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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. Lindsay Ellis is currently doing an awesome multi-part film analysis of the Transformers franchise. The most current episode focuses on The Problem of Lady Robots
  2. I think there's an element of optimism that comes from innocence vs cynicism stemming from negative experiences. The Born Sexy Yesterday can serve as an inspiration to see the world in a better light. Wonder Woman manages to fit and defy the trope simultaneously. She's been isolated and is new to being in our world. She can be naive in her belief that all people are good and that killing one man would be enough to end all suffering, but she's also very worldly and skilled. In the scene where Steve feels awkward sleeping beside her, and they have that awesome conversation about pleasure (which the actors ad libbed) she comes off as older, and he's the one who has some things to learn. Her optimism and Steve's pessimism and how they end up influencing each other is a story arch that works for both. She learns that people are more complicated than she realized and that evil can't be all blamed on one god while Steve learns to have more hope for saving the future. Her character development is about her own journey and not making Steven look like the more knowledgeable hero because she is acted and written with depth and both she and Steve can learn from each other. It's her story with Steve as support and that makes it work.
  3. Luckylyn

    The Star Wars Saga

    Movies with Mikey discusses The Force Awakens - The part about love and the force was just beautifully said.
  4. 50 Shades as a variation on Born Sexy Yesterday is an interesting idea. The whole virgin with the Alpha guy pairing is a pretty common theme in romance novels. So Born Sexy Yesterday is pretty pervasive. I was thinking that Scarlett Johansen in Her counts as well but that movie has her mature and grow beyond the romance.
  5. He makes some good points. This is a pretty prevalent trope that I had never given thought to before. I was surprised that Tarzan wasn't included in the list of male versions of the trope. I disagree with his rationale for why the trope is more commonly female. I think the reason is that Hollywood tends to cater to the straight male demographic. I do think innocence can be sexy depending on how it's protrayed. If the character is so naive that I feel that they are being taken advantage of than it's icky for me. The way the trope is handled when it's a male or female does differ. For the male, one feature is his ignorance of the world makes him a nicer guy which makes him more attractive. Meanwhile when it's the female her naivety is more sexualized. Exmachina does a great job of taking this trope and twisting it.
  6. Kill Bill "Lately your low self esteem is just good common sense."
  7. Cuts & Transitions 101 Scott Pilgrim: Make Your Transitions Count
  8. Really interesting. I also appreciated what they said about a director who knows how to use the actors body language to convey information and not just relying on dialogue. It made me think of the movie The Big Chill where there are multiple scenes where body language is used really elequently.
  9. Basically she could have died because of her mother's twisted need to keep her close. I found myself wondering if this could be considered a munchausen by proxy case. She made up a diagnosis that ended up creating health problems.
  10. I shipped Jack with Esther from Miracle Day so hard, not to the level I did with Ianto but a lot. I'm okay with Gwen being very flawed but my big complaint is that the show doesn't acknowledge her errors in the same way the others suffer for their mistakes. When Gwen screws up she gets rewarded. That is what grates more than anything else for me. She gets a long life with a husband who has no clue how much she's betrayed him, a child, Jack's admiration, still gets to have Torchwood adventures, and the others end up dead. Gwen's untouchable quality has made me resent her. She's also hypocritically self righteous. She's the sort to screw you over while chastising you how it's your fault. She does not tend to take personal responsibility for her own choices and so whines about Torchwood and Jack ruining things for her even though joining Torchwood was her choice.
  11. She really killed that delivery. Tosh's death was just devastating. And the way Owen calms for her sake and she protects him from knowing she's seriously hurt. I was okay with losing Owen but Tosh's death really got to me.
  12. Watching Still Starcrossed reminded me if a trope I like of the arranged or faked engagement/ marriage. What's the name of the AU one where Felicity blackmail's Oliver into marriage because his bratva connections will protect her from her evil step father? There's another one where Felicity and Oliver get married because their families want a business merger.
  13. I remember writing a paper in high school about how the Friar was a more sinister character than he appears because I felt he consistently made self motivated decisions. I felt he helped the marriage because he thought he'd be a hero getting the families together and that the whole Juliet faked death idea was more about wanting to cover up his part after things went bad than helping Romeo and Juliet be together. I enjoyed this. My expectations were low, and I was pleasantly surprised. I think it will be compelling soapy fun. I hate triangles and yet The Prince/ Rosalind/Benvolio has my interest, for now anyway. I also like the arranged marriage that turns to love trope.
  14. One soulmate fic I like is Darling heart, I loved you from the start
  15. I really loved this. It probably helped that I'd watched Doris Day comedies. That one scene where Rene Zellweger gives that epic monologue explaining her origins is a favorite of mine. I was really impressed she managed that whole huge convoluted explanation.
  16. I rewatched that scene and the chair by Sansa is empty. Jon is the only one sitting beside her.
  17. I'm worried about Brienne because she and Pod weren't in the last season finale, and it made me think something bad happened to delay them. I also think Arya may end up targeting Jaime to steal his face so she can get close enough to Cersei to kill her.
  18. Moulin Rouge "The phone, the phone, Where's the fucking phone?!"
  19. My Cousin Vinny "You're dealing with a rational girl; that's your problem."
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