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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. I love Coffe Date. It's really unique to have a straight male explore his sexuality in film. I love the short film Dare but was extremely disappointed with the film version. Hollywood makes assumptions about what audiences will want to see and is very slow to adapt when times change. The hesitation to give openly gay actors leading roles is ridiculous in this day and age. There is an audience out there (White Collar fans, Magic Mike fans) that very much enjoys Matt Bomer but the rummer is he was passed over for Superman and 50 Shades because he was openly gay. The man is extremely talented, gorgeous, and has a fan base. Lessor known actors have been given opportunities. On the shallow side of things, female audiences can be quite enthusiastic about gay actors the same as straight characters. I remember someone telling me that US Queer as Folk audience was predominately straight women. Slash fics and art has a large female audience. So the audience is out there but Hollywood prioritizes young straight white males who they assume are homophobic and racist over all other groups. They just claim white men won't want to see minorities, women, or gay characters as justification for repeatedly going for the cliche white straight male lead instead of other options. I think Hollywood underestimates what white males will choose to see and devalues other audiences whose money should be just as valuable to studios as white males.
  2. Hidden Figures "I object." "On what grounds." "On the grounds of Brooklyn, your honor."
  3. I'd love to see the one sided fued between Steve Mcqueen and Paul Newman.
  4. A modern day parent trap has occurred. I don't remember his name but there was a famous party planner who divorced his husband while their surrogate was pregnant with their twins. Each man took custody of one twin. Edited to add: His name is David Tutera and the custody case happened in 2013
  5. Better off Dead When I get a new book, I read the last page first. That way, if I die before I finish I know how it comes out.
  6. So the game works like this. I am going to post a quote and the first person to correctly guess what movie it's from gets to post the next quote for someone to guess and so on. If a quote is posted without a correct guess for more than two days, a hint can be provided. If after another two days there's still no correct guess than the quote poster can reveal the answer and a new quote has to be posted. "Sometimes being a bitch is all a woman has."
  7. The Good Place - Janet's Murder The Good Place - Janet and Jason's Wedding
  8. "I want to go to there." (30 Rock) "I didn't fail. I was pre-successful." (The Good Place)
  9. I don't understand why Jack acts like it's so confusing and horrible that Rebecca wants to sing a few evenings a week and go on just a two week tour. He want's her to be content only being devoted to him and the kids with no thought for what she might want for herself. The children are older and as a result Rebecca is left with more time on her hands. So it makes sense that now's the time for her to revisit the dream of singing that she put aside. What exactly does Jack want Rebecca to do with her time now that the kids are needing her hands on less and less? Jack can be funny, romantic, devoted, and charming. He is also a steamroller of a person. He very much gets his way and Rebecca tends to give in to what he wants (having kids when she wasn't sure she was ready, down payment on an apartment Rebecca had warned him they may not be able to afford, taking a loan and putting the down payment on their house and then informing Rebecca after the fact, adopting Randall immediately after losing a child) . I can understand Rebecca's mixed feelings about her life as a stay at home mom when she wasn't even sure if she wanted to be a mother in the first place. Now that the kids are getting older and in a couple of years gone to college, Rebecca is trying to figure out what to do with herself, and Jack refuses to see her needs. He acts like it's a betrayal for her to want something that doesn't go along with his plan for their lives. I think it's a betrayal to Rebecca that Jack is so resistant into supporting her dream when she supported his dream of having children, living in the house he choose, and staying home with the kids. She's been living Jack's dream for a long time and now when she wants him to take a turn supporting her he can't handle it. I do think there's an element of "How dare you pursue your dreams when I gave up mine to provide financially for this family?" in Jack's anger over the situation.
  10. Jack has good qualities but there are chauvinist tendencies with him sometimes. Jack does not take Rebecca's contribution to the family as a stay at home mom seriously. He fixates on his being the provider and what sacrifices he has made while belittling what Rebecca gave up to raise their children. He spent their money in previous episodes and made unilateral decisions about where they would live. He goes overboard with jealousy and should trust Rebecca more. He doesn't seem to want to understand what singing means to Rebecca and how much she missed it. He probably works late nights for his career and has times when he can't be there leaving Rebecca with the bulk of handling the kids but resents when Rebecca works. He shouldn't begrudge Rebecca wanting to persue a career she dearly wants especially since the kids are older and don't need her to be as hands on. He doesn't seem to comprehend at all that Rebecca is a person separate from him and the kids with her own needs and dreams. He's a good partner when Rebecca follows what he wants but can't handle her wanting other things for herself. I do wonder if jealousy is a factor in Jack's resentment in Rebecca going after her dream. He gave up the chance to start his own business for the sake if the family finances and is jealous of the idea that Rebecca might achieve her dream on a subconscious level.
  11. I'm so sad about Alice. She was one of my favorites. Poor Quintin. He so desperately wanted a chance with her again but ends ups being forced to kill her. I really hope he's done defending Julia. Julia really is obnoxious. She has justified reasons for going after Reynard but her methods are completely selfish. She could have worked with the others to defeat the Beast and then as a team they all could have gone after Reynard. Julia is not a team player. She has to be in control and seems to feel self righteous about her suffering with little empathy for the suffering she causes as she pursues her goals. To her, her way is the only way and she isn't capable of listening to others even if it's helpful. What she did to Penn ripping off the bracelets is a prime example of her awfulness? She's mad at Penny so she takes away the only thing stopping him from causing harm with his hands. Does Julia stop to think that without both bracelets Penny is very likely to harm some innocent accidentally? Of course not but to Julia only her feelings matter. I should feel more sympathy over her justified rage at Reynard, but I can't because she's so self centered and careless about harming others. Julia sometimes feels guilty and wants to believe she's a good person, but she isn't. Julia wants what she wants when she wants it and oozes an attitude of entitlement that makes it extremely difficult to root for her. She never learns from her mistakes.
  12. I'm still not over Ianto's death. The wasted potential really upset me. He had connections to Dr. Who that were never explored, and I still want to know about the other Canary Wharf survivors. He would have been an awesome companion. I'm very curious what a Doctor/Ianto dynamic would have been considering Ianto's history with Torchwood 1. Here was this fascinating character with a background that could have launched interesting stories just thrown away.
  13. I really wish we could have gotten a Ianto/Tosh friendship. I think they are a good combination to watch. I love their scenes together in Exit Wounds. They really were a kickass team.
  14. Cyberwoman (flawed episode but does explain Ianto's motivations for joining Torchood 2), Fragments, From Out of the Rain, Countrycide, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (that little moment where Ianto startled John is one of my favorites. I'm firmly convince that Ianto's the only one on the team John is capable of fearing and it all goes back to that moment when he had to reassess his first assumptions about Ianto). There are some great Ianto moments in a few episodes like his "pray they survive" badass scene in Meat. There's the Jack/Ianto scene in To the Last Man.
  15. Chad interacting with children is my kryptonite. He is so wonderful with the little girl who plays Arianna. He must have made the effort to bond with her behind the scenes cause she clearly adores him.
  16. The franchise's efforts to force him into the story post Terminator 2 were mistakes. He was never the draw for me. It was always Sarah and John's journey that were compelling.
  17. This news makes me happy. James really created something wonderful and thought provoking with the first two movies. And I agree that Kyle's "I came across time for you" speech is one of the most romantic scenes on film. It was really touching how he talked about wondering what Sarah was thinking in the picture John gave him and finding out at the end she was thinking of Kyle.
  18. I'm imagining Earth 2 Felicity as a fighter. That way viewers would get to see EBR show off her physical skills for one episode while still keeping our Felicity as is.
  19. I made another Chad and Gabi video
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