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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. Ianto Jones - James Bond For A Day
  2. I think Deadpool is supposed to be bisexual, but I don't know if that will be reflected in any of the movies planned. He's pretty committed to Vanessa but an ex-boyfriend showing up in a movie would be fantastic. Captain Jack Harkness of Doctor Who and Torchwood is a pansexual action hero on television. I consider Captain Jack and Ianto Jones to be an iconic tv couple and both were badasses.
  3. I'd love to see it but I think casting would have to be perfect. Eve and Roarke could go so wrong with the wrong writing or actors cast.
  4. It occurs to me in this episode that Littlefinger understands Cersei and King's Landing but that he doesn't get the North as well as he thinks he does. Whenever there's a meeting of Jon and the Northern Houses, Little Finger doesn't sit with the other lords. He's always off against the wall standing apart from them. He's fixated on the idea that Sansa is the key to gaining leadership in the North but that hasn't been shown. When Littlefinger lied to the other Lords and spread the false rumor that Ramsey kidnapped Sansa from him, the Lords didn't rally around Littlefinger to rescue her. There was so much bitterness because of Ned and Robb's mistakes, and Sansa was being judged as if she willingly married Tyrion and Ramsey instead of them feeling sympathy towards her for being forced to marry the enemy. Sansa's public support of Jon prior to the Battle of the Bastards did not get them the Northern support they needed. Littlefinger was convinced that Jon was beneath his notice because Jon was a bastard and assumed the Northern lords would reject Jon. Yet Jon was named King. Littlefinger helped save the day in the Battle of the Bastards and yet the Northern Lords don't seem to notice him in a heroic light. Jon was the one who they turned to for leadership. He overestimated Sansa's value and underestimated the North's willingness to support Jon. So Littlefinger has a record of getting it wrong when it comes to the North. I suspect that if Littlefinger succeeded in getting Sansa to marry him that it wouldn't be the automatic path to being King he thinks. I suspect instead of elevating him it would bring her down. The Northern lords don't trust him, and he is not someone they would rally around to support. Anyone who married him would end up being viewed as tainted. So I think his smug belief that Jon leaving Sansa in charge means he has an advantage is going to get proven wrong. Sansa is, I hope, not going to be easy to manipulate. I hope she is able to hold the Northern Lords together and show publicly that she has value. The Northern Lords don't know she was the one who called in Littlefinger's soldiers to help win the Battle of the Bastards. Jon's departure and trust in Sansa is giving her a chance to come into her own power and get acknowledgement from the other lords.
  5. There was no way Theon was going to save Yara in that moment. Better to lose the battle today so that you can win the war tomorrow.
  6. I hate that Little Finger thinks he's won something because Jon left Sansa in charge. He really thinks he can manipulate her. I hope Sansa is up to the task of holding the North together and maintaining loyalty to Jon. I hate the idea that she would fall for any of his tricks and that she turns the tables on him. Little Finger had some nerve approaching Jon and acting like Little finger is owed a favor. What Little finger did by selling Sansa to Ramsey means he owes her. Sending his soldiers to fight in the Battle of the Bastards was something he has no right to ask a thank you for. He's clearly maneuvering to marry Sansa and I was surprised at how blatant he was with Jon. He's so certain he has Sansa and I'm looking forward to her proving him wrong. The thing about Jon that makes him difficult for the people around him to understand is that he is not personally ambitious. He honestly doesn't give a crap if he's king. He is also ruthlessly pragmatic when it comes to the battle ahead with the White Walkers. He'll take risks like meeting with Dany knowing he could lose his throne. Winning the war is his priority which is why his and Sansa's differing points of view is beneficial. He's got his eye focused on the White Walker threat and Sansa is focused on threats from Cersi and the houses that surround them. Both p.o.vs are essential. They don't agree on everything and that's not a bad thing. I think Little finger is misinterpreting the disagreements Jon and Sansa have had as weakness, but I think it's what make them a good team.
  7. I think that's a factor. Lady Mormont supported Jon when they all turned their backs on the Starks before the Battle of the Bastards. She's a reminder of their failure in loyalty. She clearly has the respect of her own people and I assume that's partially because she's the only heir left. I also think she's the sort to have taken steps to secure her position among her people. She wasn't just given power but seems willing to take it. I don't know the inner workings of Bear Island and so all we can do is speculate. I suspect that one of the reasons she's so outspoken is because she's compensating for her age. Robin is his mother's heir but is clearly Little Finger's puppet. Robin doesn't have to temperment to lead and Little Finger is so strong that he can block Robin if her ever tries to assert himself. It's possible that Lady Mormont didn't have any adults surrounding her who were capable or willing to force their will on her.
  8. That's the big issue. Jon and Sansa are fixating on two different but important enemies (White Walkers and Cersei). Their experiences have influence who each think is the more dangerous threat. From Jon is focused on uniting everyone he can to battle the White Walkers while Sansa is fixated on her and Jon's survival because Cersei is the type to ruthlessly go after them. Sansa's thinking is Stark-centric and Jon's is Kingdom-centric. In the end the White Walkers could eliminate everyone and so I view them as the larger threat. Still if Jon dies because of Cersei's machinations than that hurts the cause to win against the White Walkers because Jon is the person pushing hardest in the fight. Meanwhile there is only so much resources and so strategic decisions have to be made about who to go after and how. Both Jon and Sansa have made valid points. In the end, it's on Jon's shoulders because he was made king which means the credit for the good and the blame for the bad that could happen will fall on him.
