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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. The trailer was released a while ago, but it wasn't promoted well. I don't think I saw a single commercial but only saw the trailer because I had been looking for it. According to Rotten Tomatoes, Cell was in theaters July 2016. It came and went in theaters without garnering any attention. It is now available on dvd. I waited so long to see an adaption and missed it when it finally came out. The 9% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, the movie's lack of promotion, and the fact it took so long for the movie to get released seem clear signs that the final product was probably severely flawed. I suppose I will catch it on cable some day, but it probably will turn out to be disappointing.
  2. I totally agree. Gabi wasn't chasing after Chad. They just mutually developed feelings. Plus, Gabi has been pretty gracious about this situation. She has been trying to stay out of whatever happens with Chad and Abigail. She's kind to Abigail even though she's clearly angry and hurt over the situation. Abigail has been pretty lucky. Chad could have had a way worse reaction. He could have thrown her out if his house, restricted her access to her child and got a lawyer to use her abandonment and lies against her to get full custody. Chad's angry but he's let Abigail stay in the house and spend as much time with Thomas as she wants. Plus, he was willing to listen to her side of things. All he asked is that she give him time because he's angry and doesn't know if he can trust her. It's ridiculous the way she's refusing to give him any space or time before pushing so much to get romantic again. I feel like she should just be relieved Chad's been generous in his response despite his anger. I suspect Gabi's the reason that Abigail won't give Chad the space he's asking for. I think she's panicking and trying to reassert her place to make sure Gabi doesn't have a strong hold on Chad's heart. I don't think Abigail would be pushing Chad so hard if she wasn't feeling jealous of what Chad and Gabi might have.
  3. I wonder if Dirty Dancing where Penny has an abortion would get made today. Although, Penny is a supporting character, her abortion is pretty essential to the movie because it impacts the main characters and pushes various events forward.
  4. The way I saw it Chad started having feelings and pining for Gabi before she started feeling the same. He's been shooting heart eyes at her for a while. It wasn't until JJ cheated that Gabi started responding. I think she was in denial about an attraction until Chad almost kissed her while comforting her over JJ heartbreak. I think the Chad/Gabi stuff happened really fast but the chemistry between them makes it work for me. I think the new actress playing Abby is an improvement. Her actions are stupid and set this whole mess in motion, but she sells how fragile and desperate Abby is. I didn't like her insinuating that Gabi would have gone for Chad even if Abby had been alive cause that's patently untrue. I appreciated Chad putting Abby straight about that. Still she was willing to acknowledge that the current mess is on her. This could be a really good triangle because no one is being cartoonishly evil to prop up anyone else. I can sympathize with all of them though I tend to sympathize mostly with Chad and Gabi. JJ isn't really a factor at this point. Once he cheated and Gabi realized she had a spark with Chad JJ's days in her heart were numbered. I really appreciated that the writers didn't have her immediately get back together with JJ just because Abby is back in Chad's life. I like that she acknowledged that the trust was gone between them. I feel like JJ acts like he's entitled to forgiveness for cheating and doesn't get he has to work and prove himself to regain lost trust.
  5. I made a Chad & Gabi video and decided to make a thread for people to share fan created videos, art, gifs, etc... they like. I'm very shocked I made this video cause I really wasn't a fan of Gabi through her stalker phase and she came off as an idiot the whole time she was with Nick. Yet I've gotten past that. The chemistry between her and Chad is pulling at me. My Valentine - Chad & Gabi
  6. Maddie won me over. She improved as the show continued.
  7. I wasn't sure if there was a problem with the audio or if she missed lines.
  8. That's a good point. She might be nervous. Maybe she just needs to warm up.
  9. This Tracy seems like a weak singer. She doesn't have that spark that Ricki and Nikki had.
  10. I'm really sick of Rebeca being the parent who screws up with the kids and being the parent the kids are angry at as adults and Jack being the great parent. On one level I get that the kids would romanticize the parent who died and be more critical for the parent who is still around. But the show seems to make a point to have Jack come off better in the flashbacks. Kevin blames Rebeca for favoring Randall, Kate blames her for mishandling her weight as a child, and Rebeca's the one who unilaterally decided to keep Randall from William. Of course the writers have Rebeca assume Kate's stomach ache is from too much cookies, and super parent Jack's the one who realizes it's more serious. In general there's a "blame the mom" mentality in our society where there's so much pressure on women to be a perfect parent. It's like there is no room for a woman to be a human being with flaws. I really wish the writers were more balanced with Jack and how their parenting is portrayed and didn't make Rebeca the bad guy all the time. I feel a lot of sympathy for her.
  11. Florence Henderson Dies at 82 Saw too late someone already posted the sad news.
  12. Olicity got me making videos again after a long hiatus but lately I haven't been feeling motivated to finish the video I've been working on. I don't enjoy angst especially when it's poorly written and so I 'm feeling uninspired.
  13. Also, Ianto was part of Torchwood 1 which viewed the Doctor as an enemy. I think Ianto would have some mixed feelings about The Doctor. I wish the show had tapped into Ianto's history at Canary Wharf more especially since it's a significant tie to Doctor Who. I don't remember Torchwood explicitly stating what pov Ianto has about the Doctor other than Ianto being concerned that Jack would leave to run after him permanently. Ianto had reasons to be weary of the Doctor that had nothing to do with Jack but that was never explored.
  14. There was so much fantastic potential squandered. Despite the flaws I still have so much fondness for the show's first two seasons.
  15. Exactly. Trevor didn't say a word about having the correct Eleanor and was going to leave with both of them until Michael took our Eleanor off the train. There has to be some rule against knowingly keeping the wrong person in the Bad Place to torture. That ending was a really good cliffhanger and presents a tough dilemma for them. Do they save the Eleanor they know and care about and let an innocent continue to be tortured or save the Eleanor that was supposed to be there and let the one they care about be tortured? And Chidi in particular is in a tough position because he fought for our Eleanor to stay and now is presented with the Soul Mate he really wanted and could lose because of saving Eleanor.
  16. That's how I view it too. The story of how Sarah adapted and trained her son for the coming war and John's evolution as a leader are the most interesting stories. The Terminator making quips is not essential. I will say Cameron on SCC was interesting and her dynamic with John really had some fascinating moments. She was his protector but could be intensely manipulative. There was that episode when John brought his girlfriend over and later Cameron goes in his room wearing something skimpy, gets into bed with him, then gives him a huge guilt trip about how he's bringing danger into his girlfriend's life, and hints at how much the future version of him trusts her. John was weary and drawn to her simultaneously. The Shirley Manson and John Henry plot was a new way to view the AI side of the story. I wish the movies had taken up that story.
  17. Analysis of After Hours. It's such a wonderful but odd film. @Silver Raven posted this great analysis of directing technique in comedies
  18. The military applications of the hosts would be interesting. They can infiltrate to be the perfect spy or assassin. They could be soldiers making it possible that no human lives get lost in war. That makes Fords updates to make the hosts more real even more risky because the hosts could become independent in the outside world and put the whole population in danger.
  19. I just had a crazy thought. What if William is the inspiration for Teddy? So Teddy is playing out a story that originally happened to William.
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