's difficult for the aliant's to get him at home. Getting him at the office would be tricky because Laurel could interfere. Still they seem to keep trying to get him or people close to him and so he's in danger. Laurel won't be able to protect him now that he's resistant to listening to the bug theory. He won't listen to her warnings. I am curious if Gareth will listen. He was a witness the "I think I love you" salami sex weirdness. I think Laurel, Rochelle, and Gustav will get Gareth on board with them because the team has to expand to protect people. Plus it would be depressing if every guy Laurel was interested in became infected. Gareth is connected and may know of ways to get more people on their side to work behind the scenes to fight the aliants.
  16. So Harper's Bazar came up with a list of the 50 most romantic movies of all time. All except one couple included are white. They include Lady and the Tramp but not A Patch of Blue, Jason's Lyric, The Best Man, Something New, Brown Sugar or Love Jones? edited to add: 25 Best Black Love Flims I am sure others can supply lists of great romances for other ethnic groups as well.
  17. They tried to infect Luke using his mistress but she was acting so weird that he left mistakenly assuming Laurel had made his girlfriend feel guilty about the affair. Then they switched to trying to infect Laurel probably thinking to use her to get to Luke. Now that she knows how to fight them if they get in her head that means the aliants will probably use some other method to get to Luke. I wonder if they would go after Luke's wife or would her pregnancy somehow protect her? I'm surprised they didn't try a flower delivery to his house. Maybe Laurel's dad is the next target. Laurel, Rochelle, and Gustav have to come up with a way to tell more people and get them to believe so that they can defend themselves if the aliants come after them. If people are warned than they'd be able to fight the bugs like Laurel did before they can take over the brain completely. Telling Gareth is good because he may be targeted.
  18. Parks and Recreation - Leslie uses the song "We didn't start the fire" to torture Ron.
  19. Let's Talk About BrainDead's Salami Sex Scene
  20. I love this show so much. The whole "I think I love You" scene was so weird and hilarious. This show manages to be suspenseful and funny simultaneously. Laurel's friend was scary in that scene at the club. You can save someone from the aliants but only if you intervene before part of your brain's removed. If the wrong part of the brain is stimulated that a person's head explodes. They seem to have switched from trying to infect Laurel to threats. I'm worried something bad will happen to Laurel, Rochelle, or Gustav. If they can't infect them since they now know how to fight it, would they be targeted for an "accident" to get them out of the way? Then there's Anthony in the FBI who could frame them for something. I'm glad Laurel came clean with Gareth at the end about the bugs but will he believe it? How do you kill something that still alive after dismemberment?
  21. A.I. Artificial Intelligence - the significance of Teddy (film analysis) - spoilers, I always think one of the reasons this movie seems disliked is that David is not rootable but is quite disturbing.
  22. Roseanne - Linoleum figure skating Roseanne - The milk's gone bad Roseanne - Stoned Fresh Prince - Carlton freaks out Fresh Prince - Carlton and injustice
  23. Deep Blue Sea really is a lot of fun. The Pirate Movie is a musical parody of The Pirates of Penzance. I remember hearing somewhere that at the time it came out it was one of the most expensive flops ever. I just love to watch it and sing along with the songs. I don't care that it's lame and mockable.
  24. Iris is played by Candice Patton on the tv show. So there's already a precedence for a black actress in the role.
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