  9. I thought Jon and Sansa both had good points. There were benefits and pitfalls to both their strategies. What Little Finger wants most is to be King. He wants Sansa but being King either directly or through a puppet is his main goal. He'd screw Sansa over to achieve it and Sansa should understand that after Little Finger sold her out to the Boltons. I worry that Sansa is too arrogant where Little Finger is concerned. She thinks she has him pegged and can have the upper hand. Little Finger was part of Ned's downfall and Joffery's murder without suffering any public blame or negative consequence. He works using ruthlessness and subterfuge and can destroy an opponent without them every realizing Little Finger orchestrated their demise. It's clear to me that Jon being elevated to King took Little Finger by surprise because he assumed that Jon being a bastard was an obstacle to that and Little Finger assumed that Sansa was his key to gaining power over the whole of the North. Now Jon has a target on his back and Little Finger is going to go after him. Sansa gets the threat Cersei poses and warns Jon, but she's strangely complacent about the threat of Little Finger. I'm of the opinion that Jon and Sansa don't owe Little Finger for the rescue in The Battle of the Bastards because Little Finger owed Sansa for the abuse she suffered after he abandoned her to Ramsey. I understand Sansa pointing out the mistakes of Ned and Rob to caution Jon. Ned died because he placed honor above safety and Robb died because he placed his personal happiness above honor. Ned was too much of a Stark and Robb not enough. There are so many ways choices can go wrong in ways that are foreseeable and ways that are surprises. Sometimes honor has value and can save you and sometimes it costs. Jon is very honorable and it has benefited him (free folk loyalty) and cost him (Night Watch mutiny). Every choice is a risk because the stakes are so high. I think after all the betrayals and suffering Sansa has experienced she values pragmatism over honor which can be good in some situations and a mistake in others. It's good for Jon and Sansa for them to debate and bring together both of their experiences. I like that Sansa is not a Yes woman, but she needs to pick her moments better. Jon gets that public division can weaken them and I'm surprised that Sansa doesn't see that especially with LIttle Finger so blatantly trying to sow discontent between Jon and Sansa. Jon sees the big picture threat and knows how to bring people together, but Sansa understands vicious political maneuvers. Together they can accomplish a great deal. I thought the point of the scene with Arya and the soldiers was to show that she still has humanity even though she has become a calculated killer. When Cersei was walking on that map and discussing all the enemies around her, it was remarkable how little self awareness she showed since she's responsible for most of those enemies. So much suffering has occurred because Cersei cheated on her husband with her brother, and choose to use birth control with her husband and conceive illegitimate heirs with her brother. Cersei treated the Tyrells as an enemy and never recognized how much value they were as allies and now the last of the Tyrells will use their resources to support Cersei's enemy. Dorne is out for her destruction because Cersei was so focused on killing Tyrion that she didn't consider the ramifications of Oberyn's death. The situation with the Starks is more complicated because Joffery and Tywin's actions played a huge part in that conflict. Still if Cersei's children had been legitimate Baratheons Ned would still be alive and the North still allies of the Lannisters. Cersei never sees the big picture to what future consequences could come from her actions. She sees only what she views as an immediate threat and uses petty and deadly means to eliminate those she hates without taking time to consider what the ramifications will be. She's all about temporary victories that ultimately lead to worse problems for her later. She never seems to learn from her errors. .Jaime isn't innocent either since he was a willing participant in an affair with Cersei even though he knew the risks.
  10. Brienne and The Hound playing brass instruments while sword fighting is now my favorite thing.
  11. Luckylyn

    The Star Wars Saga

    Rogue One vs. The Force Awakens - Passive vs. Active Protagonist
  12. Game of Thrones - How to Evoke Emotion Ex Machina — The Control of Information (good exploration of showing vs. telling and creative exposition)
  13. Night of the Living Dead " They used to be fat and juicy and now they're twisted. They had their lives stolen. Well, they taste sweet, but really they're just humiliated grapes. I can't say I am a big supporter of the raisin council."
  14. I loved Monsoon Wedding. When I think of possible female directors of color for Aladdin I think of Gurinder Chada. I really loved what she did with Bride and Prejudice and Bend It Like Beckham.
  15. I would have preferred a director like Danny Boyle or Edgar Wright to direct Aladdin.
  16. Who Framed Roger Rabbit? "Mickey's a mouse, Donald's a duck, Pluto's a dog. What's Goofy?"
  17. Anchorman The Legend of Ron Burgundy "Did you know your last name is an adverb?"
  18. I can't believe I didn't catch that. Now I have an excuse to watch that great scene again.
  19. I think the reason that Benvolio and Rosalind insist on calling each other by last names instead of first names is because they are trying to remind themselves that they are supposed to hate each other. They have formed a partnership where they trust and look out for each other but don't want to admit to themselves that a friendship is developing. Benvolio's speech at the end is his acknowledgement of his belief in her and her going with him is her showing belief in him. Going on the run with the world against them will just bring them closer and will probably force them to admit they don't hate each other. I am loving their hate to love story. When they finally start calling each other by first names it's going to be a nice moment. I'm enjoying this ship so much and hate that we may not get to see the conclusion. I'm glad there is a book which I will definitely read once the show ends. I hate ABC screwing around with the show's schedule. The low ratings won't improve with the lack of promotion, wide gaps between new episodes, and shuffling it around the prime time schedule.
  20. Captain America Civil War "Nobody messes with a darwf in a red raincoat." Hint: Comedy that involves three people investigating the murder of a singer. hint2: The director if this film is Australian and also directed another film starring Julia Roberts
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